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Hello, Scientology. We are Anonymous.

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I just realized somthing.


The only reason these people got out of their computer chairs was because some people on fuckin 4chan told them CoS was bad. I mean, if these people had said anything else all these nerds would have gotten all up in arms over that instead of CoS. But I guess they could never done anything at all these nerds wouldnt have anything to do.

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I just realized somthing.


The only reason these people got out of their computer chairs was because some people on fuckin 4chan told them CoS was bad. I mean, if these people had said anything else all these nerds would have gotten all up in arms over that instead of CoS. But I guess they could never done anything at all these nerds wouldnt have anything to do.


your realization is unfounded and also completely false.


anon isn't a group of teenagers. it's not a group of anything. it doesn't come from 4chan, it doesn't come from ebaums. it comes from nowhere.


just because you connect it with 4chan or any of the other chans only means that you are uninformed. anon has been around for some time. it's doctors, lawyers, various professionals in the industry, highschool students, grandparents, college students, professors...


you name it, they are represented.


and no one is following anyones direction. the corruption and murderous lies of scientology was brought to the attention of anon. anon decided to turn its various skills towards a goal that is good. the goal is to wipe out scientology.




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Ladies and gentlemen of the public and the press,


Today, working in concert with concerned citizens from all over the world, Anonymous has staged a large number of simultaneous public demonstrations at Church of Scientology centers around the globe. Now that we have made evident the sincerity of our intentions and the strength of our dedication, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify our objectives to the press and to the public. There have been a number of myths and misconceptions surrounding the nature of our means and intentions. Among these is the idea that our declaration of war is to be interpreted as a threat of physical harm against individuals affiliated with the Church of Scientology.


Allegations that Anonymous wishes to physically harm any human being as a part of our campaign against the cult of Scientology are patently untrue. As stated in one of our productions, the intention of Anonymous is to 'systematically dismantle the Church of Scientology in its present form'. Our struggle is directed against the toxic ideals and behavior of the corrupt, violent, and abusive leadership of the Church of Scientology, not against the lives of those who have become entangled with it. Know this: though we oppose all that they stand for, even the highest officers of this cult will not be harmed physically by Anonymous. Our battle is one of ideas. As we speak, it is being fought and won in the hearts and minds of the worlds honest citizenry and their leaders. The ideological nature of our struggle brings us to another common misconception regarding the objectives of Anonymous in this campaign.


Although many of us are put off by L. Ron Hubbard's religious doctrine, we do not oppose the right of individuals to follow beliefs of their choice. As set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion". Anonymous, as a whole, honors the spirit of this declaration. We fight against the atrocities - not the beliefs - of the brainwashing cult known as the Church of Scientology. The acts of defamation, intimidation and murder perpetrated by this criminal organization galvanize our resolve to fight against it. Our righteous indignation is directed against the hypocrisy of this institution, not against the faith of its members. As an illustrative example of our stance, we would like to draw your attention toward a group of individuals who practice L. Ron Hubbard's teachings, but have disaffiliated themselves from the Church of Scientology. They are known as the Freezone. Anonymous bears no animosity toward an organization such as this one.


Many of you may wonder how Anonymous plans on launching into the task of dissolving the Church of Scientology. As a fundamentalist, totalitarian organization that seeks control of information and manipulation through fear, the Church of Scientology possesses inherent flaws. Anonymous is studying these flaws, and has made them the basis of a long-term strategy.


Our first major objective is the revocation of this cult's tax-exempt status wherever it has managed to obtain one. Indeed, the privileges awarded to the Church of Scientology under US law are significantly more generous than those enjoyed by major religions. As set out by the appellants in Sklar v. Commissioner, training offered through the Church of Scientology is tax deductible, while that obtained through legitimate religious institutions is not. The status of the Church of Scientology as a tax exempt religion is an affront to honest religious organizations. However, its special status with the US IRS which places it above and beyond other religions is not merely an affront, but a slap in the face.


Other objectives set out by Anonymous at the present time include - but are not limited to - exposing the criminal practices of the Church to public scrutiny, neutralization of its fraudulently obtained assets and corresponding operations, the liberation of members coerced and blackmailed to work for the Church in illegitimate ways, declaration of the Church and its shell corporations as prohibited criminal organizations and the criminal prosecution of the persons responsible for particularly heinous acts performed in the name of this Church.


