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How to open a Beer bottle with a Dollar Bill...


Once perfected, this trick can definitely impress the idiots

you hang out with. It can also help you win bets like

"So if I can open my beer using only your $20 bill do I get to keep it?"


1. Fold the dollar bill in half.




2. Roll up the dollar bill as tightly as you possibly can



3. Bend the rolled dollar bill in half to maximize the pressure at the bend.



4. Put it on top of your bent index finger and hold it tightly

in place with your thumb, with the bent part sticking out.



5. Grab the bottle around its neck and push the cap upwards

with the bend in the dollar bill until it pops off.





* It takes a lot of practice and reasonable arm strength to perform this trick.

* It helps if you use the hand you're holding the bottle with to get leverage by using it as a fulcrum.

* First learn to do this with another bottle, then you'll understand how to use a dollar bill. It's all about using the object as a lever.

* A lighter can also be used in same way.

* Damaging the bill is only a crime in the United States if done "with intent to render [it] unfit to be reissued." <---that really shouldn't bother any of you

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i can only hope...


you might also want to try this:




How to Break a Beer Bottle With Your Bare Hands


1. Fill a bottle with water up to about two inches from the top of the bottle. Do this over a sink.




2. Hold the bottle with your top two fingers with your weak hand at the neck of the bottle. This will prevent the glass from cutting you in case the entire bottle shatters.




3. Hit the opening of the bottle hard with your hand.





4. Check the bottom of the bottle, which should have broken right off.







* Some beer bottles are harder to break than others. Easy bottles include Becks and Sam Adams. Harder, thicker bottles include Budweiser and Corona.

* The bottom of the bottle breaks off due to the air being trapped and compressed inside the bottle. The break is caused by pressure, not the actual impact, so only the bottom of the bottle breaks. It's usually a clean, round break along the bottom edge of the bottle due to the hydropneumatic pressure building up.

* Warning Science Content!: The force at the bottom of the bottle is greater than at the top of bottle (where the air is). This is due to the fact that the water above the bottom added pressure (by its weight) and the area of the bottom of the bottle is greater than at the top. When you slap the bottle, the air in the bottle neck is compressed which applies pressure to the water, and you are driving the incompressible flow of water towards the bottom. The bottle breaking trick is essentially the same as a hydraulic lifting device.

* Do not be scared while trying this trick. Know you will break the bottom clean off. If you go in soft with your hand it will not break and sting a bit.

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