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arizona ice tea

coffie crave 7

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Guest shai_hulud
I like Giant's work a lot.


That said, this is the ugliest possible custom job for the ugliest possible production car.




Yeah, it's pretty corny. I saw that in an image of Juxtapoz when I was home for Thanksgiving. All the people I was with couldn't understand why I was laughing so hard at a picture of a car in a magazine...a couple of them even said, "Dude, that thing is sick...I'd drive it."


Since I have hung out with GIANT through some mutual friends, I think what cracked me up was knowing that he rides a bike 99% of the time, and Scion saying, "Here's a free car to customize as you see fit."


I think he did a good job as far as the execution of the work goes, but it's...like a lowrider wet dream.

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Guest shai_hulud
So he just paints the car flat black puts some lettering ont he back and adds some seat covers?


He really took scion for their money


That crossed my mind, as well.


It didn't seem like the kind of thing he would take all that seriously, but I may be wrong.


I want to see TWIST hook one of these up. He'd probably paint it with buff paint, put a character on there, etch the windows, break half of them, then flip it over and set it on fire.


Then some Euro named Francois would come along and pay $100,000 for it.


I would like that.

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Scions are garbage anyways


I remember one time i was coming home drunk and i had my little extendable baton on me and i saw one of those box cars it might have been a scion but it could have been a pt cruiser




i whip it out and hit the window and the shit just bounced off


i was a little dumbfounded until i remember the place to hit windows is not int he middle but the corners


and i hit the corner and PSHHHHHHHHT!!! the shit just disintegrated and then i went home

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