Throughout our struggle, we maintain the following thesis: that the Church of Scientology was founded for purposes incompatible with a society holding dear a respect for human rights and the rule of law. These nefarious purposes can only be achieved through criminal enterprise, and remain objectives of the Church to this day. We further maintain that this criminal enterprise is operated by its leaders knowingly and willingly, and that the true extent and tone of the Church's activity is outrageous and sickening. These statements are not contrived, but based on conclusions derived from extensive study of Church history. Our sources include its own documents, the testimonies of its victims, the words of those who have escaped it and educational materials that the Church would keep secret for fear of exposure. We therefore consider the Church of Scientology a despicable criminal organization which, through the indoctrination of its members, predation upon those in need, the dissemination of lies regarding its nature, by way of sadistic retaliatory practices against its critics and through its cynical abuse of civil liberties has forfeit any right it had to exist.


On several occasions, figures within the media have casually dismissed Anonymous as nothing more than a gaggle of restless youth. We remain entirely undeterred by their remarks. Virtually all age groups, creeds and professions are represented within our ranks. Many who are not affiliated with Anonymous have expressed support for our campaign. Their words serve to further underscore the broad demographic base of our initiative. If you remain doubtful of our strength and resolve, we invite you to observe them for yourselves.


Actions speak louder than words. In the name of those who have been silenced by the criminal organization that is the Church of Scientology, Anonymous will be heard. Our cause is just. We shall prevail.


We are Anonymous.

We have Awoken.

We stand as One.




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Guest shai_hulud

I ended up working today, so I missed out...but, it looks like the Australian raids were pretty successful.


And, I'm not a /b/tard, I just know what a scam looks like. If it was a little more subtle and a lot less ruthless, I'd probably just say, "Fools and their money are soon parted." But, to censor and supress information that is supposed to be for the betterment and advancement of mankind for profit...well, I can do something about it, so I do.


Spitfire- don't be a fool. This is a worthy cause, and the people involved really believe they're doing the right thing. As I think I asked you before, what do you do to make the world a better place?


Jigaboos- You're a fucking tool. There. I can call you names. I can get on your level. Yeah. Feels great down here.

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Guest shai_hulud

There are three orders of Scientologists.

The third order is the believer. They are the followers, the quiet believers, the ones on whom the Church relies on for its income. While they are indeed foolish or susceptible to trickery, they are not to be hated. They are to be pitied, and to be saved. Our mission is to free them from the shackles of their blindness. They are but the lambs gone astray; in the promises of Scientology, they have sought a new and improved life. They are being lured over the dark precipice, and we must rescue them from that brink before they cross it and fall into darkness forever.

The second order is the zealot. They are the spokespeople, the loud, abrasive megaphones through which the siren song of this cult blares. This is both the celebrity figureheads of the group, and its middle-lower management. They are to be fought, but with measured restraint. While active agents of this monstrous mockery of faith, they too are believers at heart. They must be defeated, but shown the light as well. For most in this category, there is hope, and we must not forsake them; there is still a chance they may see truth through unclouded eyes once more.

The first order is the overseer. They are the masterminds, the silent power structure through which their second order acts. These are the madmen on ocean yacht, the proud financiers of mercenary legal teams, and the shrewd conspirators whose pockets are lined with the spoils of the Church’s lies. While the zealots shall be the ones we face upon the battlefield, they are but pawns of this highest division of vile swine. We must defeat their front ranks of brainwashed pawns, but when at least reach these foes; we must cut them down without mercy.

It is to the first order I address the second part of this short treatise.


You are scum. You are the lowest of the low. Whether or not you believe an inkling of the impossible nonsense you trot out to masquerade as a religion, you are still guilty of the willing and knowing destruction of countless lives. You are charlatans of the highest order, and must be stopped in the name of reason, justice, honesty, and every other basic human virtue. You have committed innumerable treacheries against your fellow man; in the following text, I shall list the themes of your deplorable actions. Some shall seem similar, and many shall overlap, but each is an independent crime I directly and openly levy against you.

