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acid - good- 1st - 6th hour. ROCKING! 6th-10/12 hour. beached on lsd island. (gets the ecstasy )


acid and psytrance go hand in hand. :D


mushrooms - hallucinogenic of choice. (due to the natural and free effect)


agreed with some. acid can get a little wild at times.

but divine moments of truth at other times.

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^^^ theres something about this picture that just doesnt work.... i dont know if its the fact these kids are in a suburb or if its the fact theyre in a suburb with some kind of crazy klingon weapon and i see no one outside staring


thats what Im sayin




where do they just let these kids walk around the streets with giant chineese sword-spears looking like that?



You dont want these kids to have weird ass weapons. At least they arent juggalos

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he's done acid a considerable amount of times (like, 3 or 4) and likes it a lot more than he liked salvia. he said he likes seeing the colors move





get a new source




Candy Flip FTW. Just takin one x pill with your acid guarantees a good time - I tripped multiple humdreds of times in various capacities.


Also I have done Salvia more than a few times, its legal and I have no idea how! I took some gravity bong hits of 10X extract and I thought I was being awakend by my Girlfriend and my boy whose place it was into a hell I had already been living in. It actually hurt and totally gave me crazy visuals, like everything was peeling away from itself into slices And shit.



After that frightening ass experience I liked it , I knew what I was in for, but damn its intense. Its really hard to walk, or even move, in full trip, so we started experementing with moving around on it. My boy walked dead up face first into the wall, thinking he could walk through the spot between the TV and a floor plant. I was looking out the window thiniing how it would be a good Idea to just step out there... on the 3rd floor.



Salvia is legal and no joke

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Saliva is the stupidest thing ever.


Ok, it doesn't really matter what mental state your in, or how many times you've done other drugs. Salvia is highly unpredictable and your first trip will either do nothing, or you'll be locked into a cartoon fantasy world.


Acid is 100x better than salvia.

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Saliva is the stupidest thing ever.


Ok, it doesn't really matter what mental state your in, or how many times you've done other drugs. Salvia is highly unpredictable and your first trip will either do nothing, or you'll be locked into a cartoon fantasy world.


Acid is 100x better than salvia.


No fucking way. Cartoon fantacy world for five minutes at a time is far better than losing your mind for 12 hours with the last 6 of that coming down and feeling like you're gonna be insane for the rest of your life.


I used to fuck with acid alot back in the mid 90's and that shit fucked with my head for a long time after I quit. I havn't fucked with acid since 95 and still have no desire to do that to myself again. Shit was fun at first but gets old real quick.

I'd rather go with shrooms for the all day trip.

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^That's the first time I ever heard that and I seriously doubt it.


although acid can have more long-term psychological effects, it's better for you physically than shrooms. hits of acid are measured in micrograms, and such a small amount poses no physical danger.

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Why you cut school? 'Cause you ain't feel too good

I cut school 'cause my cuts ain't heal too good

Through all the physical abuse my mind escaped through the gift of wordplay

I memorized encyclopaedias and dictionaries

I wrote anthems from antonyms, harmonies from homonyms

Created cinema from synonyms

Was livid to eliminate that illustrious life you livin' in

Wrote rhetoricals in rhythms

I could paralyze with a parable, make rhymes out of religion

Crucify you with a prefix, or suffocate you with a suffix

Wrote lectures so infectious it's known to infect the listeners

Who dissin' us?

Yo punks you wait... I punctuate

My karma's the comma

That puts you inside of a coma

Hyphen, dot, dot, semi-colon, leave you semi-swollen

Question mark, you pregnant?

Oh you're not? I love you, period.

To sum it up, language is my essence

Fucked up in all my adolescence 'til my Moms was out of lessons

Laws: I store convenient

Still I rob a convenience store

Love Mom, Fuck Mom, shit I ain't love me no more

Mentally it didn't register, bitch

Empty the register, bitch

You just a cashier, bitch

Give the cash here, or I'll shoot you in your cabbage

Hijack a getaway cab, bitch

Words ain't makin' me no loot, don't change now Dow Jones average

Regardless, we Godless

They stole my innocence

In a sense, the judge sentenced me to three lifetimes sentences

To write my life and times and sentences

Art my dark archnemesis

They want me off the premises, that's what the premise is

Locked on a tier where you can't shed a tear at

Studied more Shakespeare than any African shakes a spear at

And the whole world fear that, and it hurts

I got caught killing time, but then I got with words

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