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Changing jobs as soon as you get it.


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How do you guys feel about switching jobs right after you got hired?


I just got hired to do picture framing for a new company. I've only worked there for a week so far. It's a cool job but today an exhibit/display job I sent a resume to wants me to come in and interview next week. Would that be totally messed up if I bounce on the job that just hired me for the other job?


Here's the clincher, I have acquaintances in the first company who I namedropped to get the job.



C.R.E.A.M though right?


Gotta go for the loot if it's better...yes? no?

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Do it up, or pick whatever job is more relaxing and better for you.


I just turned down a job that is 4.50 more an hour in a company that I could actually move up in to keep my job now where I will never be more than what I am now because it is so fucking easy and I get to fuck around on the comp all day. I think I'm going back to school soon and I can do all my school work here too so that is another factor, plus I can take off/come in late whenever as long as I let him know before hand.

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You got to step on whatever and whoever to get to the Top. So do what you got to do.



Just think of the best excuse you can give, and act sincere, like someone got sick and you'll have to be tending to them for a couple of months. Just some bullshit.


Just make sure, future potential is more of a goal than todays dollar.

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take the middle road... if the other job is better, just explain it to whoever got you in at the first place.


i just did the same shit 2 weeks ago, though i hadn't actually started the 1st job yet, even though i was hired. i just told my boy the other job was closer, and made more sense financially.


if your friend can't understand that and respect the honesty, fuck em.

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Im just fucking around.


But there comes a time when you have to take care of yourself, unless you were born with money. I had to earn mine, and it involved taking oppurtunities when they arised and being able to not be attached to the former.


Meaning im just aggressive by nature, i have seen many people and some of them work for me that they are content. Then there are the rising star types, that i got to keep in check but let them grow as well.




Whats yours.


I never did anyone wrong, and im not saying do someone wrong, but if someone is sleeping , then thats there problem. You got to keep it moving even if thats going over the top of someone else.

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Im Taking Career Strategies and we talked something like that.


There was a guy who was working for a company six years and decided to take two weeks off. In those weeks, he went over to another company to see if he liked it or not. He was hired and turns out he didnt like it, so he quit the week after.


The Employer gave all his cofidence to that guy and he blew it. The employer almost got fired for that matter, for hiring someone like that.


So, if you quit now, its going to be bad for the employer.


Speaking of interviews, i have one next week. I have to bring a resume and dress up. I want to be a Clerk Assistant at FedEXGround.


Full Time

$14.00 an hour.

48hrs a week

Benifits (Dental, Metical)


Il Be incharge of moving trailers, and paper work.

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Trance, that sound like a dope job...good luck with it.


Bojangles, do the interview and tell them that you are currently employed...but may be looking for something new. I have found that for the most part (in the whole employment area) being honest and upfront usually works out for the best.


In both cases you end up with a job. So I wouldnt fret about it to much. Play it by ear.

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Man, I would say go for the money and I'm amazed so many of you are like 'keep your $10 an hour job for loyalty.' If they valued your time and were loyal to you they would pay you accordingly and thus you wouldn't have this dilemma. I mean, a framing job isn't exactly career material anyway and you can be cool about it and give them a two week notice to hire someone in your place.


I quit my last job with two days notice (I had to) in the middle of them trying to move me into a managment type position to take a lower paying job where I'm at (I saw potential and long term stability here). That place has shut down and I have moved up every year and get paid way more than I ever would have at the old place.

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i say think long term. you said that the second job has more career potential while your current one sounds like 'just a job'. explain the situation to your friend, who should understand, and explain to the boss that you're glad for the opportunity to work there but something opened up that is more in your long term career focus. they might be mad that you wasted their time, but they cant really fault you for pursuing your goals.

and if they get mad at you, fuck 'em. you wouldn't want to work there very long anyway if they are like that.


*all this is after you get the new job, of course. take a day off for the interview.

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In the end this is about business and doing what is right for yourself. You can't make everyone happy. If you can live with changing jobs and whatever consequences come with that, than thats that. I've done this before and the people completely understood which made everything easier.


P.S. Why are you not Super anymore??

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