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As the vaj turns... today in 12oz...


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For those that may have missed it, the original title was the Kleenex's are in the mail, because apparently Gliko is so in love with someone that he cries.


I mean, this has lame written all over it. Falling in love over the internet, spending all your hard earned dollars, actually not so hard earned (I heard you have soft woman hands)... and then getting owned. I probably wouldn't say shit if I got owned too.




Actually you didn't say shit when it was you getting pwned.

You were nowhere to be found.

I almost felt bad for you.

I pictured you throwing your computer moniter through the window in a fit of rage after seeing her turned out on Gliks futon with her hair all messed up and a "Just got dickboned" flushed look on her face.

I pictured you repeatedly smashing your head into a brick wall.

Then crying while trying to cut your wrists in the bathtub, but failing cause you were to pussy to put any muscle into it.


But now here you are jumping for joy at the return of your violated woman.

And rubbing it in Gliks face.

Even though he's probably the ONLY one who didn't even mention your name when everyone including and ESPECIALLY your girl was diahrea spraying all over you.



But leave it to a junkie to have no prob with his girl getting dicked down by another dude.:biglaugh:

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for the truly bored...a blast from 2005. my favorite is when dhabz calls va a 'fat snatch whore'. see dhabz, we totally agree on something!




Originally Posted by Dirty_habiT (View Original Post)



Wednesday... little brother breaks his foot at work with me... almost loses 3 toes. I felt like it was my fault because I got him the job. Wednesday night, my now ex girlfriend decides that she's going out to some party for a dead guy she knew from high school... and she's going with this girl that's about 5'4" that loves to eat xanax, smoke weed all the time, and take the black cock. Naturally I don't like this girl because she's a bad influence. Oh and my ex tells me I can't go. A little fishy yes? So then Thursday rolls around, my ex and I had plans to go out to some bars.... well I try to call her at work from my work, she's "busy, she has to go..." so I don't hear from her again for the rest of the day... despite her claims of trying to page me and call my house. That's kinda funny because the only time I don't receive a page is when she say's she tried to page me. And my caller ID didn't say she called. I don't understand why she insists on lying like that and saying she paged and called. So I didn't call her either, because I figured she was playing head games some more. She ended up going out with this other slut on Thursday night... this girl, her name is Kristal... which I don't even know if this is a real person or if it's just a name to cover up what my ex was really doing, I'm not sure. So anyway, last week, or week before last my ex was pissing me off, and I call her house and that Kristal girl answers and says "Stop calling, she's MY bitch now..." and kristal continues on to say that she makes more money in one night than I make in a week. Which is great I guess if you have no respect for yourself. My ex later tells me that she didn't like that girl at her house and she'd probably never see her again.... well until Thursday. So yesterday I call her right when I wake up. She says, "I'm not your girlfriend." So I said, "alright." and went up to her work to give her some money I owed her. So she acts an ass at her job too and tells me to leave. The other thing that's great is she didn't know I was coming up there. When I walked in the door of her work, she get's this really guilty scared look on her face because she's on the phone with someone. And she see's me and immediately says "I have to call you back" and just hangs the phone up. She's giving me this look like I busted her sucking someone else's dick. I still owe her about $130 which I plan to pay her even though she did me pretty dirty this past couple days. I need some new friends that know some respectable girls. My ex used to be a drug addict/thief you know the whole staying gone for days stealing shit to get high type of thing. Well, I thought she changed her ways last time she went to jail. She hasn't stolen anything that I know of. But I'm now suspecting that she may have done drugs again since she's being really shade tree about everything involving "us"... and she's hanging out with that stripper girl and that other bitch she knows from high school. Either that or she's trying to find another guy to be with, or she may already have... which would make her a cheater.



Originally Posted by Dirty_habiT (View Original Post)



Now the bitch has the nerve to call my brother at his job looking for a hookup on some green. What a fucking moron. Never trust someone who is bipolar. She tried to tell my brother that she just lied to me about being with someone else so we could break up. It's too late to cover it up after you already said it BITCH.





