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Happy Birthday Podrido!

^ . ^

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yes it does taste like bubblegum


magical wonderful gum




with gas








funny story



^ . ^: dammmn

me: i woke up this morning having to take a shit

me: so im like ok

me: and then im like fuck

me: if i get up im gonna puke and not be able to go back to sleep

me: so im like fuck

me: but i have to shit

me: so i get up and shit

me: and while iw as shitting

me: i got the urge to puke

^ . ^: jesus dude

me: but i was like oh shit i cant puke with shit in the toilet

me: nor with my ass not wipped

me: so i wipped my ass

^ . ^: true dat

me: flushed the toilet

me: and then yacked away

^ . ^: oh god.. why?

me: i probably yacked like 8 times today

^ . ^: omg

me: true story

me: funny thing is

me: i woke up fine

me: not even hung over

me: iu just kept puking lool

^ . ^: hahhah then it hit u

^ . ^: thats horrible

me: na its weird

me: anywho

^ . ^: i guess it shows u had a good night then

me: during themiddle of it all

me: i was like yuo lets go to outback

^ . ^: LOL

me: so we get half way there

me: lol

me: and im like yo oull over

me: my friends like DONT PUKE INM Y CAR

me: im like dont owrry

^ . ^: hahahahahah

me: he pulls over

me: and i give the green light to turn around

me: we get about 4 blocks up

me: and im like yo i have to puke pull over

me: and hes liek now?

me: im like pull over

^ . ^: hhahahhaha

me: then

me: it comes

me: my cheeks fill with yack

me: and as fast as it came up

me: it went back down like a champ

^ . ^: wow

me: im like pull over here with the only breath of air i have left before it comes back up into my cheekks

me: i hold it down

me: and let loose

me: then we go home

^ . ^: jesus

me: i order outback

^ . ^: sounds like good times!!!

me: and ate it at 9pm

me: lol

^ . ^: hahaha

me: that was my day

me: for my actuall bday

^ . ^: i didnt have nearly as much fun as u did

me: not counting the party i had last night

me: oh this guy tried was going to try and jack me lolol

^ . ^: whaaaaaaaaaaaat

me: yeah funny story

me: im walkin out the club and i see this black dude with glasses and a fitted

me: as im walkin out i heart yo nice shirt wered u get that shirt

me: im like oh shoe gallery

me: hes like im not from here im from nyc

me: so i point to the light and tell him to make a right there and go down till u get to the college

me: anyways

me: he thens go on about

me: if i need a gun permit

me: hes a undercover cop from nyc

^ . ^: whaaa

me: so im like alrighty then

me: im like i dont need a gun permit

me: neither do i need a gun

me: im like when i neeed a gun i aint gonna need no permit

^ . ^: LOL

me: talking about some disaster type shit

me: anyways

me: im like alright im out

me: i say peace out

me: i walk around the corner

me: and the guy comes around

me: and he sparks up another conversation

me: i forgot about what

me: but he then proceeds to keep talking about guns

Juicy Juice2468: wtf

me: and then he goes and says im not from around here i got gun permits

me: and he rgabs his pants

me: and pockets

me: so i look at his pocket

me: i see no bulge

me: and i think

me: this guy is a fucking idiot

^ . ^: LOL

me: 1 hestaking too long to get to the point

me: so im like

me: guy

me: im leaving peace

me: lol

me: and i turn around and walk away

me: and he just stands there

^ . ^: lol

^ . ^: so was he trying to insinuate that he had a gun or something? LOL

me: so i assume he was heading to do a jack move

^ . ^: yea

me: yeah but it took his ass way to long

^ . ^: hahahahahhaha

^ . ^: N00b

me: and im not falling for that

^ . ^: yea

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