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12oz I need your $$donations


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Hey, So lastnight I took my son to an open call for PROSCOUTS. www.proscout.com. Its a scouting agency that finds talent and takes the talent to an event that showcases all of the TOP modeling agencies, and TV Networks including nickeoledon, disney, ELITE models, IGM, ford, anyway all the major important people in the industry right in front of you.


Well Machai was one of the few chosen out of 200+ people. They only chose about 25 people including kids and adults, for modeling and acting. The catch is.. in May in order to go to the event that has these top agencies and tv networks from LA, NY, Miami you have to pay quite a bit of money.


But anyone that has met Machai, including quite a few 12ozers knows that my son is quite the character and has a ton of charisma and is a total ham. He loves to entertian, loves to have photos taken of him, and make people laugh.



So 12oz I ask for your help. I need your donations. Im trying to get my family to help too. I would really like to take him to this event, only because I know he would love it.



So Im asking $5 from anyone who would like to donate!!









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ahahahah..this is sooooooooooo rad.. 12oz to the rescue!!!



casek.. that was the funniest shit you ever said bout the microwave..whose the wifey, bring her the bucket of chicken and her 5 kids over to texas



shamiqua from down the block.


5 kids? hell, she just spit out like 8 more during the time i took to type this sentence.


bitch has a uterus like a damn holiday inn.

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not to be the wet blanket here, but proscout is an arm of Barbizon, which is notoriously shady. They say you are one of the "few" to be selected and promise you the world, so long as you pay for all the courses they offer, and headshot packages, and everything else they want to sell you. They will get you an audience with the people they promised, but as part of a big cattle-call style audition with hundreds of others.


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not to be the wet blanket here, but proscout is an arm of Barbizon, which is notoriously shady. They say you are one of the "few" to be selected and promise you the world, so long as you pay for all the courses they offer, and headshot packages, and everything else they want to sell you. They will get you an audience with the people they promised, but as part of a big cattle-call style audition with hundreds of others.





Be careful alure make sure this thing is legit. They have these things for musicians you send your cd and a video in and they "choose the best" to come to play a show in NY Boston LA Chicago. Only catch is to get a chance to play infront of the industries top producers" face to face is to pay $1000.00. Then go do meet and greets and stuff.


I did this and there were no industry pros there wasnt anyone there except the bands and sound guys. The people who won sucked soooo bad and the only reason they were allow to move on to the next bigger show in LA was because they paid the money $10,000 to go there and do the same thing.


One girl who was horrible and she was BEAT so ugly and shitty had her grandparents fund it for her she was $35,000 deep into the thing paying to go to all these contests and have the people who ran it shop her demo's to industry pros. When I asked if she every met anyone face to face she said she only met the guy who runs it but not any of the people he shopped her demo too.


There are tons of scams like this everywhere. My band at the time one awards for best singer guitarist and best rock band and they emailed saying we were accepted and encouraged to move to the next round but were smart enough not to give them any cash unless we met with the people who ran it to discuss our terms nothing ever happened and no one contacted us again.

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if they screw you over, then you can always send out a cry for help to the destruction league.


you wont know until hindsight pretty much they are like YOU ARE SOOO CLOSE JUST DO THIS ONE MORE THING AND YOUR ARE GONNA HIT IT BIG BUT JUST PAY $1000 MORE YOU NEED IT! you just keep going and going and going and going...

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not to be the wet blanket here, but proscout is an arm of Barbizon, which is notoriously shady. They say you are one of the "few" to be selected and promise you the world, so long as you pay for all the courses they offer, and headshot packages, and everything else they want to sell you. They will get you an audience with the people they promised, but as part of a big cattle-call style audition with hundreds of others.




yeah, from my understanding you NEVER have to lay out money to an agency or a middle man.


i was in the screen actors guild as a kid and had an agent and all of that. the only thing you need to lay out money for are head shots and you do that before you get an agent. an agent or agency doesn't get paid until you book jobs and get paid.


also, don't fall for a "middle man" who will take pics and all of that and tell you they can get you in with an agent. it's bullshit, i know a few girls that did that and got jacked.


you can get decent head shots for cheaper than what they are asking if you shop around.


i'm not trying to be a downer, but i'd rather not see you throw away that kind of loot for no good reason!!

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First of all I wish you the best of luck with this..


But I have been through something like this before. When my son was about 18 months old my wife got all hooked on the Hawaiin Tropic pageant scam. We had to get sponsors (friends and family) to help get him into this.


So we get to this event and my son ends up winning second place in his age group, they gave him some BS trophy and called him the Mini-King or something like that. And that was it. No representatives from the event spoke to us, encouraged us on what to do next, etc. We were handed some shady flier about being invited to the next event in Long Beach as a "semifinalist" or whatever. The entry money went up, plus you have to pay for all your own travel and hotel stays, etc.


Worst part of all, they couldnt even pronouce our last name. Never even bothered to ask how. They even spelled it wrong on his trophy. They continued to send us letters and invitations for about 3 months until I confronted them on the whole scam, name mispellings,etc.


Never heard from them again.


Be careful. If you go to this and anything seems shady, I would bail.

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