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I would put that money back in your pocket if I was you. The color in those pictures are very off. That is Jungle Green around the Web and background behind the Ven is Fed Green. You cats are all over the Jungle Green but it's all about the Cascade Green in the Ven piece. That was the hottest and rarest color on the car at the time this was painted.


Good Point, the colors got all fucked up in this pic. The Jungle and Fed Green look the same. I couldnt even tell that was Cascade in yours. Looks like Cascade Polka-Dots in that other WANE panel too.


Jungle Green was not the best krylon color ever made. It was definitely a nice bright color, but had a really horrible coat if you wanted to fill with it. Parrot Green was even worse, almost as bad as floral paint.


Most of these kids that stress jungle green so hard never actually used it.

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You cats are all over the Jungle Green but it's all about the Cascade Green in the Ven piece. That was the hottest and rarest color on the car at the time this was painted.


couldnt agree more. jungle was a great color but IMO it is way way overrated - especially today. there is more to a color than the pigment. popsicle orange was a nice color too, but you had to use 3 cans of that shit and a base cote with drying time between cotes to get a solid fillin in one letter. jungle green was not much different. whats the point of a great color if its thin as piss. i always liked saftey green more than jungle anyway. seems like whatever brand it was (rusto fed saftey or krylon clover green) the shit covered in one shot.


Is that Cascade in the Ven fill or around it? I would have never guessed,that's how far off the colors are in this "touch up".


i would have never guessed that either. i guess the colors on the photo are off due to the age and viewing it on a monitor. im guessing the shell is cascade cause if its the fillin then cascade is not at all what i thought it was.


for the record here is webs response when asked about the colors employed on his section of that car.


It's......Federal safety green....Rusto.The blue is Marlin Blue,NOT Harbor...lol

Now the border around my piece is Parrot Green Utilac.And I still have that can.Outline is paper label Avacado Krylon..

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This is a shot in the dark..I was wondering if any on you ever heard

of these cats. I dont know much ,It looks like is says TBB crew

the names appear to be Dea Opel? ..anyways this crew

did some storefronts and walls in philly in the early 80s

they were clearly more advanced than all but a handful

of philly writers. i assumed they were from Ny ?


i could be wrong but i think that kid KB AKA Savage from the letters used to push a crew called TBB. i never heard of these two though but you never know, there might be a connection.

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Damn. Paper label Avocado. Such a great color.


I think it's cool how we used to be able to look at a certain color, and narrow it down to 2 or 3 different cans,as opposed to today. Perfect example is the car that has been talked about on this page. With everyones guesses on the green there were only 4 different cans mentioned. If that piece had been done today the chances of narrowing it down are slim. Between the numerous shades of every color, and all the different companies. You pretty much could point to any color, and guess what it was when it came to everything before the millenium. You had less color choices to work with, but you made it work. Believe me, i'm not hating on all of this new paint out there. It's just an observation.

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The bottom half of the Ven is Cascade Green. Lemon Yellow Rusto in the top half. Utilac, that's crazy. I don't even recall ever having or using any cans from that brand. So that is for sure news to me. @Zed. I don't think the monitor screen has anything to do with the color. My shots are on a computer screen look correct.


I agree with Pharoah on Jungle Green, that color though nice was a watery mess. Not durable when going over other graff. For the most I'd skip over it while racking.


A little disclaimer here. This car was done in early 1987; Though obvious, Web did the outline for mine. I was not comfortable with having a go on my own when painting with someone of his caliber. I was the designated the filler inner on this car. This would be the last time anyone would paint outlines on a car for me.

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OK people, here is a photo of Web Ven and Hims Car. As you can see there are two different photo use to make up this hold-car. One is a scan from the nyc subway graffiti book, The other is from a photo. The scan is Saturation with green. When this book was printed, the cmyk color mode fucked up the color.


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IMO clssic trains like this should be left alone. Trying to clean them up in photoshop and making them too perfect makes them look cheesy to me which is sad because Caine was dope and I'd rather see the grimey original flick then these... I mean look at the destination sign it doesn't even line up... :(

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