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I thought that was a law already though.

its been a while since i've been carded to buy paint, but the major stores will redflag paint when buying, asking the cashier if the person is over 18. some even have them put in your birth date.

i dont see it being a big problem, most of the people i want to see work from are over 18 anyway.

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who cares what you want to see? graffiti is for the youth. not grown ass men that are hanging on to it or elitist graffiti artists that go to art school and consider themselves to good to teach the youth or consider themselves above what graffiti is in its essence. most cities have graffiti that is a part of its culture, not based off popular culture or suburbanites emulating cities that have a grass roots graffiti culture and a vibrant young scene. assuming you write it would seem appropriate to encourage the youth no matter how unsophistaced their craft is, or "toy" or wack they are.

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who cares what you want to see? graffiti is for the youth. not grown ass men that are hanging on to it or elitist graffiti artists that go to art school and consider themselves to good to teach the youth or consider themselves above what graffiti is in its essence. most cities have graffiti that is a part of its culture, not based off popular culture or suburbanites emulating cities that have a grass roots graffiti culture and a vibrant young scene. assuming you write it would seem appropriate to encourage the youth no matter how unsophistaced their craft is, or "toy" or wack they are.



I agree with this..but just do graffiti it's fucking graffiti no rules no regulations it's art it's free it's uncontrollable it's also gay.

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if you dont care what i want to see, then shut the fuck up. I CARE what i want to see and i care about the future and progression of this city's graffiti "scene" and the culture around it.

some 15 year old asshole wants to go out and grab some cans from where ever and go fuck something up to feel cool and screw up what heads in this city have worked for for years and when the fire heats up, they can just pick up a new hobby and say 'yea i was a tagger once'.


I rode through a neighborhood looking at houses to buy a few days ago and saw some jank wanna be shit on a utility box. it wasnt from someone who gave a shit about what we do, it was some dumbfuck wanting to feel cool and do something edgy.

ill guarantee you the kid did no research on graffiti, never sketched a day in his life, etc.

all that did was depreciate property values and give dude some false sense of culture.


thats the top reason i have no problem with them making it against the law to sell paint to minors. of course, somewhere in those reasons, dumb asses wanting to huff paint fits in, but i'd rather the fucktard buy paint and huff it than buy it and make our lives harder as writers.


dont worry about getting all chappy lipped and coming back with your new user name, made up to try to stir some shit up, youre wasting your time. you may have your opinion, and i'll always have mine.


whats funny, there are several people on this forum, in this city, who used to have the same mentality you have toward this topic, in more recent years, i've seen those dudes grow up and start giving a shit about the hobby theyve put their lives into to make what it is now. grow up and take responsibility for what you do, who knows, maybe before you know it, youve sunk 10 years into this shit and you look back thinking 'damn, im glad we didnt fuck this up'

then again, maybe you fuck up and OD on meth in a trailer park somewhere...

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so your ridiculing vandalism. you sound like an old man "GET OFF MY LAWN"


"jank wanna be shit"


What does that mean?


Do you mean typical graffiti? Shit you may have done in your youth?


The mentality I have is usually shared by anyone that understands what graffiti is, or has lived in a city that has a diversified graffiti scene. Stop trying to redefine something that you did not create, and if you harbor such animosity towards taggers, writers, kids, or whomever that writes on shit, then maybe you should stick to house hunting, maintaining the status quo, and property value. Graffiti, REAL graffiti, NOT avant-garde, trendy, euro styled, 8 dollar a can, graffiti is obviously not your thing.


Since I don't hail from Memphis, I can't say what the street scene is like, what is happening in the inner city, just happened to see the city on the top of brickslayers forums. I'm sure there is a real history though, not one fabricated by individuals like yourself that look down on others that write. Its sad to see "writers" talk about graffiti the way you do. Thats why you should stop writing when your young, especially if your going to end up a cantankerous old asshole that bitches about people writing on shit illegally.


I apologize for carrying on with this subject. I've said what I think is appropriate.

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Come learn all the hot, new graffiti techniques and terminology at Cypher Sunday today! Toys are welcome to observe old school practitioners paint awesome graffiti tags.


Seriously ... shit is fun and everyone is welcome. Leave your attitude about what graffiti should or should not be at home and come kick it.

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When we were minors we did all sorts of stupid shit. Got bums to but us booze, older kids for drugs, and we tagged shit. Was it pretty? No. have we progressed? Yes. Guess what, vandalism is vandalism and if that tag you saw was a perfect Zephyr tag done with the obvious knowledge of style and history, it would still be vandalism. You think people give a shit whether it looks "good" or not? Plaster the Mona Lisa over someone's billboard, their ad and money is still wasted. Kids will be kids, deal with it Crankshaft

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true, but people like zephyr and cornbread didnt have anything to reference to. today, we have plenty of ways to learn about things that interest us.

in the early days of rock, those musicians didnt have others in there genre of music to look back on and learn from, so they created their own. today, there are music magazines, radio, internet, pandora, etc.

not everyone picks the same style. paser picked wildstyle and gnars picked simples, neckface picked... neckface.

some people pick the misfits, some people pick pink floyd.

when we were kids, we still had some of what new writers have today, and yea, we still did stupid shit. i remember codak trying to tell me not to paint the front of the union ex walls in memphis and i didnt want to listen, but i did and later realized why. unfortunately, others didnt and now the spots not chill.

i remember painting the back of an excavator in a suburban neighborhood when i was 17. no point, who was going to see it?

we stole paint, changed labels, we staged fights in an art store one time to draw all the attention of the employees, so a 3rd guy could load up a back full of belton and roll out unseen.

im not proud of all that, and a lot of it was just stupid, oh well.

theres a time and a place for this shit. bombing the city, now, is one thing, bombing a suburban neighborhood, not so much. 20 years from now, that suburban neighborhood may be a little more city or a little more hood, so maybe its different then, but not now.


ive also seen that graffiti culture fluctuates from city to city, the things people say and the way people take those things are very different from place to place. memphis isnt as big as atlanta, nyc, la, etc. and our graffiti scene isnt as big or as far along as those cities and people dont have the same styles here.

you dont see as many throw ups in memphis as you do in other cities, usually its from someone from out of town or someone who wants to fit in with what graffiti is, somewhere else. we've got more time to paint spots at night than other cities, so we're able to rock pieces on the side of the interstate. if you've got 20 minutes to do something, you shouldnt take 3 and do something thats just going to grab the attention of the buff faster.

ive seen the same spot hit with throw ups get buffed right away, but when pieced, they ride a little longer (one that comes to mind is 240 where the 385 flyover is).


it doesnt matter though, youre going to have your opinion and im happy you do, im going to have mine and thats just how it is. do what you do and i'll do what i do.


bw, this whole discussion came about over paint being sold to minors. youre right, kids will be kids, thats just how it is. but the kid who has a drive to actually be a writer is going to find a way around not being able to buy paint. whether it be stealing it, getting someone else to buy it, whatever. the kid who doesnt care about graffiti might just go buy some meth and get fucked up instead, so fucking up his own shit, not ours or the neighborhood utility boxes.

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