Originally Posted by VAJ (View Original Post)



let me start by saying that me and dumbass ******* broke up on June 1 2005. Not the other day. He couldnt get over me and well what can i say...... I dropped his ass because he is an immature little bitch and he cant understand when people dont want him around. he then decided that he would bother me everyday despite the fact that i flat out told him daily how much i DO NOT care about him.


1. thats right you werent invited get over it. you are no fun to be around and nobody i know other your family likes to hang out with you. and by the way, **** isnt exactly mr fun either so that isnt saying much and the rest of your fam ily cant stand to look at you. maybe thats because you are a pathetic 23 year old living in your white trash family of 9 people.


2. this dumbass knows damn good and well that i paged him numerous times thursday. we had plans he bailed. he later told me that HE was out being a whore. anyway whatever its completely irrelevent now. im sure that all this bullshit is his own guilt and crybaby ways eating him up inside.


3. he says he didnt call me that night, thats right because him and another lowlife queer were out with "respectable" girls. i doubt it.


4. Kristal yes she is a stripper, no she is not a loser like dumbass. the day she told jon that i was "her bitch" was the day that he called my house 48 times in 10 minutes. no joke for real. he is a damned PSYCHO! the sad part is that after that he continued to pursue me. I did say i didnt like that kristal was a stripper but she does know how to have fun. and considering i am only 20 i like to have fun. too bad he has absolutely no idea what fun is.


5. the look i appartently gave him was a look of disgust because he is such a pathetic human being. why wuold you go to your ex girlfriends work 10 minutes after she tells you how much she wants you to stay the fuck away.


6. i never did you dirty. you stupid mother fucker. I did everything i could to keep our relationship together. i never loan people money especially not for a piece of shit talon that hasnt ran since he bought it. being his girlfriend at the time i felt it would be wrong not to give him the money. its been 4 months since i loaned him the measely $300 and i still have not seen all of it nor does the car run. PATHETIC AS HELL! correct me if im wrong but dont most 23 year olds have working vehicles, houses of their own and jobs? what a fucking loser.


7. you can say i was a thief/ drug addict all you want but the truth is that i met him in the shittiest part of dallas where he was basically a GAY METH PROSTITUTE. I AM THE ONE WHO HELPED HIM GET OUT OF THAT LIFESTYLE. I AM THE ONE WHO TOLD HIM HE NEEDED TO GO TO PROBATION SO HE DIDNT GO TO PRISON. I AM THE ONE WHO BROUGHT HIM FROM THE GUTTER. AND I AM THE ONE IS TIRED OF HIS STUPID SHIT AND IS MOVING ON TO BIGGER (HAHA) AND BETTER THINGS. which truthfully isnt very hard. he is such a drag.


8. no you stupid fuck i wasnt on drugs i was trying to get you the fuck out of my life. there was no us. there hasnt been in a long time. GOD DAMN!


And all of you that even listen to his shit are dumber than i already thought. grow the fuck up.





Originally Posted by VAJ (View Original Post)



the drama was originated from your dear queer dhabz. i could care less about all this bullshit and this web site. but i forgot to mention my favorite part. i love how he has constantly told me how stupid i am. ok lets see. i graduated in the top 10% of my class of 755 people. he never graduated. i am a sophomore at uta. he sits at home and plays video games. I am solely in charge of a business. yes it is a small one but i run it, he cant keep a job longer than a month. I am a part of special intelligence in the US army, he sits at home and plays video games. Despite my felony charge, i can still get any job in the army because i am ranked a military genius, he sits at home and plays video games. did i mention he is 3 years older than me? Get your priorities straight asshole and try to think before you speak.


