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Obama and Huckabee win Iowa caucuses

Poop Man Bob

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all the comparative statistics are in above post where the aforementioned statistics came from.


our mortality rates are higher than canada. and since you're a dumbfuck, that means "we live longer"


so yeah, our health care system provides better service.



would you rather get good health care, or second rate? guess you wouldn't want to wait, so second rate for you.


hope when you move to canada, you don't get cancer.


We don't live longer, that's wrong.

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random hero targets like me? haha. it'd be nice if i were a target. that way the intel community would be wasting mad funds on a guy who doesn't do much illegal shit. nothing more than you do. music, movies, etc. from what my sources in intel say, they don't give a shit about that. and i have high ranking sources. BOOOM!






BOOM part 2 starring chuck norris and val kilmer

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You know what Casek? I can't even be bothered taking your arguements seriously enough to argue with you anymore.

It's almost funny how completely warped your sense of politics is these days.

I used to agree with you on alot of shit, but lately you're just completely off the deep end with shit.


I don't hate you.

You're still aight in my book overall.

I just can't take any political conversation with you seriously anymore.


But for real though... if you're supposed to be taking some kind of medication, you might wanna think about following that advice.



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and you'd love it even more when your government appointed doctor tells you that you must take a vaccine for the flu that is filled with mercury and god knows what else...


or your daughter needs to take the HPV vaccine that is filled with 48 strains of HPV....so, if she has already had HPV, her chances for getting uteran cancer increase 60 fold after the vaccine...


yeah boy



Im going to need some stats on this one.. sorry..

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random hero targets like me? haha. it'd be nice if i were a target. that way the intel community would be wasting mad funds on a guy who doesn't do much illegal shit. nothing more than you do. music, movies, etc. from what my sources in intel say, they don't give a shit about that. and i have high ranking sources. BOOOM!






BOOM part 2 starring chuck norris and val kilmer


actually i was saying that the targets are paranoid like you.


and dont post shit


paranoid man :lol: :lol:


like i said...facebook maybe a good place to dig for sources...but it would still take man power and other means to make it seem creditable


like i said...people on the internet are good for nothing.

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You know what Casek? I can't even be bothered taking your arguements seriously enough to argue with you anymore.

It's almost funny how completely warped your sense of politics is these days.

I used to agree with you on alot of shit, but lately you're just completely off the deep end with shit.


I don't hate you.

You're still aight in my book overall.

I just can't take any political conversation with you seriously anymore.


But for real though... if you're supposed to be taking some kind of medication, you might wanna think about following that advice.




i stopped taking you seriously long ago. the only reason i reply is because i have a sick side that enjoys making you look more foolish than you are.


from the statement that jefferson would be for universal health care, i gathered that you were as smart as a dog turd.


then i stopped caring what you say and equivocate you to the shit i clean out from under my toilet rim.


i think it's funny you can't back up shit, and here i am backing up everything i say.


that's the difference between people like you and i.


i can show you this shit and you just talk alot of shit.



have fun in your little fairy land where magical obama dances around a fairy fire made frokm the blood of your ancestors all the while you can hold up your universal health care id card and pretend that your iphone means you have a real place in society. maybe vice president clinton will send you a christmas card telling you how much she cares as she increases your taxes so "poor folks like you" can finally get some much needed health care....and it's "free!" she says so.


have fun watching your friends get shipped off to iraq, iran, syria. all the while, you're precious leaders will be promising to "bring them home after they make sure the bad terrorists who live in caves are gone"



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Guest shai_hulud



I saw. I had to do some other shit, but I am actually going to get to that after I get something to eat. The power is out one block over, so the taqueria is closed and I have to go for a little hike.


I have some good points, don't you worry.


Just you wait.


You'll see.

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Guest shai_hulud
I'll go point to point.



1. I disagree. Dig this term, derived from enlightened despotism that I thought of recently "enlightened corporatism." Unfortunately I think we all need to accept that corps are here to stay and probably not all too much different then they exist now. So what do we do? We convince the companies that it is better for their bottom line if they take some sort of progressive moral stance and start acting more in our favor. And doing things that are actually good for society rather than concerning themselves with the cold accumulation of asset.


This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I read a really good article on facebook a couple weeks ago. It was about the new security issues of their Beacon program. I will save the details, but suffice to say the interesting thing was the comparison the author made between Facebook and Google. Now I know a lot of people on here have reservations about Google let alone their privacy policy. But, I think they are a corporation that just gets the very point I was talking about in the last paragraph. The author was talking about how Facebook very quietly and sneakily does many changes to its interface that they don't let users know about. Think of this as a sort of metaphor for our contemporary paradigm (yes I used that word, I know it is chan 0 but get some academia in you) of government and corporate relations. Facebook is not good. It uses its special stance in relation to a consumer only to increase the value of the site before they sell it. Google on the other hand represents a new possibility. An infrastructure of access and information based on the general concept that their existence as a corporation is more dependent upon their progressive integration into the social structure. Brilliant.


Why don't we have government money trying to provide every household in this country internet access? We claim to care about the dissemination of information and knowledge, but as we have been discussing about school's and our country's general decline in intellectualism, something is amiss. We gotta do somethin.


And if our government can't do it for us, I will look to someone else to. In this case, a benevolent corporation that seems to want for me just as much as I want a service from them (Google).


