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fox news guy calls for car bombings in iran


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not that i don't think this is ridiculous, but it's nothing different from what i hear from most of the people i know. some friends, coworkers, family members. all say shit like this, so why is it so shocking that it's being said on television?


again i think this is insane, and shouldn't even be on a actual news station, but it's the opinion of a lot of people in this country. so i'm not really shocked at all.

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so who was it that got cut off there? thats my question...


edit: never mind... i found a full video clip of it..



so yeah... well fuck it... we all gonna die...

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im gonna catch so much shit for this but fuck it...


yes...i agree that anti-iranian govt. groups should be armed by the US and other countries (ie Israel) and blow the fuck up out of the corrupt religious/political "clerics" there...


i dont condone loss of innocent lives....but some type of revolt against the current regime is necessary...especially since the people are not happy with it...


to me...this is the only way that i can see a change...


because bombing their nuclear weapons facilities is not going to change the regime...and it will only create more violence towards americans in baghdad and everywhere else for that matter....


honestly..i think a better solution would be to fund a revolution for democracy (especially since there are communist groups ready to take over if the curent regime ever does fail)...but im definately not opposed to blowing the shiite clerics the fuck up.


just my 2 pennies.

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im gonna catch so much shit for this but fuck it...



I'm pretty liberal but I agree with you actually. I honestly think almost any Middle Eastern government could be justified as a threat worthy of some degree of action at this point. We have such a history of undermining governments, it seems like we've never done it for the good of the people our actions impact. Iran happens to be the biggest threat to the region and to us, and it is run by religious/nationalist nut jobs, so supporting a revolution seems logical. On the other hand we aren't exactly the good guys either, and we undermined our credibility and drained our resources in Iraq for no tangible reason. I sometimes wonder why presidents feel compelled to continue the policies of the past leadership (Clinton with Iraq for example). Nothing is going to change.

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im gonna catch so much shit for this but fuck it...

yes...i agree that anti-iranian govt. groups should be armed by the US and other countries (ie Israel) and blow the fuck up out of the corrupt religious/political "clerics" there...


Because it worked so well for Iran the first time..... and Iraq...... and Nicaragua..... and etc x 50.


because bombing their nuclear weapons facilities is not going to change the regime...


And as a side note is a gross act of international terrorism in itself.


and it will only create more violence towards americans in baghdad and everywhere else for that matter....


Iraqi people have every right to kill American soldiers in Baghdad


honestly..i think a better solution would be to fund a revolution for democracy (especially since there are communist groups ready to take over if the curent regime ever does fail)


Hahaha communist groups!? Fund a revolution for democracy? Are you joking?


1. You have been funding revolutions for democracy for about 100 years, its one of the reasons no body likes your country

2. Communist group? Please show me them

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I'm pretty liberal but I agree with you actually. I honestly think almost any Middle Eastern government could be justified as a threat worthy of some degree of action at this point. We have such a history of undermining governments, it seems like we've never done it for the good of the people our actions impact. Iran happens to be the biggest threat to the region and to us, and it is run by religious/nationalist nut jobs, so supporting a revolution seems logical.


How is Iran the biggest threat to anyone? You are laughing at the ridiculousness of FOX news while still parroting the the position of the state.


Show me who Iran have attacked recently

Show me the land Iran occupy that isn't theirs

Show me their near countless hundreds of nuclear missles


Ooops sorry I went off on a tangent there looking at this map of Israel


Iran is a fucking shithole, it is one of the most repressive and near totalitarian societies on the planet. It treats its people like shit and in particular its women, workers and basically anyone with a 20th century plus idea of basic morality and its run by a bunch of religious fuckwads... But it is not a threat to the US, it is not a threat to any of its neighbours, it is not a threat to you and it is not a threat to me.


The only people Iran is a threat to are its own people, who should be supported (NOT by funding insurrectionist terrorism) by other free peoples of the world. NOT by the US government whose track record of "supporting" a countries people reads like a how to of mass murder and blatant terrorism. The only people who can change the Iranian system of government are the Iranian people.

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Unless ‘purple mushroom’ is one of your usernames I wasn’t talking to you. You may want to address that question to the people that actually expressed that point of view (although the argument that the US is already “attacking” the turks via our support of the kurds could be made, or the sizeable differences between our relationship with Turkey vs with Iran rendering the comparison retarded). How’s the lost art of self restraint going?

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Unless ‘purple mushroom’ is one of your usernames I wasn’t talking to you. You may want to address that question to the people that actually expressed that point of view (although the argument that the US is already “attacking” the turks via our support of the kurds could be made, or the sizeable differences between our relationship with Turkey vs with Iran rendering the comparison retarded). How’s the lost art of self restraint going?


oh what a surprise you avoid/spin the question never would have seen that coming, how old are you again...?

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you're a piece of shit and an idiot.


The iraqi people have every right to kill foreign troops in their country, including the majority of them which are US soldiers.


