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Crossroads in my Life (help me out!)


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bassically im at a crossroads in my life,

Im 17 and ive been suspended from my final year in school,

I cant decide if i should go back to school so i can go to college,

or if i should leave school and become a painter and decorator with my cousin,

the thing is you dont need any qualifications to become a painter or decorator,

so people think its a shit job and its badly payed,

but my cousin has made more in the last 2 years then a family member i know whos been a teacher for five years,

what do i do 12oz?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Before everyone starts yelling obscenities in here...



At least get your GED.


I waited almost 10 years after High School to get mine and I wish I would've gotten it right away.


I say stick to school if you have the funds and a cheap/free place to live.


I wasn't so lucky so I had to drop out to work and survive.


...and it's still biting me in the ass to this day.


If I told you how much I make at my part-time job due to my education, you'd fall over laughing.


I make my real money off of freelance art but that was by chance (and a longshot without education).




Get that schooling.

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Before everyone starts yelling obscenities in here....





Seriously though --stay in school fool. Like Bojangles said, at least get your GED, that way you get further education down the road. If you only have one year of high school left, man up and finish it. If you want to be a painter and decorator --go with it. I would recommend going back to school, taking some business classes, and learning shit so you can start your own business.


Education is important. So don't give up on it.

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And if i really want to go to college anyway i can just go as a mature student at 21

and that dosent require your final year at school


Yea but then you have to take all the stupid kid math and enrish courses for no credits before you can take college level classes...


Believe me I am doing it!!! I sucked in math sooo bad...

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Get the GED, at the very least.

I finished high school and went into commercial printing.

Got laid off 5 years into, having wanted to go back to school the whole time I was there.

Got another job in the same field and went back to school, it was the greatest decision I've ever made. I only have another semester and I'll have a bachelor's degree, and I can go farther in the field I've been working in or go get some office job.


Bottom line is that painting/decorating will give you one option for life, but with schooling and a degree more career options will be available to you.

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bassically im at a crossroads in my life,

Im 17 and ive been suspended from my final year in school,

I cant decide if i should go back to school so i can go to college,

or if i should leave school and become a painter and decorator with my cousin,

the thing is you dont need any qualifications to become a painter or decorator,

so people think its a shit job and its badly payed,

but my cousin has made more in the last 2 years then a family member i know whos been a teacher for five years,

what do i do 12oz?!!?!?!?!?!?!?


Have some sense, finish school you eejit. The world is CRAWLING with young fellas who though they were too smart to finish school when they could be making pocket change. The job market in Ireland is on the way down at the moment.


ps teachers are notoriously poorly paid in ireland, so its probably a bad comparison






"Generally, you will need to have completed your Leaving Certificate. However, if you are applying for a place as a mature student, you will not be asked to meet the usual entry requirements. Different courses operate different entry procedures, but, in general, the colleges will take into account your educational background, work history, community involvement and other achievements and interests. This system is known as the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL). It is useful to find out whether the college of your choice uses the APEL system before you apply.


In some cases, you may be asked to take an entrance exam"






its not a case of, "ah sure, you may as well drop out, and then get in the back door at 21 with no Leaving". Some colleges won't take you at all, some will require an exam, some will have no Mature Student places in particular courses.



If you can't man up and finish the last year of secondary school, you AREN'T going to like the reality of life as an unskilled labourer.


anyway, you are a scenester, I know this, college will be right up your street.

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ps, I have scads of friends (who you probably know...) who see themselves as "freelance graphic designers", by which they mean they buy Juxtapose and believe that working as a graphic designer means sitting around smoking dope and beating one lame catchy image to death while making no money.


The two people I know who make money in graphic design are both college educated and bust their holes on other people's projects. That's the reality.

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well i wont be an unskilled labourer ,

that is the point of an apprenticeship.

and i dought i will get into the colleges i want because i havent been putting any time into my portfolio,

id rather not go to college then to end up in a shit one.

are you working aswell as doing an apprenticeship bodice????????/

or are you in college?

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and i dought i will get into the colleges i want because i havent been putting any time into my portfolio,


First of all colleges wont take people who cant spell for shit!


Second if you dont have enough drive to make a kick ass portfolio how do you expect to have enough drive to make a life for yourself...


Third if you dont have a good portfolio how the fuck do you expect to get work as a designer...



Dude youre ships on a course for failure already and you haven't even left the dock yet.

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i'm finished an apprenticeship, plus I've an honours degree in Fine Art.


I didn't have to bust my ass on a portfolio to get in, because they take into account your Leaving Cert result as well, and I kicked ass.


Which is besides the point, if you have only one year to finish, why not finish, then worry about apprenticeships, that way you keep you options for the next decade open. Anyway, apprenticing as a painter is a poor choice. The money is in electrician.


seriously, don't narrow your options so young. I know that sounds patronising, but when I was 17, I wanted to be a Marine. Thank fuck my parents stopped me and I grew out of that....

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I figure i can do painting and decorating for 2 years,

dj on the side to get some extra cash,

and hopefully later in life become a freelance graphic designer,

i have the drive and and nearly certain i can manage it,

some of the most famous entrepenuers/designers/artists dropped out of school

For every one Richard Branson success stories there are a million failures. Sure you can go as a mature age student, but you've just put your life back four years. I just graduated at 33, I put my life back almost 20, I seriously regret it.


It sounds like you've already made your decision anyway. But I think the others are right; if you don't have the staying power to finish school, you're going to have trouble making it in the working world...., STARTING AT THE BOTTOM.


Just do it dude, the hard way is for hard men. the easy way is for the boys who can't succeed as men.

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When I was 17 I wanted to be a famous musician...YOU DONT NEED COLLEGE FOR THAT! I fucked myself (/no asexual homo... )


Instead of going to college I was on the path to get signed with my band at the time (/no ska). We had the drive recorded 2 amazing albums, built the most professional up to date studio in my state and set the tone in the area for music. I put 5 years into that project and you know what? The world is flooded with bands trying to make it most likely it wont happen. As is the design world where the more credentials you have the easier it is to make it and for people to trust your work.


At least when I was 17 I built a massive musical portfolio and can now go teach lessons record albums for people and do cover shows so people know I have the skills to pay the bills. I put in shit loads of work to get my credentials. I mean you got nothing right now.


You came in here lookign for advice wether to stay in school and basically be put on the path toward success or drop out and make life harder on yourself. We are all sitting here saying STAY IN SCHOOL and you basically made up your mind already and are taking the shit route. You obviously don't have the drive because you don't have a portfolio to back you up...

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fuck school, get into that apprenticeship(what trade?) and don't look

back...I know plenty of people that wasted years in college

only to hold down a job that has absolutley nothing to do with their degree.

get a ged in night classes while you're an apprentice.

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seriously, don't narrow your options so young. I know that sounds patronising, but when I was 17, I wanted to be a Marine. Thank fuck my parents stopped me and I grew out of that....


I wish I had grown out of it BEFORE I signed the contract...


Piffy, this entire thread is full of people who are older than you and have already been where you are, and every single one of them is telling you to stay in school. That ought to make you step back and think.


Either that, or do what one person said and sell meth. Good money to be made there.

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fuck school, get into that apprenticeship(what trade?) and don't look

back...I know plenty of people that wasted years in college

only to hold down a job that has absolutley nothing to do with their degree.

get a ged in night classes while you're an apprentice.



The only reason your friends hold down a job that has nothing to do with their degree is because they aren't interested enough in field they studied in and just got stuck there or they dont have the drive to go find a job in it.


Seriously though this proves that you can get a degree in anything and just because you have a degree more places will take you on as an employee and they will pay you more as well.

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