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Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’


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Intro by Joe D’Aleo, Icecap, CCM

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an allusion of rapid global warming.



lost my attention after the typo.

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c'mon, you can see pictures of major city areas in china. smog is like air there.

the eat that shit for breakfast.


chinese people are oppressed and therefore have no opinion (it's a successful oppression.)

the government is full of new world order types who care nothing about the populus. they are only there to serve.


dead babies.



To keep this on topic, smog and greenhouse gases are not necessarily related. In the US, new cars run so much cleaner than the past that in some cities the exhaust coming out of a Honda is cleaner than the air going in. That said, the Honda is still creating greenhouse gases, which warm the planet, even if it is not polluting the atmosphere in the immediate area.


It is very important to differentiate smog pollutants from greenhouse gases. Some climate scientists have actually been able to show that the reduction of smog due to effect of catalytic converters has increased the effects of global warming because the clearer air has let more sunlight in than the previously smoggy air.


Important lesson: Smog does not equal greenhouse gases.

Important lesson 2: Smog is easy to fix, global warming is hard to fix

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There is a researcher looking at the coral of the florida keys that dates way way back and is showing that this spike of heat is the first of its kind.

I do not see how it is a scam considering the view of the ice caps since the 70's.

Why is the global warming satellite that was built by nasa that cost 120 million decided to be

"kept in the box" after it was made.

If there is a scam it is wanting global warming to get out of control so the powers that be have yet another serious reason of, "why we need them".(to quote "v" for vendetta)...


Consider a 10 foot wide cylinder from where your standing that is 10 miles tall.

Now picture every thing you have burned,all of the gas you poured out to light on fire in the shape of that crow symbol when the movie first came out, every can of laquer thinner you left open, all of the emissions from every time you have ever driven, every can of spray paint and marker you have used and every time you've farted, trapped in that cylinder.Now breathe in deeply...Paint the fence danielson...In through nose..Out through mouth..

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I am not saying there are no issues, or that it is an environmentally friendly place, but if you can convince a government to do something that will save them money and provide environmentally sound alternatives to the myriad of issues possible, I bet they will be more apt to do it. This would not curb the advancement of a society, if anything only progress it, as it forces them to deal with issues they may have later come up against, as we are doing now within our own society.



My point was that there are people already working with the country of China to help their development in a way that allows it to circumvent inefficient and wasteful forms that we have already gone through . And in so doing would refute the idea that yummone proposed. That "the elites" would want to endorse the "myth" of "global warming" as a curb against Chinese advancement in the world powers.


You are the weirdest person casek. You have the oddest conditionals in your arguments.




Chinese people use dead babies in cosmetic materials

Those who use dead babies in cosmetic materials do not care about pollutants.


Chinese people do not care about pollutants.



This is lacks a necessary correlation between the propositions in the argument. While structurally sound, an argument is only as good as the presuppositions imposed within the form. With no reason to make the jump between dead babies and pollution, it means that there is no reason to attach the subject in the first clause to the predicate in the second.


hahaha someone just took a critical thinking class :D

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I have been reading alot of stuff this semester which serves as the foundations of formal logic, Frege, Russel, Wittgenstein. I feel like unless I actually sit down and read people like Carnap, I won't fully grasp it.



But the foundational stuff is pretty brilliant, as far as outlining the general themes without even putting down a lot of the Logic itself.


If anyone is interested in this sorta stuff I suggest starting with Tractatus Philosophico-Logicus, by Ludwig Wittgenstein. GE Anscombe translation.

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Read an article or two from him a couple semesters ago in my 20th Century Analytic Philosophy class. I will go find which ones later tonight.



Have you read any Frege? I had to read him for the same class and philosophy of mathematics.



Perhaps this would be better suited in the philosophy thread. It can't be too far down the page.


I will bump it tonight as I do more work on my thesis.

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Polar bears can swim steadily for many hours in order to get from one piece of ice to another. They have water-repellent coat and partially webbed feet, which both are adaptations to swimming. Although known individual bears have only been recorded swimming about 100 km or so, they are likely capable of swimming much further if necessary. However, this kind of effort is very expensive in terms of energy, so swimming such long distances is likely not done frequently. The longest a polar bear in the wild has been timed holding its breath while diving is 72 seconds.

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now, look at this




see how they lie?

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cmon now. you can't say that polar bear isn't thinking right now. what the fuck am i going to do next?


i mean i'm no expert on polar bear behavior or anything, but thats the look i'm getting when i look at that.


who knows though. there could be a sheet of ice right behind him for all we know.


but i've seen images of the different in the amount of ice that has been there, and is there now, and "projections" for the future. and it is a pretty scary thing. i used to be all on the global warming bandwagon too. after i saw an inconvenient truth, i shit my pants i think with most people that seen it. but i've also seen a lot of counter evidence, and i know how people can react, and at least somewhat have a grasp on the way the world works. so things could be manipulated one way or another. so i really don't know which way to lean. i guess you can say i think that we are contributing, and making worse, what would otherwise be naturally going on anyway.

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to let the polar bear groundless you would have to melt all the ice in the world, they move quicker than the melting of the ice...


i know what casek says, it is obvious they do it on purpose, the more scary the better, exaggerate and lie wherever they have to.

they do it everyday on TV with their news.

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Ive met scumbags part of this corrupt system because of my job.

i met a greenspan, jewish-non orthodox, rich, tittie nose like alan greenspan. i dont know if he was family but he was a lawyer so, you can imagine there is a unconscious connection or maybe more than that.


the level of responsibility they have on a nwo project varies. some have more of their hand into the bag than others. some are unconscious like some journalists and celebrities(examples) some conscious like people in politics and corporate heads.


the high ranking ones hide very well.




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