heres another great point to the ignorance of *****. The past week he has sent over 100 text messages to my phone telling me how much he hates me. When i tried to call him to tell him that a mature adult would use words, he had his mommy call me a slut and hang up on me. seriously, grow the fuck up. We havent even communicated, this is all the shit he has sat around and made up or heard from others while sucking on his mothers tata and crying. grow up, move on, become an adult and then you can try another attempt at being respected. oh and by the by im pretty sure your felony for graffitti is just as bad, if not worse than my theft charge. on top of that, mine will be removed in a few years, not to mention nobody cares because i am an important piece of government property.


i know some of you out there actually PHYSICALLY know ***. the ones i know are actually respectable, intelligent human beings. maybe you guys can show him how to be a man instead of a whiny little brat. ***- i wish you the best. I hope somebody will have a heart and care about you, at least as a charity case if not anything else.





Originally Posted by Dirty_habiT (View Original Post)



Yo check this hoe out. She just gets to doin drugs and gets to movin her mouth so fast. I can't believe some of the lies that comes out of her mouth though. They used to call her




all the time. I tried to pretend like she was going to stop stealing from people and stop doing dope, but once a crack head always a crack head. Now she's going to come on here trying to talk about my life for revenge? Ol' bitch paged me last night at like 330am probably because she was on dope and pissed off and tired. I'm like sleeping thinking, GOD what the fuck, why doesn't she like go to bed doesn't she have school or some shit? What a terrible snobby person she is, and I seriously doubt she's a military genious... they were like, dumb bitch you got this busted tattoo behind yoru ear, maybe if it looked good it'd be ok..;. but you do dumb shit when you're drunk so we don't want you in the army, but go ahead and tell people you're a military genious. I'm out, this bitch is fucking nuts.














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Fuck, I always miss the good threads




So much pure gold in here



I started to quote people, but man, there were too many





Dhabz, you got fuckin clowned.. I don't really know you, but thanks for the laugh

As others said, your "girl" flew across the fuckin country, got dicked down, aired out, and you fuckin take her back.. HAHA



Glik$, way to keep things on a respectable level. You have the perfect opportunity to to rip on dude and female, but you don't. Class is a good characteristic /no homo. And I guess having Seeking, MERO, and DAO among others to son dude doesn't hurt either.

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Damn, 14 pages, ya'll niggas need to get a life.


Co-signed. i think this thread needs to be closed and disappear. i think everything that needs to be said, has been said, and now the thread has just gotten ridiculous. also, i doubt anyone involved (well maybe not dhabs) really wants to see this shit go on like this.

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she'll probably give him more "ammo" for him to run on here and clown himself with. Or she'll get drunk and spiteful and post from lala land.


i just think its amazing that dude ran on here to make me look bad and ended up making himself look a fool and her look horrible, yet she climbed right back into his boney arms.


regardless ill never post one nude of her, one negative word about her or any of that. like i said i love her probably always will regardless. I will also never fire one negative word at dude or give up any of the real foul shit she told me about him or his family/said about or their relationship.


peace out cub scouts!

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i went through this really bad break up with an ex ladyfriend. it put me in a world of hurt, which was quite obvious. so my father comes up to me and says: "look, you can't let this one chick ruin you. you need to look at the world in a whole other light now. there's a ton of real estate out there, waiting for you to make a bid on it." when he said real estate, he made a hand gesture that represented a vagina.


i'm so glad nobody has said "glik$, there's so many other fish in the sea." i prefer my father's way of saying that.

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I gotta say this, though.


Dhabz has some serious brass balls to come on here and say what he said, AND to stick up for VAJ.


You guys can clown him all you want, but that's what I call loyalty.


We could all learn a thing or two from that.


thats the thing dog. he did not stick up for her whatsoever.

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man, just the other day i said to myself,


"self youre practically 30, youve been coming to 12oz since like 2000. at what point will there be no reason to come back? "


but after waking up to this 15 page beauty, looks like ill be here for another 8 years. holler.

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