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oink accounts?


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im sorry to use this as a personal up-my-internet game forum, if you dont like it terminate the thread.



ive been looking for an oink account for days. the few people i know that have them either fucked up and invited some douche so they got their shit taken away, or they have yet to upload 10gigs. i keep my upload to download ratio at about 2:1 always. never less than 189%. im not a fucking idiot, and i can provide proof of my uploading if you have an oink account for me. this is the 2nd to last resort. the last resort is waiting for people to up 10 gigs. please. negotiations involving invites to other places can be discussed.

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assuming that i was told correctly and you are satanas i would gladly give you an invite considering how much shit you used to post (i dont know if you still do) in the album trader thread. i dont think you can use the same account from 2 different computers. there are usually rules against sharing accounts on sites that require invites.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest shai_hulud

http://www.torrentfreak.com (AKA "Everything you wanted to know about BT")


Try that, ILB. It appears that there may be a pair of new OiNK trackers to try to get on now. I won't mention them here since they are private, but I found the names on TF in about a minute or so.


And, I am not a member so I have no invites. Sorry.

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Guest shai_hulud
oink got shut down which seems crazy...


Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. The next year or so is gonna be really bad, now that the RIAA/MPAA realized there's no future in busting the DLers. They're going after ISPs/colocation centers to get the servers that run the trackers or link sites.


Too bad for them they're circumventing logic, reason and local law to do so. I'd say the next year is going to be bad, and then about three years from now they'll have made themselves look so bad that they'll be investigated on all kinds of charges, such as racketeering, extortion, wire fraud, violation of international trade agreements/soverignity laws/treaties....you get the idea.


It's just a hunch, but I think Usenet and BBSes are going to come back in a big way in the meantime.

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there's ways around everything, and this won't be any different. shut down sites like oink and demonoid, you'll still have shit like the pirate bay holding up a middle finger to all demands to cease operations.


and if they ever get shut down, more will pop up.


it's like bebe's kids... we don't die, we multiply.

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Guest shai_hulud

TPB learned the hard way, but I think they aren't going anywhere for a long, long time.


With all the publicity they got from the raid, all kinds of people cameout of the woodwork and offered to mirror them. So, if they get kicked out of Sweden (which wouldn't happen for at least five years or so), they'll just take their show somewhere else.


Like Transnistria, or Antarctica. They wrote a letter to Kim Jong il offering all the free movies he wanted for safe harbor in North Korea, but it turned out to be an April Fool's joke.


Antarctica...the winters aren't bad if you're used to the ones in Sweden...hmmm.

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Guest shai_hulud
This is ridiculous.

I'm sure they will find new ways to get around all this.


Yeah. It's called Usenet. If I was still into serious DLing, I would do that. It costs money (subscription based), but apparently there's just about anything you could think of on there.


And I do mean ANYTHING...but I digress.


If you know how to set up a BBS and have a lot of stuff to share, there's that option. I should ask Casek about the logistics.

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there's ways around everything, and this won't be any different. shut down sites like oink and demonoid, you'll still have shit like the pirate bay holding up a middle finger to all demands to cease operations.


and if they ever get shut down, more will pop up.


it's like bebe's kids... we don't die, we multiply.


Exactly! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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