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The Shooting Range


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So, today I went to the shooting range for the first time. First time I have ever shot a gun in my

life. I must say, it was pretty much how I imagined it would be, minus the recoil of the guns. I

actually anticipated more of a kick that the gun actually delivered. Overall, it was quite a fun

experience. I first shot a .40 Beretta then a .40 cal Glock 22. And now I want one of my own haha







Charlton Heston eat your heart out /n.h.

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i love shooting guns... i own a few, luckily not in my easy reach.

my uncle used to be a marine and an cop so he has all types of crazy guns.

something about holding a stainless steel .45 knowing it can put a hole in someone the size of my first is just crazy

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.22 magnum, fits in the palm of you hand and when shot, its got a fucking kick (cause its so small) used for close range.




.45 beretta. real nice, real loud.




ar-15 assault rifle. fucking amazing.



they're all a friend of mines. i know nothing about guns, but once you shoot them you could get a little drunk on power.

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dude, so we were in there shooting today and this guy and his son comes in w/ a bag of ear plugs. the father comes up to everybody in the range and says "hey, you might want to double up on ear protection, we're gonna be shooting .45 and .50 cals." when those things went off, i swear i was next to a fucking canon. the exhaust heat and vibrations were so intense haha...

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yeah.. the first time i went, i was pretty stoked. but the recoil felt like that of a bb gun. we were shooting .22 rifles.


i thought it would make me feel a lot more badass afterwards, but it didn't really.




air rifles actually do have more recoil than .22s

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I've shot an AR-15, AK-47, Glock 9mm, some type of revolver then not to mention all the shotguns, hunting rifles, and .22's. I shot this like plastic .22 rifle with a banana clip once, which was a blast.


In the spring I'll be shooting my uncles M-16's, AK's and this russian sniper rifle... same type used in Enemy at the Gates. I love guns.

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When I shot my first guns I must have been around 8 or 9.


My Pops used to have a fucking ARSENAL in his bedroom closet.


He even bought me a gun for my 11th birthday... and my Mom spazzed the fuck out and yelled at him and made him promise he'd take it back.


Instead he just kept it at his crib and would take me out to the middle of nowhere to let me shoot at cans and shit.


My Pops is the man. And guns are awesome.


Every sane American should own one. Cause if every sane American was armed, there'd be alot less instances of knuckle heads running around pulling guns on people. Cause they don't know if you're packing or not so they'd be ALOT less likeley to take a chance on getting shot.


And the cops would be ALOT more humble.


Real talk.

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fuckers will go to shooting ranges rent a gun and then kill themselves


^^^ RE: IOU ^^^


true stories.

California requires ranges to allow only members to shoot there or if a customer wants to rent a gun, then they have to be with someone else. No lone rental gun shooters. This has been determined to be the psychological pattern.

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iou you ever go to that shooting range downtown. near artist district/little tokyo


Not yet. Never been to a range, but my boy who lives down there goes a lot. He keeps wanting to take me, but our schedules don't allow for it.


He's got a nice collection which I won't mention here, but he does have a Desert Eagle.

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