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Drunk and depressed


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i'm still hungover from saturday.

it makes me feel shitty.


i got kicked out of a strip club,

and wanted to fight the bouncer.


i was pissed that i spent $93 on three

drinks, and for 3 people to get in.

a black stripper pulled out my boobs.

i fell on the floor.


i slept in bed all day yesterday

and had pizza and a slurpee.....

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cnue --i'll give you some serious advice. first off, as stated already, alcohol is a depressant. if you really are depressed, and not just momentarily down, you need to figure out what is pressing that button. you need to face whatever your issues are, and try to tackle them and better yourself because of it. if this is serious depression, and you can't figure out what the problem is, than you have to make some changes in your life. physical activity is a natural way of tackling depression. go to the gym, work out, punch a weighted bag, skateboard, climb a tree, climb a fucking mountain. just keep yourself phyisically active. this can create natural endorphins to help you body and mind level out.


also, realize that you're in the middle of winter. it is common for people to go into seasonal depression during winter.


if you think you are seriously clinically depressed (IE. suicidal, can't get out of bed, body aches, delusions, etc.) than talk to someone professional. you need to find the root of your depression either way, face it, and try to better your own futue by doing that.


hope that helps.



Earl is right.


One of the problems with 'male depression' is that men don't deal with it as openly as women do. Men arent supposed to be emotional. But if your family has a history of Depression, Manic or Bipolar, and you feel depressed for no reason, you need to address the problem. Drinking makes this problem worse, on many levels.


Excercise. Bicycles are great, get outside. Martial arts are great, you get to hit people. (dont take Aikido, though) Keep yourself busy with your art, or hobby.


Find someone with a lick of common sense to talk to. You probably wont get much good advice from internet forums.(get drunk and listen to Rage!?) Shrinks can be expensive, and use perscription anti-depressives as a last resort. Sometimes you are chemically imbalanced, sometimes your life just sucks. If it's the latter, change it.


Get of the internet and do something productive. Now.

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i'm feeling a lot better today. the sun is shining and the alcohol

has left the body.

i seriously think i'm losing my ability to drink as heavily.

hangovers are lasting two days,

and they're not as much hangover symptoms

as much as they are anxiety attacks and dizziness...


i'm getting older. my alochol consumption will be lessening.

i think i'll switch smoking house plants.

switch it up a little.

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