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shit is no joke i seen kids fathers i used to play sports with getting fucked up with younger kids i seen hot girls sleep with grimey dope dealers just for a fix.... this kid i went to school with was a nasty baseball player used to play games all strung out.... got a signing bonus with a pro baseball team and still couldnt get away from the shit... to make a long story short he only got a quarter of his signing bonus and is just a washup now...... Homeboy was featured in sports illustrated too but not for being good at baseball

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Guest shai_hulud
Now that is scary stuff. 80 times more potenent than Morphine. Drug deserves it own topic...




Shit is NO JOKE. I bought two of them off of a crackhead for $20. I slapped one on my inner arm and duct taped it on, and went for a walk. I guess I did a fill in on my walk, because a) I woke up with paint on my hands and b) I saw it about a block from my old house...and it was hilarious. It started out like this, the
















to creeeeep





the wall.


I then heard from a friend that you're not supposed to drink while you're on Fentanyl, because one of the side effects is that you can....die.


OOPS. Well, I didn't die, but I definitely didn't drink the next time I slapped it on.

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That shit is raw man, I had the lollipop ones..1200 MG I think it was.

This was when I first tried Percs and shit. I was fucking laying in my bed staring at the ceiling for a good 8 hours, nodding in and out of consciousness while my WHOLE body was going over in waves of orgasmic feelings.

I don't know if I was almost dying or what but it was fucking nuts. The whole shit lasted about 18 hours.

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cheeba cheeba allll day on my block. i have a methadone clinic across the street from my house.

i've lost(well not died, but they're gone on dope) a few friends.

i can't believe some of the zombies i see in my neighborhood that have been shooting dope for years, living on the street, etc.

whats sometimes sad is when i see people who look really fresh, new to the street, drug scene. like their faces aren't all weathered yet, their clothes still maintain somewhat cleanliness to them. like this one guy i've been seeing around. he looks like he came fresh from the phish/grateful dead/tour scene, ended up just taking drug use too far and ended up on the street shooting dope and smoking crack.

the TL is a rowdy, surreal place.

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fentanyl was being sold in chicago as "strong dope" for a while and was killing so many people. at least 20-30 people died during this one short period that the gangbangers were selling it. some of the junkies knew it could kill yet they still had to try it because of the stories about how good the high was. a sheriffs son died and they started a huge crackdown on it.

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i had been doing the stuff pretty hard for about 6 months before my 18th birthday.


on the actual day of my 18th birthday i had been shooting up with my girl and doing a few bumps of coke to keep my ass awake.


well, turns out i had a seizure of some sort right in front of my parents.


definately learned a lesson that day.

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I got a friend who hammers up full blown junky these days but it's not that big around here a lot of people I know are into meth which is just fucking stupid in my opinion I see em rock it and a couple of days later there all fucking delirious screaming about how there going to die and shit and then are feeling like trash for the rest of the week until the next weekend rolls around dumbfucks on a dumb drug but hey what can ya do I just steer clear of that stuff shit is NASTY.

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Nothing wrong with the occasional handfull of beans. And it makes work so much fun.Oc's are bad news though. A friends doc was giving him 60 40's a month for the past year. Then the doc left so he's out cold turkey. Calling me and everyone else i know in a panic. The smack is what he'll be doing next. He already mentioned how h was cheaper than what he was spending on oc's..

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Heroin is a good buz, at first. but then you develop a habbit

then its all down hill from there

you can have a blast with crack for about 10 seconds

the only advice I have is, stay the fuck away from it

don't ever ever ever ever try it

nothing at all good comes out of it

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I found the intial want of crack to be much greater than Heroin but after that initial want there is nothing. I found after taking heroin I didnt want it immediately but then the next day I did etc!

I wouldn't advise getting involved in drugs but if you do just stick with weed!!

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I got the Fentanyl in the TL, actually.


Golden Gate and Leavenworth...HOLLLA.


your blowin up my spot!!!!



CALL ME FUCKED UP, but ive always wanted to be that grimey dope dealer, that gets the pretty little white girls to fuck me for their fix. that shit is maadddd fucked up, but maddd fun for the dope dealer.




requiem for a dream


layer cake



cute white girls with griimey black drug dealers. im on it.

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anyone ever done LSA? hawaiin rose seeds or some shit?



i bought a package of this shit online legally a couple years back. followed some preparation method and mixed them with some juice.



that shit FUCKED us up, we were al stuck on the couch for hours with big ass grins on our faces. shit felt like i was in hawaii and i could smell the pineapples and breeze on my face. that shit was really crazy, one of my boys ended up yacking his brains out, and i felt real sore and tired the whole day, but the peak of the high was similar to heroin. it was like a weak shroom trip with a amazing peak extascy like feeling, followed by a reallly drawn out come down.

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