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um. i get the feeling that this whole thread is an entire lie. i dont think dude even painted anywhere. i dont think anyone went over anything he did and i dont think anyone did throwups over anything he did. i doubt he lives in an area where graffiti has a large enough scene to where 2 sets of people would go over his shit. i mean, he seems too stupid to live in an area where graffiti would be a problem.

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thats because theres 2 definitions ot the term





1. beer run

80 up, 16 down



act of going to the local liquor establishment to replentish supply of alcohol for the party, while in a drunken state


Son of a bitch we're out it's time for a beer run.

by ducttape16 Mar 29, 2003 email it

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2. Beer Run

54 up, 27 down



To steal beer late at night from a 24 hours grocery store.


We have no money or beer, it's time for a beer run

by Casey Stamey Mar 3, 2005 email it

3. beer run

39 up, 17 down



the act of casually walking into, preferrebly, a liquor store, grabbing the beer of your choice for that night, and then casually walking past the counter with it until you approach the door, then darting off with it like a bat out of hell, either into a get away car or simply down the street into a safe alley or apartment complex.


Chuck and I got drunk last night and decided to do a beer run at Hanshaw's Liquor for the fuck of it.

tags verb fun exhilirating free beer

by Bails One O.C., California Nov 9, 2005 email it

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