One. You charge exorbitant sums of money for what you claim is enlightenment. All texts and practices associated with gaining a greater understanding of your belief system require ludicrous sums of cash. Your entire Church’s structure is designed to ensnare those who invest in attempting to progress in the faith you promise them, and continue to drain them of money. Your greed is clearly evidenced in the carrot-and-stick methodology of cementing the faith of your constituency. The further ones gets, the more one has been coerced into spending, and will go on spending so as not to lose face. What you claim is a hierarchy of faith is but a thinly veiled pyramid scheme to those who are not clouded in judgment by your lies.

Two. You attempt to dominate the lives of your followers at all costs. You denounce accepted medicine, psychology, and common sense as basic tenets of your Church. While you claim openness to other faiths, your dogma not only is starkly in contrast to that of other common faiths, but directly denounces them as fabrications meant only to distract and deter people from your twisted version of “the truth”. Mainstream religions act as a support system for its followers, not a guiding life force. While guidelines for living life are set forth and you may be judged for your actions, people are free to live life as they pleased. They are not egged on to rise in meaning “levels” of faith for a false sense of satisfaction for going so deep into your sick maze.

Three. You prey incessantly on your every opponent and have openly declared your desire for their total destruction. A true faith would attempt simply to attract followers; what you have chosen is an onslaught on so-called “heretics” reserved for, in mainstream religions, militant radicals and past atrocities. The ferocity of your hatred for non-believers, or even your conscientious and peaceful dissenters, finds parallel only in gun-toting fundamentalists and the Spanish Inquisition. Where commonly accepted religions just shun their detractors, you openly attempt to silence them. The upkeep of your illusions requires the constant limiting of free speech, which is counter to the aims of a rational and progressive world. There are both livelihood and lives undone by your work, and you must be punished for your errant destruction.

Four. You refuse to disclose the direct beliefs of your Church. Be it motivated by either greed or shame, you intentionally repress what you claim are the keys to happiness. There are numerous divisions and departments in your organization devoted to handling funds, acting more like the part of a corporation than a part of a religious institution. This fact alone is enough illustrates your inherent depravity. Any person who is truly aiming for the advancement of mankind would never dare demand a fee, as you do. Even those who you connive into throwing their money and their lives away in your name are not privy to much of your core information.

Five. You preach and exert a level of hubris that is repulsive to any person who truly knows your ways. You promise your faithful the power to become like gods, and to gain unachievable degrees of control over their lives. On the backs of your deceived masses, you craft your iron-clad walls and slowly lose sight of the sun of reality; you begin to acclimate to the darkness of your own mania. You flaunt the laws of countries across the globe, strong-arming your way through court systems with your ill-gotten gains, trying to infiltrate the world of the rational day by day. And your head figure, the corpse of a science fiction huckster, which you have made to dance like some macabre puppet, has become the ultimate idol for the ultimate coven of idolaters.

Six. You tried to hide your guilt on all these pre-existing counts behind a mantle of faith. Your spineless self-defense knows no bounds of decency or morality; you seek every refuge you can, like a bubonic rat desperate not to drown in the brig of a transatlantic ship. The use of faith as a catch-all, combined with your calculated skulking in the world’s system of laws, has led you to assume your total protection from the judgment of the common man. As such, you have grown more diabolical with every passing minute, ever devolving into a more base caricature of the world as it is. But you are wrong, and the voice of the public can still make even your fortifications crumble.

This is it. These are the final days of your sham. The people you have enslaved shall be freed, your attack dogs shall be silenced, and your entire establishment shall be unraveled. You cannot prevent this; you cannot deter this. Money or luxuries will not sway us. We are not motivated by a personal or secondary goal. Our aim is your destruction, in the name of the good of all people on this earth. Our assault has only begun, and shall not cease until your Church is no more. Our efforts will ebb and flow, but our persistence will be as reliable as the tides.

Your time is up.

Welcome to your end.

We are Anonymouse.

We are Legion.

Expect us.


That these defendants now attempt to hide behind the sacred principles of freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right to privacy -- which principles they repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to violate with impunity -- adds insult to the injuries which they have inflicted on every element of society." -Sentencing Memorandum of United States v. Mary Sue Hubbard

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