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real purp is supposed to be 100% sativa...



back in the day it was like that, that shit tastes like blood and is not pleasant to smoke, but it will make your vision funny



Nowadays you got people cross straining just enough to give it that sellable color,




Back in 03 out here people wouldnt touch it because they thought it was a bad batch, now everyone and their mom knows about it and you just get ripped off

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yea, im beginning to question some of the supposid "purp" thats going around here. tastes and looks just like some regular ass dank but theres people who swear up and down its the real shit. the only time i know i smoked the real shit was when a friend of mine went to amsterdam, brought back seeds, then grew the shit.

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real purp is almost black when it cures its so dark, and it tastes like smoking blood and cloves - not a pleasant smoke at all but it will blow your brain out. Sativa is the part of cannabis sativa that has slight hallucinogenic properties...


This new shit is always some fruity rah rah bullshit - people call anything with dark pink in it PURP nowadays. Fuck most people dont even know what purp really is so they use it as slang for dro

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Haha yeah dude the diesel is fucking nastyyyyyy.


That shit smells so fucking potent. It is a fruity but almost pungent stench. If someone has it in their pocket the whole room would stink up like you just opened the door after dropping a 30 minute taco bell shit.


In the valley we get some good diesel every once in a while. But damn is it awesome.




We see lots of jack.



just tried some called wonderland. it didnt look so great at first but after a few days of curing it was amaaaazing.

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real purp is almost black when it cures its so dark, and it tastes like smoking blood and cloves - not a pleasant smoke at all but it will blow your brain out. Sativa is the part of cannabis sativa that has slight hallucinogenic properties...





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