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Cyclists in the city.

Manute Bol

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not a matter of daft: you made a blanket statement about weapons making you gay.


if you're fucking GLIK and you can roll w/o weapons constantly, then rock on dude. i've been in enough fights to know that i'm fucking small and though i can fight pretty well, i'm not going for man points when it comes protecting myself. get the job done, finish it as quick as possible.


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the thing is, i'm not concerned w/ "being a man"

if that comes into concern, i'll pull the "my job is...." card


i guess you're a young buck still out to prove that you're a man, thats cool, some of us just know what we're made of and would rather not deal with some punk shit.

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eh, i've taken my beatings. i'm not so into that trip these days.


so we go from self defense is gay, to straight up group jumpings are okay?


you've got a crazy fucking "street code" kid



If I'm fightin a kid hand to hand, 1 on 1, and he pulls a U-Lock on me you're goddamned right I'm gunna stomp dude the fuck out, with as many people as I can the next time I encounter him. Whereas, if he took the beating like a man that'd be the end of it


Crazy huh?

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Guest shai_hulud

Actually, I'm not done yet.


The reason I'm not a messenger anymore is because I've been doored about a half-dozen times. When you fall, you tend to always fall the same way.


I took two pretty good shots to my shoulder in 2002, about three weeks apart. A few months later, some asshole pedestrian kicked my back wheel out from under me and I landed flat on my back.


A week later, I noticed that my right arm was starting to get stiff. Then, I started getting pins and needles all up and down my arm, then it started to go numb. Then, it got to the point where I could barely even lift my arm.


To make a long story short, I have what's known as cervical stenosis and neuropathy as a result of the falls I took. Cervical stenosis is a spinal injury. It means one of the disks in my neck is bulging into my spinal cord, which puts pressure on the nerves that make my arm work. Neuropathy is the attendant condition that make the nerves that deal with sensation feel like it's always tingly.


I had to take 13 months off of work to deal with this. The first doctors I went to misdiagnosed it, and just gave me tons of painkillers and muscle relaxers so I could sleep. I got strung out on all the shit they were giving me...but, I was still in pain, and I could barely move my arm.


I had to take my employer to court because they refused to recognize it as a work-related injury. I got a good lawyer, and they got me to a doctor who took a MRI and diagnosed it correctly. I finally started getting the treatment I actually needed, and it took almost two years to stabilize my condition.


The end result is that I'm technically 40% disabled. I'm always freaked out that my shoulder is going to start going out on me again, but I've been lucky so far.


Another side effect of all this is that I have arthritis from the falls and the repetitive stress of being a messenger. At 34.


I'm not mad about all this. I could have gotten hurt worse, or killed, so I guess I was pretty lucky, all things considered.


Okay, I think I'm done now.

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Is not scary.




Shai I'm sorry to hear that people intentionally hurt you like that.


I'm not one of these people in here condoning violence towards cyclists.


I always make sure to give people space, they just make me nervous is all.


But people that are "I ride a bike, im so rad, fuck you fatty driving your car, I'm wearing my little sister's jeans, I make it a point to talk about how much cooler I am because I ride a track bike and don't eat meat and sometimes make out with my guy friends because i'm not a square" motherfuckers need to get off my planet.

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for the record, by no means am i a tough guy--i'm the one advocating ending the fights quickly here...


i've been jumped twice. 3 and 4 people.

the first time i had knuckles on me and i didn't use them because i was worried about "man code." i destroyed 2 of the kids and the 3rd guy ran off. i did get fucked up, my left cheek was fractured--i still feel that when its cold. that was 6 years ago.

the second time i got the piss beat out of me. i couldn't breathe right for a couple months. i couldn't sleep because i couldn't put weight on any part of my ribs w/o intense pain.


that shit comes up again, i'm going to end it as quick as a i can, what do i gain by getting my ass handed to me? if that means a u lock or a chain or board, then yeah...


as far as rolling deep goes. grats, i played those games when i was a kid and it was fun. crew (not graf) fights were awesome. have fun while you can i guess.


its street fighting kids, not fucking ufc, win so you can go home and keep drinking.

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Guest shai_hulud
someone kicked your bike out from under you?


was it chuck norris?


No, some crackhead. He got salty because I buzzed him...but, he darted out into traffic from behind a van. I yelled at him, and he chased me down and kicked my wheel, which got me into a horizontal position. Good thing for him that he grew a brain and ran off while I was on the ground, because if I HAD caught him, I would have Maced him and ziptied him to a lightpole. Then Maced him again.


If it had been Chuck Norris, I probably would have asked for an autograph.

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Fist why couldn't you have just said your bullshit stance instead of repeatedly quoting my shit and acting like Hellen Keller.


Could have saved us some time.



yeah dude, its totally bullshit to not enjoy having the piss beat out of you. my bad.


and i use terms like "son" and "kid" not because i'm older or wiser, i'm probably not too much more so on either count, but because it typically pisses people off more.

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More people need to learn to just take a beating


Pulling a weapon in a 1 on 1 fight is grounds to get a whole army stompin you out next time we encounter you


Yeah I don't fuck with a weapon on the real, only way is if the person is grimey enough to deserve that or necessitate that.


In my circle if it happened to me or any one of us, that shit wouldn't be taken lightly. That type of ish isn't just taking an L and chalking it to the game. You pull some sheisty stuff like that, then I don't even want to get into the outcome.

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back when i rolled like that, if somebody in the crew got the good ol fashioned one on one, manhood fight you're all obsessed w/ and lost--we as a crew would go find that kid and wreck him for wrecking our boy.


if our boy had pulled a weapon, won the fight, the other crew probably would have rolled the same way.


its a really fucking stupid way to live...

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