It is like entering into a social contract with a corporation rather than a government.


2. Yup, Agreed. However it is foolish to think we could do without taxation.


3. To some degree agreed.


As before, so again.


1. It seems like we're making more progress with this than a lot of people have in the past century or so.


Your idea of "enlightened capitalism" and social contracts between business and consumers works for me. The problem is, the government and corporations are locked into a symbiotic/parasitic relationship that leaves most people out in the cold.


Think about it. Corporate welfare in the form of tax shelters and breaks, such as when corporations that are clearly based in the US incorporate in places like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. How does that benefit the tax base in the US? It doesn't...but the political parties in the US seem to get tons of donations from the people that save the most money in taxes...hmmm.


I would like to see something like this happening in the next ten to twenty years, but as I said before...it's going to take a really big shift in the American psyche to where they would even THINK to demand more accountability and compassion from corporations, and conversely more oversight and less backscratching from the government with regards to corporations.


2. Taxes are a necessity, but I want a more fair tax structure that favors wealth and business less and is more transparent with regards to where the tax money is going.


3. I don't think anyone would disagree with this, except for a few CEOs.


I'd also like to see the inheritance tax come back, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. That was one of the few logical and fair federal taxes that existed.


Your turn. Sorry, I'm really distracted right now and I think I could have framed #1 a little better. If you want to take it apart and point out the flaws, then be my guest.

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i know its been said in this thread probably about a hundred times but goddammit Ron Paul.. I gave you 20bucks and you manage to pull off a lousy 10%. fuck this country.



don't worry, 10%is pretty good for him to pull. iowa doesn't count that much anyway. wait until NH.

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have fun in your little fairy land where magical obama dances around a fairy fire made frokm the blood of your ancestors all the while you can hold up your universal health care id card and pretend that your iphone means you have a real place in society. maybe vice president clinton will send you a christmas card telling you how much she cares as she increases your taxes so "poor folks like you" can finally get some much needed health care....and it's "free!" she says so.


have fun watching your friends get shipped off to iraq, iran, syria. all the while, you're precious leaders will be promising to "bring them home after they make sure the bad terrorists who live in caves are gone"





Aight then, and you have fun in your dillusional fairytale world where magical Ron Paul the so called "libertarian republican lmao" abolishes personal freedoms in the name of "freedom" like every other REPUBLICAN. Cancels funding for any kind of scientific medical research. Attempts to get rid of the federal tax, which congress would never allow because it would lead to our country's immediate financial collapse. Continues the system of insurance companies owning and opperating our nations healthcare system to their personal corporate advantage while scores of americans die each year because they either don't have insurance or their insurance company (that they pay an arm and a leg to have) won't give them a dime. And/or send them to their personal quack doctors who are paid to save the insurance company money at any cost.

Hopefully YOU get cancer in that deranged brain of yours. Then you can die a proud republican when you don't have the money to get it treated.


And I'll sit back and watch my freinds NOT get shipped off to Iraq and Iran because president Obama was against the war from day one. He's also against America playing Empire world police. That's your precious REPUBLICAN party that's on the war-mongering tip (but yeah, trust another republican. lmao)

But I'm sure he WILL redirect some of our troops to the mountains in Pakistan to FINALLY go in and get Osama Bin Laden. Which I'm cool with. Cause, beleive it or not Casek, he did have some kind of roll in 911.

Oh... and I'll put my free healthcare to use whenever needed. Maybe I'll even get these damned cavities fixed. :smiles:

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As before, so again.


1. It seems like we're making more progress with this than a lot of people have in the past century or so.


Your idea of "enlightened capitalism" and social contracts between business and consumers works for me. The problem is, the government and corporations are locked into a symbiotic/parasitic relationship that leaves most people out in the cold.


Think about it. Corporate welfare in the form of tax shelters and breaks, such as when corporations that are clearly based in the US incorporate in places like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. How does that benefit the tax base in the US? It doesn't...but the political parties in the US seem to get tons of donations from the people that save the most money in taxes...hmmm.


I would like to see something like this happening in the next ten to twenty years, but as I said before...it's going to take a really big shift in the American psyche to where they would even THINK to demand more accountability and compassion from corporations, and conversely more oversight and less backscratching from the government with regards to corporations.


2. Taxes are a necessity, but I want a more fair tax structure that favors wealth and business less and is more transparent with regards to where the tax money is going.


3. I don't think anyone would disagree with this, except for a few CEOs.


I'd also like to see the inheritance tax come back, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. That was one of the few logical and fair federal taxes that existed.


Your turn. Sorry, I'm really distracted right now and I think I could have framed #1 a little better. If you want to take it apart and point out the flaws, then be my guest.


I am gonna leave 2 and 3 out, cus I think we agree there.



1. A friend at school once said "in fifty years we will be pledgin allegiance to sony, not to a country." I think this is what I am getting at. I am more for the open integration of corporation into governmental structure. Fuck the subversive parasitic relationship. Bring that shit in the open. If our economic/corporate structure is gonna be infused with the policy/government that affects it, then lets make it all the more apparent.


Now, I think this will be a long slow process that people don't really see happening.


I think most of it will happen in relation to the internet.


Sorta like Demolition Man.


I will come back later and write some more on this.

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