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What do you Wikipedia?


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yea random people can change the info on the site, thats the idea behind a "wiki"


What is a Wiki?


Wikis are growing because, at their core, they are about as simple as can be. That simplicity means that people find them easy to use, just like e-mail and blogs. Like e-mail and blogs, wikis also perform a very useful service in a simple way. A wiki allows a group of people to enter and communally edit bits of text. These bits of text can be viewed and edited by anyone who visits the wiki.

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yeah wikipedia is cool

but i hear people can freely can go in and change things and make them misleading

i may be wrong though


A Wiki answer for you.


Some of you may remeber our favorite moshing friend.




& yes still running on Wiki. Nice






net & text abreviations

old technologies

people of importance I'm supposed to know then forget anyway

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Mount Rushmore



hahaha...ive wikipediad this before...only because i found out the guy who carved it was a member of the kkk....and he also carved something else into the side of a mountain somewhere in the u.s., where they used to have kkk meetings....


but i mostly wiki shit for school....like if i dont understand a topic in lecture.

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In rural areas, coyotes will respond to human calls. This is most often after the coyotes have started a howling session. They will also respond to recorded howls. In some of these areas, the coyotes will stop and wait for the humans to stop before resuming their howling session, once they've figured out that it isn't another coyote that has been calling to them. In areas where the coyotes have grown accustomed to humans calling back to them, they tend to continue with simpler calls back to the humans and return to more complex calls when the humans get tired of calling to them.



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i was trying to find the maual for ultima underworld and ended up therr.


The player views the game world from a first-person perspective. A point-and-click interface is used to interact with the game world. Items can be picked up and kept in the player's inventory as long as there is sufficient carrying capacity. Dropped items will persist throughout the course of the game. The game world is highly interactive. The player must be kept fed. Weapons and other items wear with use. Torches, for example, eventually extinguish after prolonged use, but can also be replenished with oil. Other examples of interactivity include using corn on a lit torch to create popcorn.
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