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hey, i was wondering if this would be a good shell for a maker: DSCN0668.jpg


its a glass marker i found at meijers the paint sucks and can be wiped off with hot water and a rag (or atleast thats what the box said) i was wondering if this would be a good shell for a marker and if i could put this krylon chrome in it? its a small bottle, there like $3.49 to purchase i believe, its about 3-4inches tall maybe 2 wide. do you think this stuff and some thinner would work in this marker?

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i was thinking about cutting the end off then using a glue gun or something to reseal it. not really trying to fuck up the tip cuz i made a mistake

do it. trial and error, sounds like it'll work.


I doubt that would work.

just let him try it. "i doubt" youve done it yourself.

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^^Co-signed, innovation cannot happen without trial and error.


I suggest that instead of asking "how?" and "what?" that, if anyone is interested, you start by making a marker, flowpen, mop, or device of your own. Flick that guy and post it. You don't have tell people how you did it. Just show the device and a sample of the marking. Don't spoil the prestige of the magic. Just show the show. It will make others have to figure it out, and possibly find a better way of doing things... then you will have to figure out how they did it.


Are you a person that gets things done...

or do you just want all the answers and just plan on doing something and never actually follow through?


Tomorrow, I will be posting a few of my favorite markers and their marks.

I dare any of you to do the same.


And don't ask me to SYN or anything stupid like that.

Just see the show. Some flicks. Something to see.

Participate. See you in 24.

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Its been 24, so here is a few... not all.

Not just yet. Simple first.


My day to day supply and gear.



This guy is for insides. Clean, minimal drips, filled with DED inside job.



This guy, also with DED, is for large clean lines... with drips, but no mess.



The next two are what everyone keeps asking for on here...

You need these for smooth surfaces and controllable drips.

They also weigh in at a modest 3oz and fits in your fist completely covered.

This one with KRINK, because it works like nothing else...



This one with DED(blue) for the same reason...



A closer look...



Thats it for now.

I didn't create these markers from scratch. They are modified by the ink, but

work non the less. I will be posting other markers and a few that are from scratch, but for now

I am starting simple in hopes that it will inspire others like yourselves to post yours as well.

I used paper to show drips so that they wouldn't run as much as in the field.

Don't believe the hype either... Pilots do drip, and DED is the truth.


BUMP "cucumbers" for setting it off.

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