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Cyclists in the city.

Manute Bol

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i'm not going for man points when it comes protecting myself. get the job done, finish it as quick as possible.





Fuck all that bullshit. In a street fight, when some dude just rolls on you looking for shit. There isn't gonna be no...


"Come on chap, lets have a fair one. Put your dukes up sonny."


The times that I've been in some shit, its been...


"Yo son, fuck you!"


And then hes swinging.



I don't play that shit. I usually have something on hand, if not, I'll fucking pick up rocks off the ground and smash you...it doesnt matter. Take something as simple as the eraser end of a pencil or the blunt end of a pen and go with that.



Play to win, always.

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wow. fuck you idiots. really. I can't even express it. It is so aggravating when someone is yelling at me about riding on the sidewalk and not "driving like a car." Fucking inbreed motherfuckers.


yes, it is very true, and something that a lot of bicyclists don't think about, that a lot people on bikes are idiots. I have a job that puts me in a car, driving, 8 hours a day. Other than that i'm on a bike. I hate that guy who bikes through a 4 way stop without stopping and then gets all "watch for bikes!!" when someone almost hits them just as much as you do. But I'm mature enough to just let it go.


You sound like you are in the 10th grade, calling people hipsters and faggots and hippies. Fucking grow up.




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Guest shai_hulud






































Ad nauseam.


Face it. You lost the battle, but you didn't lose the war against us chisel-chested, horn-gobbling cyclists.


You should have a few beers and go for a drive. You'll feel better.

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manute sounds like a typical suburban idiot.


we also have to blame suburban gov for not taking the rigth steps to implement bike lanes, etc. all they do is promote this sad driving society where lazy faggots lke manute bol drive 1 mile to the local 711.


i used to live in a certain shitty suburban city. to get across town by car would take 15 minutes because the traffic was so bad and the lights were not timed. bike would be 5 minutes. but there were no bike lines anywhere so i had to take it on the sidewalk, where rich white fucks would yell at me. take it back to the street, another rich white fuck yells at me. its a hopeless situation. now i just drive, but i always give bikers and motorcycles teh right of way. no bitching here abuot losing 30 seconds.


i keeeel you all!

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I wasn't here around the time there was a falling out with porkchop.


Is that really her in the video?


I that why people hate her on here?



yes that is really, really her.


its only a piece of why she isn't receiving love from this community, i'm pretty neutral to her existance, so i won't comment on the other shit...

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Guest shai_hulud
This thread is incredibly stupid. Why have I not closed it yet?


Because you are a big, fat, lazy mod. (joke)


That, and you like drama. (no joke?)


I second that you pull the plug on this. I made my point. (dead serious)


Tell you what. You close this thread, and I'll make a thread that poses an intelligent question that I'm sure will get some people stirred up.

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Well, where I live there is a lot of woods, my 3 story house is about 100-500 feet away from the other luxuriously built homes symmetrically placed around the coldesack, and there is enough room for all of our cars that do not fit in the garage to be parked in the 50 sq ft. driveway, plus my dads tractor. So when I go into the big bad city I get scared of all the tight lanes, cyclists, thugs, u locks, and homeless people every where. I just get so frustrated with them, I mean, I just turned 16, I chain smoke, and just got a license. My Lexus is an 06 (not by choice my stupid parents wouldn’t get me the 07) and now I have to wait on stupid bikes in the street all the time? I will not stand for that, if I want to go shopping down town, that means take 30 minutes out of my life to drive on the highway all the way down there, well I shouldn’t have to wait on stupid bikes. So my dad gave me a box cutter (I told him it was for a project) and I did what I thought was cool. I just hope the owner of a bike doesn’t catch me, then I might get beat up bad, or even worse, they call the police and I get grounded...


the end.

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