Morally, ethically and under EVERY INTERNATIONAL LAW IN EXISTENCE YOU FUCKING DUMB CUNT the Iraqi people are free to kill foreign troops.


Don't cry to me because you're stupid fucking brother or cousin is a US marine. I would suggest a course in basic international affairs... or maybe even a book but I don't need to because most of the international laws are spelled out clearly in black and white on shit like Wikipedia, "idiot".





For starters? Kurds, Azeris/Azerbaijanis, Arabs (especially Khuzestan), Baluchis. What year of college are you in if you dont mind me asking?



Calling the MEK 'communist' is almost the biggest stretch of the imagination for this thread.


As for the list I would appreciate more detail. The Kurds is a given as they pretty much get stiffed by everyone. I finished (again) college a few years ago but seeing as I would rather be a rude cunt than carry out a polite discourse because the internet is meaningless and you seem to be issuing a dick measuring contest I finished the second time round with an MA, and you?

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The iraqi people have every right to kill foreign troops in their country, including the majority of them which are US soldiers.


Morally, ethically and under EVERY INTERNATIONAL LAW IN EXISTENCE YOU FUCKING DUMB CUNT the Iraqi people are free to kill foreign troops.


Don't cry to me because you're stupid fucking brother or cousin is a US marine. I would suggest a course in basic international affairs... or maybe even a book but I don't need to because most of the international laws are spelled out clearly in black and white on shit like Wikipedia, "idiot".




yeah dude, its totally about my cousin...


kid, before you recommend reading to anyone, why don't you go ahead and learn the english language. its clear you don't grasp it, i'm fairly confident your grasp of the semantics is questionable at best. odds are you're missing 9/10ths of what you're reading.


every international law in existance condones killing? really? this is interesting.


moral and ethics justify murder of people who probably joined their military for college money? we're not all babykillers, son.



also, i'm very glad your prized source of wisdom is wikipedia. keep it up, you make one hell of a bleeding heart.


(i'm not going to give you a remotely serious response, not worth the time)

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America invaded Iran's two biggest borders. any rational actor would be alarmed by this. Have you ever heard of reassurance missions to iran? me neither. It uses a lot of soft power in afghanistan, sponsoring road construction etc. However, i don't think you're trying to deny that Iran sponsors militias in Iraq (the Badr corps, for one).


Iran values a 'sort of' unstable Iraq. And that is continuing at uk/us/australia/Iraq's expense. How are you supposed to deal with that?

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The iraqi people have every right to kill foreign troops in their country, including the majority of them which are US soldiers.


Morally, ethically and under EVERY INTERNATIONAL LAW IN EXISTENCE YOU FUCKING DUMB CUNT the Iraqi people are free to kill foreign troops.



What about all of these foreign Muslims flooding in to Iraq, killing innocent Iraqi civilians?

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What about all of these foreign Muslims flooding in to Iraq, killing innocent Iraqi civilians?



What kind of question is this? If a group of people were running around killing people at random and I happened to run into said group. I would defend myself by any means that I could. Regardless of race, religion, age or gender. I hope the rest of you would do the same.


As far as supporting terrorism in Iran. You got to be fucking kidding me. You might as well support the people that carried out 9/11. Seriously we are at WAR with TERRORISM. Yet we are talking in our own media about possibly carrying out if we aren't doing so already terrorist attacks in another nation. How am I the only one that thinks this is the most hypocritical thing possible? I'm going to quote my man Chomsky here since he's someone atleast the majority of people here can respect.


"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it." ~Noam


Fuck it though. Lets blow up the whole planet. Should solve everything.

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Because it worked so well for Iran the first time..... and Iraq...... and Nicaragua..... and etc x 50.




And as a side note is a gross act of international terrorism in itself.




Iraqi people have every right to kill American soldiers in Baghdad




Hahaha communist groups!? Fund a revolution for democracy? Are you joking?


1. You have been funding revolutions for democracy for about 100 years, its one of the reasons no body likes your country

2. Communist group? Please show me them




1.First of all...the cia involvement in iran in the 50's was a mistake (1953 to be exact)...and it was more b/c we wanted to help our greedy allies...the british...oil..(does BP sound familiar)

but now...it would be for a different purpose...getting those fucking mullahs out of power before they start a major war which could lead to ww3....and give the people in the country some fucking freedom....

you can just youtube videos of the govt imposing their religious laws on women for not wearing hijab...as well as other "crimes against humanity"...


2.Bombing a plant which makes nuclear weapons is an act of terror??....its a move that could potentially make the world safer....if the iranians were really using the nuclear plants to make energy then it would be terrorism to bomb them....bottom line is..theyre trying to develop a bomb...like pakistan...and pakistan's neighbor india...


3. Iraqi people have every right to kill american soldiers?....what the fuck??....are you fucking retarded.....i hope you fucking get hit by a train for making this statement.


4.yes...communists groups....LOTS of them.....just use google dumb fuck...









now shut the fuck up and suck a dick up till you hiccup

you ignorant brain washed fuck!

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