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lasik eye surgery


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I know several people that have had it done. They loved it. It doesn't really hurt, and by the next day you have slightly blurry vision sometimes but generally you see everything great without your glasses. I have been told though that you can smell your eyes burning, so just be prepared.

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Guest WebsterUno



Originally posted by bobobi11

I have been told though that you can smell your eyes burning, so just be prepared.



*Ouch* It hurts already. Ive been

thinking about it myself. Our local

rock radio stations host had it done.

He was talking about it, and said

he can see pefectly. He recomended

it to anyone willing to go under. I want

to do it too, but not yet. No scrill. I heard

its not really that expensive though.

Under 2geez. Good luck hesh.

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My dad's been a firefighter for over 25 years and he's had to wear glasses for all of those years... he's getting the Lasik deal hooked up soon and the state's paying for it because it will directly imrove the level of protection and ability of the department.


So, that said, it's a damn fine thing. I've heard it equated to getting an ocular manicure... quick and easy. The only thing that "hurts" is the shit they put in your eyes to numb them out. But don't be a pussy.

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i want to get them done, i know a couple people who had it done and they say its great....no pain...end result, better than 20/20 vision...i plan to wait until they perfect the lasik tenique even more....ive heard horror stories of the docs inexperience fucking shit up...end up going blind and shit.....but those are rare occurances i also hear...one day ill get my eyes lasiked...maybe in five years....

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Kast, i went to the bitstreams show when it was at the Whitney. fuggin awesome mang.


the rest of yous, im so gangster im gonna go no anestesia and then run around the room and let them take pot shots at my eyes till they hit me....geaaaaaaa boyyyyeeeee:loopy:

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Guest Dusty Lipschitz
Originally posted by HESHIANDET

Kast, i went to the bitstreams show when it was at the Whitney. fuggin awesome mang.


the rest of yous, im so gangster im gonna go no anestesia and then run around the room and let them take pot shots at my eyes till they hit me....geaaaaaaa boyyyyeeeee:loopy:


fuckin a hesh

i totally got this mental picture/movie going on in my head,

you all squinty eyed, raging in a doctors office, all knockin shit over reaking havoc, screaming ... im diein

if i could only turn my thoughts into .mpegs or .mov lol...

holy shit im laughin hard

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It's works good,I suppose...this girl I knew had it done in Canada about a year and a half ago..she was super stoked..hopefully it will work good for you too..

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One of my teachers had it done on both eyes this past summer.

He said it was one of the best desicions he ever made....


Dude had it done in Portland, they had a close up of his eye (eye lid pulled tightly back by cold little metal things ) and a gloved doctor's hand reaching for his eye (it was actually quite disturbing) on the front page of a local paper.


Not to expensive at all is it, 1000 buck a pop right?

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at a tool concert they had a backdrop playing film, one of the things they played was a film of the thing lunatic was talking about, it showed the hooks being put inside the eye, the eyelid being pulled open, the eye moving around franticly, and water being poured into the eye...it was messed up, but it was cool to see in a way...

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