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Arena is getting sued b/c they are dicks


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22-year-old Gregory Barnard was having a pretty sweet night with his bros at the Times Square nightclub Arena (pictured) one night over the summer. Fresh out of NYU, the kid spent the evening enjoying a reasonably priced $350 dollar bottle of vodka, watching the club’s far-out video projections, and allegedly getting a beatdown from bouncers for not buying enough booze!

According to Barnard, it all started when the time came to settle the tab and his server seriously harshed the vibe with news of Arena’s 3 bottle minimum, which left her no choice but to charge him an extra $700 bucks for two unordered bottles. When Barnard refused, a series of events unfolded that truly capture the essence of the New York nightclub experience:

After running Barnard’s credit card several times, the waitress claimed it was denied. A bouncer threw him to the floor and held him down while two other bouncers punched and kicked him, he said. They then picked Barnard up and walked him two blocks to an ATM for more money, but the bank had frozen his card because the waitress had already charged $1,400 on it, swiping the card at least nine times, he said.

So the bouncers dragged him back to the club and held him until the police arrived to arrest him for “theft of services” – a charge which was later dropped. Oh, what a night. Now Barnard is suing Arena for $2 million dollars; he filed suit last week in Manhattan Supreme Court. Forbes has said that New York City has some of the most expensive bottle service in the country. And what’s your worst nightclub bouncer experience – maybe we can get a class action going!

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Guest shai_hulud

That just sounds like plain old extortion.


I'm surprised that the club doesn't get shot up every few months or so.


Fuck that shit. Unless they had something in writing, that guy is finna get PAID.

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They really fucked up by running the card like crazy.


They can lie about everything else which they will.


What security tapes? The ATM video could be helpful.


But when you work in a place with TWO 20' x 10' video


screens you don't have to be nice to anyone.


Ha ha.


Best beatdown of his life.

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Guest shai_hulud

It's not about the bouncers, AyeBee. This club was being crooked, and they royally fucked up when they ran up $1400 on the dude's card. Getting rolled up is just icing on the cake.


What was that all about? Did they think they should charge him for the beatdown?

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It's not about the bouncers, AyeBee. This club was being crooked, and they royally fucked up when they ran up $1400 on the dude's card. Getting rolled up is just icing on the cake.


What was that all about? Did they think they should charge him for the beatdown?


glik isn't a bouncer, so "no" to your last question.

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The other guys already said it while I was typings.


Channel Zero has not been very bouncer friendly as of late haha


This is more of an elitist nightclub getting theirs for acting like criminals.


The bouncers are just bit players doing their thing. We also have the


crafty waitress swiping away charging the man for his "workout".


Of course there was management getting in there to "talk" to the police


and get the crews story straight we can assume.


Not bouncer specific hate like last thread.


Bouncer related today, next week meter maids. Who knows.

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The irony of this all is the kid decided to shell out the 350 for table/bottle service on vodka that is most likely grey goose which in reality cost around 25-40 dollars a bottle in a store. In addition he went to a trendy night club which, if you ask me, is retarded in it of itself. Personally, I hope the kid gets the money, but I don't really feel bad for him.


and any power junky muscle monkey gets no love from me.

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The first club I ever bounced at it was me, my brother, and a buncha dudes he chilled with/worked with, that was good times.


The club I work at now is a buncha douchebags from smaller, sorrounding towns who are all mad on the low racist...ya know, the kids that would never say shit to anyones face, but call em a nigger and a monkey after we toss em. When they found out where I was from they were all like "Oh, fuck that bro...so you know all these niggers?" hahaha


Somewhat related, and me stating why i can kinda understand the bouncer hatred


And the kid is definately a douchebag for getting bottle service at a faggy ass club

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Guest shai_hulud

Hey casek, I sent 12 oz. five bucks anonymously. They deserve it.


I'm with Smacky. I would have sued for $20M and settled for five. Lawyers stick together, don't get it twisted. They would settle this out LONG before it went to trial.


As it is, he'll maybe get $200K after the lawyer gets their cut. I don't think that's sending a clear enough message.

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Hey casek, I sent 12 oz. five bucks anonymously. They deserve it.


I'm with Smacky. I would have sued for $20M and settled for five. Lawyers stick together, don't get it twisted. They would settle this out LONG before it went to trial.


As it is, he'll maybe get $200K after the lawyer gets their cut. I don't think that's sending a clear enough message.



haha. send me $2,500 on the anonymous tip.


i don't need it, but i've found this hooker i really like

and i want to show her a good time....



ok, that's a lie. i want to blow it on kind bud and cheap whiskey.

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Guest shai_hulud

I don't know, casek. How about I send you some weed wrapped up in a porno mag, and you deal with the getting the whiskey yourself? I have fifteen dollars to my name.

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sounds like you should be at work and not online.


Clubs tend to do this shit to people they think are push overs and most people wont ever say shit when it happens.


Im glad this dude is gonna get paid, chances are the club will settle outta court for like 50k

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Guest shai_hulud

Mistah Gliks, it be de New Year's Day. Mah massa sez I'se could hab de day off iffen I'se wants tuh. Suh I'se sez "Yezzuh, massa...I'se gwine eats lotsa fatback an' greens an' plays mah banjuh on mah po'ch, yezzsuh! Flash lots uh dem shinin' whyte teeths and evey thang, suh! Thanks yuh, suh!"


Cuz us black folks sho' doan gets no luv frum de whyte debbil's, no suh. I'se takes it wheah I'se kin gits it, fah shuh.

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