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The Next Superpower

Poesia [ ] T

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Who will it be.


Im not sure with our current candidates for New President that we can match the Cloak and Dagger skills of China and Russia.


We are starting to lose a step or two. Who has already planned to overthrow our grasp on the world, and who has the wherewithal to succeed?


As we have been beaten recently yo punch in a recent article "Today, Countries Battle for a Piece of the Arctic. Tomorrow? The Moon

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america will be a third world country soon. it dont got shiiet. when they try to make nau base.... canada will be like yo dont touch my resourcez! and mexico will be like oh werd. but mexico is nutso. srsly. move out now. before they dont let you!! they gotta then rely on the other countries.. not that they dont already.


china got fusion power. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-09/28/content_699035.htm

and saltwater into freshwater is just around the corner.

china will share with the noobz though. and all the greedy/evil people will be gone too.

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your funny.



!2789!- Japan will never be attacked by anyone, nor will they be taken over. The world recognizes they are more efficient if they are left to their own devices.


I don't necessarily think they will be autonomous for years to come, I just think they would not be assimilated into a culture, If that makes sense.

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Everyone keeps saying China or India but historicly they have been easy to defeat.

Just because you have a large population you can still get conquered.

Neither country has the industrial or technical abilities needed to be the super power the USA is now.

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The USA will remain the most powerful superpower unless something ridiculous happens.


America will never, in my humble opinion, be a third world country.


China and India would have a lot of trouble becoming 1st world. Their populations are vast and their poverty and unemployment is high.

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I think its about Leadership for the Longterm. Im sure the USA will hold its power for awhile, but we have always had strong Leaders, and our intelligence forces were on top of shit. After 9-11 so much attention has been focused on alqueda who knows with us looking the other way someone could be scheming. I think China and India will soon become powers but not super, i think if Putin being Ex-KGB leader that he has a long term plan. And he is probably one of hte smartest leaders we have faced in a long time, that coupled with his ability to say in office longer than our presidents also gives them an advantage. We have very liberal and capitalist leaders, not counting bush that really will could not match Putin.


just my thoughts.

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Everyone keeps saying China or India but historicly they have been easy to defeat.

Just because you have a large population you can still get conquered.

Neither country has the industrial or technical abilities needed to be the super power the USA is now.


Yeah but isn't the whole point that they haven't reached those plateus yet, but will? India & China's economies are growing at a faster rate than the US; both have nuclear weapons and China's military is also growing rapidly. China will pass up the US as "most wired internet country" and their industry will also pass up the US, if rates continue.

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your funny.





Hahahaha, yeah, funny.


Imagine if the muslim world were united like it was during the caliphate and the ottoman empire. As many muslims as there are in the world. On every continent, in every country, every city. pffffffft.


Yaaa Rabbil Alamin.

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Hahahaha, yeah, funny.


Imagine if the muslim world were united like it was during the caliphate and the ottoman empire. As many muslims as there are in the world. On every continent, in every country, every city. pffffffft.


Yaaa Rabbil Alamin.


yeah it would be about a quarter the population and about a thousandth the military/industrial strength of the Christian world if it were to do the same thing :lol:

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Hahahaha, yeah, funny.


Imagine if the muslim world were united like it was during the caliphate and the ottoman empire. As many muslims as there are in the world. On every continent, in every country, every city. pffffffft.


Yaaa Rabbil Alamin.


I don't necessarily support isolation.


Islam is not above my qualms with religions at large.

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Russia was considered a Super Power without being a rich nation.

yeh and look how long that lasted...


the US is different because of a few reasons.


1. the country is pretty diverse, and non-denominational, technically. so a rebellion would be bizarre.


2. despite being in debt the country is not in financial ruin, we can bounce back and we have.


3. the people have final say. in the past almost all, if not all, superpowers have been run by a sole person or group of people, remove them and you destroy the system.



Im not saying the USA is invulnerable but it would take a lot to make it collapse.

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This country IS ran by a select group, they are called the illuminoti, that is not conpiracy and hearsay. They have ties to all the powerful countries, and they have and will continue to use religion as their tool to keep control over the masses. People are blinded by religion, (and im a spiritual person) and i hate that. all it has ever done is DIVIDE. The U.S. CAN fall as a world powerhouse and i think that alot of people will be suprised when it happens within their liftime. A 3rd world country??? I'll assume that was a joke, beacause that is not going to happen, we will be knocked down a peg though... Every great world power in history has fallen when they spread they're military forces to thin... (i feel like im repeating myself, havent i typed this in this section before?) I dont know that any ONE country can take over and have the fiscal and structural ability to make it work... if you want my honest opinion, i'd say look to the UNITED NATIONS to make a move...

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Iono, our dollar is on a fine climb down to hell.


the weak dollar will increase tourism which brings in money.


Really the weak dollar isn't necessarily bad, foreign countries will buy more of our exports and while imports may go up it might cause Americans to buy more American goods...thus supporting the economy internally.


Poorer people might take a hit though bc they generally use more imported goods...


electronics and gas prices will rise as well as foreign travel and other such luxuries.


So there are pros and cons but I'm not too worried.

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