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crazy shit i cant find....


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those aerosol cans that melt chain link fences.....just spray that shit in a circle and the fence melts away.....is that shit strickly military?? is there some crazy chinese website i can buy this shit at?!?!



theres alot of stuff i can get at a phone call away, Ps, Ks, Boats, Throwaways, but i cannot find any of this shit....i know them chinese folks got that crazy illegal military shit. dudes just got busted in san jose for selling night vision goggles at a coulple thousand a pop!




but back on topic....where can i find that aerosol shit? whats it chemical name? is there another way to create shit that will burn through chain links, so i dont gotta sit there for 20 seconds cuttin that bitch?? you can also spray it in niggas faces and burn they mugs off!!:lol:

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You know I don't think it might have been such a good idea to mention this stuff in here... But there are plenty of acids that are easily available that you could use to melt through chain link fences.... I have never seen acid in a can that you use to melt through fences though... I would try military surplus sites on the net... They usually have all kinds of really cool stuff...

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"I've got a jar of acid that will eat through ANYTHING."

"What's the jar made of?"








And close.....but just in case....




































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Oh yeah, they have some at my local terrorist shop.


Word word.



Me and my friend went in there one day to rack some AKs. We step into the store and like..everything stops. We think we're blown and shit but we don't care. We grab an AK off the shelf and walk to the back aisle by the cleaver knives. My boy takes off his belt and shoves the gun down his pants. We start heading towards the door.



We walk past the dude at the register giving us shifty eyes and out the door.















We start heading across the street, and then like....four motherfuckers charge out the door on some Jihad shit. I took off running, but the dude I was with had that AK down his pants so he couldn't bend one leg. I circled around the block and grabbed a flick.








































Here he is again...









I ain't fucking with that store ever, and I advise you guys to do the same.

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alright first of all anything that can melt away a metal fence A) cant be held in a METAL can B)cant be legal to the public c) is probably impossible to find

second of all if that shit can melt fences why would you wanna be anywhere near it? imagine what it can do to flesh

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