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Rapper MOS DEF rips Bill Maher

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Old news. Bill Maher's been dumb for a while. Take him with agrain of salt Kiddies.


Alife, Hundreds, AND my ceramic nixon watch. Mos's obviously credible.... or from the suburbs. hah just kidding mos is smart and on point (minus the ums and uhs).


That episode aired a while ago.

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For someone stating to be from the projects... I thought Mos Def spoke rather intelligently. Sure, he wasn't eloquent but I think he spoke well.


His beliefs are just that, his. And if you listen to what he's saying you can understand where he gets his beliefs. He tells you... the barbershop. You looking for the latest conspiracy theory, go to your local barbershop. Not a white man's barbershop... they're watching reruns of Dallas.

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Mos Def would've came off a lot better if he didn't use a curse every other word. He's muslim and a lyricist and I think he should posses a better vocabulary especially on national tv.

Overall he made good points, but he fails to address the fact that there IS muslims who are terrorists and he kind of glazes over that. Actually, he doesn't even believe that there are muslim terrorists, I think that's a little naive. If there's Christian terrorists, like he pointed out and child molester terrorists etc. then it's logical that there would be muslim terrorists as well. Not that those terrorists are following Islam or the quran, but anyone who's studied Islam's history knows that there have always, even at the earliest times of Islam been people who claimed to be muslims, prayed with the muslims, but they sought to destroy Islam from within. That's what I believe the heads of these terrorists are, Hippocrates who really hate Islam, but front like they're muslims to harm it.

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he should posses a better vocabulary especially on national tv.



Hippocrates who really hate Islam, but front like they're muslims to harm it.





haha, i'm just playing...


his points would be "eloquently" spoken were they a street corner, or yeah, a barbershop conversation. national televesion--esp. alongside a princeton professor--is not the podium to speak as he does, i think he would give himself, "conscious hip hop," the conspiracy theories he supports, and (fuck it, i'll say it) the portion of the black community (and the white kids that love BET) that would blindly support this dude as a voice of hip hop IF he spoke with tact.


he's speaking to a crowd of (primarily) educated white folk--not to children or his friends at the barbershop.

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yeah, that's called 'keeping it real' and it's the reason shit always stays really stganant.

mos def OWNS A BOOKSTORE for christsakes. he makes some very good points, but then just clowns himself by using a 'barbershop' as his backing. really?! if a country musician came on there and said 'well, back at the barn, we believe....' no one would take them seriously. rappers love to think that because their schtict works in the street, that its universal, when it's anything but. just because something makes sense in your microcosm of a universe, does not mean its universally true.


ive always been up in the air about bin ladens involvement in 9.11, but at this point, it's completely irrelivent. who attacked us does not matter nearly as much as how we've reacted to it, and what that response has done to the state of country. focus on the problems you can fix, not the ones that are irrelivent. blah blah blah.


seeks/i like muslims

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i saw that clip awhile ago and i thought the whole debate was a bunch of bs. none of these people have been to iraq, they just hear or read stuff and think they got it all figured out. so what im saying is it would be like some white suburban kid trying to explain what its like to live in the ghetto. and we know how stupid these people are. so why are people who have never been to iraq trying to explain this middle east 9/11 conspiracy?

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its all a marketing ploy.

i think mos def uses his slang on purpose, to reach who you guys are calling out. whether its the white kids watching BET or the dudes that are "keeping it real".


and bill maher is doing that on purpose as well.

there are plenty of people out there who can give fuck all about politics, but put a role model out on tv who knows/cares about politics, it will draw those kind of crowds in. and who knows, it may turn the ignorant fans of the artists into someone who starts caring about politics.


put the educated professor in there as well, to level out the slang and now you got both your parents and the kids watching the show.

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i like his music, but his role in the interview was basically just that of an obnoxious character.


the part that annoyed me was "people don't vote because its inconvenient"

sorry. thats ridiculous. if the us government has to drive to your door and hand you a ballot in order to get your vote (excepting the elderly who cannot leave their home) then you are probably aren't an American who appreciates your rights in the first place. having rights gives you a responsibility to exercise that right--that doesn't mean everybody ought to own a gun because its our right--but atleast be educated and aware of the situation. if you "float through life like lumps of crap" then fuck you in the first place. if it takes you an hour, fuck it, 2 hours to get your ballot cast--what did you miss? an episode of lost? the first half of a game? prioritize your life...


sorry to make it all crossfire...


and how did he rip him? he just disagreed





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its all a marketing ploy.

i think mos def uses his slang on purpose, to reach who you guys are calling out. whether its the white kids watching BET or the dudes that are "keeping it real".


and bill maher is doing that on purpose as well.

there are plenty of people out there who can give fuck all about politics, but put a role model out on tv who knows/cares about politics, it will draw those kind of crowds in. and who knows, it may turn the ignorant fans of the artists into someone who starts caring about politics.


put the educated professor in there as well, to level out the slang and now you got both your parents and the kids watching the show.



Exactly; Maher wants to keep a bit of a "hip" element to his show. That's why he has rappers and actors and athletes on his show. He doesn't want it to be like some debate show on C-SPAN.

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the part that annoyed me was "people don't vote because its inconvenient"



I kinda agree with this statement by Mos Def, because in fact it is more inconvenient to vote in the US than it is in various other democracies.


A higher percentage of the population in democratic countries in Europe vote, than people who vote in the US. The main reason is because of convenience -- in the U.S. one must have to go through a purely voluntary registration process, whereas in most democratic European countries, the government is more active and aggressive in getting their citizens registered.

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That plus when you move there are mad rules about voting in the county you are registered. Not being able to vote at your current voting station. Shit gets complicated. I remember trying to vote once and i registered somewhere i forgot and they wouldnt let me vote, and i was too lazy hot to figure it out or missed the deadline. long time ago.

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The problem with Mos Def was his having to think of words to use, instead of speaking the way he normally speaks. Mos def would stammer while he spoke, trying to think of big words to use in his conversation (to make himself appear 'articulate'), while trying to avoid slang. Bill Maher would occasionaly use terms like "it's all good" regardless of context, to make himself appear hip.

It's like trying to speak spanish to a Latin person. You might think you're smart for knowing some spanish, but to a Mexican, you sound like an idiot. Regardless of what you're trying to say.

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mos def is full of shit. this whole 'yo, im from the projects, i kick it at the barbershop, blah blah'. shut he fuck up dude. you owned a book store for fucks sake, if you cant speak intelligently, you're a fucking moron. you been all over the world and acted in some fairly major motion pictures, you are not straight out the gutter, stop fronting. anyone who presents themself as intelligent, or tries to offer insight on world politics sure as fuck better be able to talk in a rational educated manner. the idea that 'proper english' is some ploy by whitey to keep brothers down should be considered black treason, and be punishable by fucking death.


also, spreading voting over several days would NEVER work, and is so laughable that i cant believe he'd even mention it. voting is already heavily affected by exit polls, imagine what it would do to things if there were 3 days of exit polls being broadcast? a week worth of voting is fine in africa, where people have to walk for 3 days to reach the polls, but not in america. if you cant get to a voting location, get an absentee ballot. if you cant do that, you're too fucking stupid and shouldnt be trusted to pick our future leader.

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