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The graffiti-related comeup of a lifetime for the right person? Read on.


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So, I was staying at this squat in Oakland. I left a bunch of stuff there that I couldn't store anywhere. It was heartbreaking, but shit happens. Anyway, to make a long story short, I MIGHT be able to get this stuff back, and I want to find someone in the Bay Area who is responsible enough to give it a good home. I may want to keep a few items (mostly cartoon-related stuff), but for the most part it's a huge collection of graffiti ephemera.


I have to establish what is still there/available, but I guarantee that whoever makes the time to come get this stuff will NOT be disappointed.


Serious inquiries only. Basically, it's there for the taking, and I'm doing this so it doesn't end up in a landfill. I would like to make it a one-shot deal, if possible.


I'm not asking money for this, but if everything is there, it's easily worth a few thousand bucks. Having said that, if you want to give me some money for it, I won't turn it down.


Once I do an inventory of what is available, I'll post up a short list.

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I seriously thought all this stuff was gone. As it turns out, a lot of it may still be available.


I just need to find someone who collects this stuff with some space to take this and hold onto it. I'm thinking ILB or Poesia.


As I said, I need to go take a look at the situation. If it's all there, I'll be ringing some serious alarm bells for people to get the goods.


I hate to make a open-ended promise like this, but I want to see if I can make this work out in the best way possible. I plan to go there tomorrow to find out what the situation is, then I'll report back here with the details.

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Okay, I'm going to go take a look at what's there and move it to a temporary storage space in Berkeley.


There's a few canvases, a ton of books and magazines, and possibly some old/rare ink.


Harvey mentioned wanting the sketchbooks, so if he's willing to pay for the postage, I can send him those and he can keep the best and burn the rest.


There is a good chance of a sale in the making. I spoke to someone last night who made me realize that while giving this stuff away was a nice gesture, I need money right now.

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