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Even pregnancies being outsourced to India


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Surrogate Mothers: Womb for Rent


Customer service, tech support...these days we outsource everything to India. So why not pregnancy? Here is a report on the growing number of Indian women willing to carry an American child.






thats just fucked up

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bad enough I never understand a fucken word they say when calling random tech supports, but when I ask them to repeat themselves for like the 3rd time they get upset. shit fucken take some vocational / american accent classes. lol.


so to this womb rental sounds like a great way for them to either hijack the baby and sell it on the black market or they just start sending back the kids to make themselves the new superior race..




heres for you some1. I know you like spreading that hummus!


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what the fuck is negative amortization? or do you still not know since it was some indian dude trying to tell you.




negative amortization




A gradual increase in mortgage debt that occurs when the monthly payment is insufficient to cover the interest due, and the balance owed keeps increasing (at least in the first few years).



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Guest shai_hulud

A: Hey, that reminds me...how'd you and Ed get a kid so fast? Dot and I tried to adopt and they told us we'd have to wait five years for a healthy white baby. I said FIVE years?...what else you got? They said they had a Negro with its heart born on the outside. It's a crazy world.


B: Someone oughta sell tickets.


A: I'd buy one.


What movie is that from?

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She looks white or possibly Gypsy but no way does she look Indian.


Thats one thing I've noticed on 12oz.

When someone posts their version of the hottest non white girls of any race,

It's the whitest looking one.


Not that white girls aren't hot.

but when I want some curry, gimme that spicy shit.

I'm not looking for the watered down for westerners version.



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Guest shai_hulud
I just want to impregnate a bunch of indian women then split back to the u.s. leaving thousands of illegitamite bastard children over there...


You smoke too much dope. Your sperm are so retarded that they probably swim backwards, AWAY from the egg.


No offense. But, that's not to say that you shouldn't TRY to do this. You never know.

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send your proposal to the 12oz headquarters..



they fund projects of this caliber. :)


Hell yes proposal getting written in the near future to be sent in...


shai_hulud Quote:

Originally Posted by spectr (View Original Post)


I just want to impregnate a bunch of indian women then split back to the u.s. leaving thousands of illegitamite bastard children over there...


You smoke too much dope. Your sperm are so retarded that they probably swim backwards, AWAY from the egg.


No offense. But, that's not to say that you shouldn't TRY to do this. You never know.

you know shai I am probably the only person with locks you know who doesn't smoke constantly... though I did just find about 8 feet of san pedro, nicely cut and stuck inside a bag when walking home the other night... so after finals... I think its going to be me, hot springs, san pedro... then me, lots of beer, paint, someones couch, and the east bay....


edit: oh yeah i can always go to that sperm bank I donated to years ago and jack my sperm then use a turkey baster, if my sperm is to fucked up now...

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Guest shai_hulud

What happened, spectr?


Wait...maybe you didn't smoke that much weed. I forget. I have a wet brain.


I do remember taking San Pedro and passing out on the couch in your back yard in Berkeley that one night. I had a dream that I died, but it wasn't scary or anything. It was like, "Oh, I'm dead. Wow, how about that."


Then I stole a bunch of your beer, and went home.


That was the night you tried to convince me that pit bull wasn't going to bite me, too.

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actually that was ayahuasca not san pedro... san pedro is what some kid ate a big pot of at your house around last x-mas... the big pot a friend of mine left on your stove when he split town to go down to l.a. with his crew of kids...

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Guest shai_hulud
actually that was ayahuasca not san pedro... san pedro is what some kid ate a big pot of at your house around last x-mas... the big pot a friend of mine left on your stove when he split town to go down to l.a. with his crew of kids...


I thought that was datura that those kids ate. I'm pretty sure it was datura. The datura incident sucked a mile of dirty cock. I wanted to fucking KILL those dirty scumfuck kids. But, NOOOO...i got talked out of it. I was screaming at them, waving a baseball bat...I meant Business, but as always, I got outvoted when it really mattered. So it goes.


Your friend was okay. The guys who came to my house and committed numerous felonies were decidedly NOT cool. I had a really bad case of the flu last Xmas, and they kept me awake ALL FUCKING NIGHT and wouldn't share any of their drugs with me. There were dudes blazing rock in the kitchen, and one of my roommates got a nine pulled on him by some thug that was there to do business...not fucking cool at ALL.


So, fuck those guys...and you can tell them I said that. Not the dude from Canada, he was nice. He actually left when I said, "Enough is enough."


I heard a rumor that a certain cat made a lot of money off letting them do that in the house...and that the money was supposed to go towards the house but ended up mysteriously going missing.


You hear anything about that?

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