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Rapper MOS DEF rips Bill Maher

Poesia [ ] T

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I remember when that one was new, with Mos talking about the whole 9/11 hoax theory.


Maher deeply believes that this theory is bullshit, and he gets extra offended about it. Anyone seen the episode shortly after where he boots that guy out of the studio for yelling about it?

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I think its funny how hip hop activists like most def can sit on TV and talk poilitics. I dont agree what alot of what he said, but i dont agree with maher's rebuttals either.


I can barely even understand what the fuck he says half the time. But shit is just funny like political comedy.

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i would hardly say he 'ripped' bill mahr.

the ONLY thing they disagreed on was bin ladens involvement in 9.11. everything else they were pretty much the same on. well, except for when mos def claimed we lied bout going to the moon, and oj was innocent.

i like cornel west.

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T;6060520']I think its funny how hip hop activists like most def can sit on TV and talk poilitics. I dont agree what alot of what he said, but i dont agree with maher's rebuttals either.


I can barely even understand what the fuck he says half the time. But shit is just funny like political comedy.


Well that's the nature of Maher's show. He often has "artists" as guests -- rock musicians, actors, R&B singers, and rappers on his show, but he balances it out with guests that are professors, political scientists, doctors, military brass, etc. He's not gonna have Soulja Boy or Dem Franchize Boyz on there, but he'll have someone like Common, or Kanye or Ice Cube... someone a little conscious on the issues.


And like Seeking said, there was no "ripping" going on. He didn't make Maher shut up, or prove him "wrong". They just disagreed.

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"thats where you lose me"....yeah, pretty much. they are making some really great points but god....this fucking "9/11 was an inside job" stuff really has to stop. its so amazingly stupid and unproductive, especially when you take into account the real problems that are at our doorstep. if youre really concerned about the world we live in how about focus on the evident problems, not something that requires wild, highly improbable, theory.



uh oh...i can hear casek coming after me already.

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i like his music, but his role in the interview was basically just that of an obnoxious character.


the part that annoyed me was "people don't vote because its inconvenient"

sorry. thats ridiculous. if the us government has to drive to your door and hand you a ballot in order to get your vote (excepting the elderly who cannot leave their home) then you are probably aren't an American who appreciates your rights in the first place. having rights gives you a responsibility to exercise that right--that doesn't mean everybody ought to own a gun because its our right--but atleast be educated and aware of the situation. if you "float through life like lumps of crap" then fuck you in the first place. if it takes you an hour, fuck it, 2 hours to get your ballot cast--what did you miss? an episode of lost? the first half of a game? prioritize your life...


sorry to make it all crossfire...


and how did he rip him? he just disagreed

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I wouldnt say he ripped maher either. That was the title of the article when i found the video. So i just cut and pasted it.




But what i find funny is that when someone like a rapper talks politics some of us pay attention more like there more of an authority figure than someone like Cornel West. Most def made points but we can all make points its the ability to actually back them up with a good argument that distinguishes an authority on the subject.


But thats why i like Mahers show he has both people to compliment the talk.


And who cares if there is actual content on channel zero and not crossfire. This i think can walk the line between both.

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But what i find funny is that when someone like a rapper talks politics some of us pay attention more like there more of an authority figure than someone like Cornel West.


thats because those people, like the artists, usually speak from an emotiona, uninformed position. when i see artists on that show, i fucking cringe because i know they're going to say some ignorant shit and look stupid.


mos def was funny, and he made some good points, but no more so than anyone else that watches the daily show once in a while.

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