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pissdrunk drunk ass interviews!


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so im drunk and im interviewing EBPH prolific, hated 12oz contributor




crassfc3sdrft : alright, so introduce yourself for your adoring fans


Quaranta-Due: Towel 14K. I'm infamous and shit... I mean seriously... People know me.


I have many leather bound books...




crassfc3sdrft : does your home smell more like rich mohogany or vagina?


Quaranta-Due: I'm in between houses right now. But my car smells like fries. And my cousins ferret.


Ferrets lightweight smell like wet dogs.


crassfc3sdrft : interesting, whats your hustle man the claim to fame?


Quaranta-Due: Rack and returns. And girlies.


And being Loss Prevention. That's my best hustle ever.


I basically get paid to stop people from stealing, and then I rack a few bottles on my way out of work.


I drank 6 bottles of Sailor Jerry in a week because of this job. All gratis.


crassfc3sdrft : so i should expect some bottles in return for those shirts huh?


Quaranta-Due: You can't send booze through the mail like that. But if you make it out here. You will FOR SURE get some free booze out of it. And whatever else you want that we sell....


Condoms, toothbrushes, hair product... You know... The Good Shit.


crassfc3sdrft : so we can get drunk and style our hair is basically what youre saying


Quaranta-Due: Yeah dude for sure...


/no homo


crassfc3sdrft : how long have you been posting on 12oz


Quaranta-Due: Uh I joined in 2001. I think I've been lightweight lurking since 1999.


www.yahoo.com> Graffiti....


12oz was on the first page... http://www.haywardgraffiti.com was on the second... Only a few people will know about that site.


crassfc3sdrft : ahhh so youre pretty OG then, not alot of people hated like you stay around that long. how does it feel to have people hate you like they do?


Quaranta-Due: There are only a few people that REALLY hate me. It's mostly akward. Only one person actually HATES on me with no good reason.

Everyone that I actually talk to seems to like me. I think people tend to hate on strong opinions, and I have lots of those.

Life goes on... I'm still good looking, so I'm not trippin off it too hard.


I find it funny when I heard dudes actually talk about me outside of this website. I don't know what to say about it really, I just know that it's funny.



crassfc3sdrft : haters


crassfc3sdrft : so you stay in the bay?


Quaranta-Due: It happens.


Quaranta-Due: Yeah my whole life minus a few years....


I did so cal for a bit, and Vancouver for about 5 months.


I'm bay for life though, it's in my blood. My family is a staple here.


crassfc3sdrft: thats cool, its no texas but its cool. whats the graff scene like out there?


Quaranta-Due: Um the best I've seen so far.


Lots of dudes and a few girls out bombing really hard. Good spots, good people.


And a lot of dudes putting it down train wise and piece wise. Lots of in betweeners too.


Then again, tons of shitty cops, and a lot of dudes who don't know what the fuck they are doing or saying most the time. I've been around the bay scene for around a decade now, so it's nothing new to have haters come and go...


crassfc3sdrft : what are your feelings on the graff scene over all right now?


Quaranta-Due: The internet has made snitching become A LOT more acceptable than I ever though would be acceptable. But as has happened before, these dudes fall off or get beat up.


Basically I'm just hoping the next wave of dudes end up being a little more conscience of what they do and say, and that it all ends up in the universe... And that the fact that they are doing and saying these things on the internet means it will be around forever.


I've also met some cool new kids that I have nothing bad to say about.


Plus there are still the dudes doing it now that have been since I started paying attention to graffiti....


Should I give shot outs?


crassfc3sdrft: show some love for your bay homies and your peoples on the 12oz


Quaranta-Due: As far as locally. Bely for sure, dudes been doing it for 15 years steady. Steel MSK is a hometown hero too.


KOD, some HTF, 640, ASE, A4Y, ASE from San Jose, TWB, KYT.




My generation: ME for sure. I'm dope. RGUE, ALKE, SHER, ZEUSR, ROYAL, RICH, most dudes in BAW actually, WARF, VOLT, HCOR, LISTO...


Basically anyone who manages to make a point without posting everything they do on the intrawebs.


And anyone I consistantly talk to. You might not paint a lot, but you're good in my book.


crassfc3sdrft : ok last question then, what keeps you coming back to 12oz


Quaranta-Due: I don't do a lot of shit on the internet. I check my email, maybe my myspace, then I go on 12oz.


I also work full time so it helps me keep track of what's being painted kind of...


But mostly: Boredom, friends, and the fact that I like voicing my opinion on shit.


Also, 12oz and artcrimes are pretty much the first websites I ever visited regularly. Nostalgia, and all that nonesense.




crassfc3sdrft : good stuffs, im drunk so were gonna end this interview and get back to the cyberz (/nohomo) anything you wanna say? closing words?


Quaranta-Due: Um. I'll wrap my dick around your neck and start you up like a lawn mower???


Nah I dunno, you should make a thread though.


Pissdrunks drunk ass interviews...


crassfc3sdrft : hell yeah, its goin down in the south. HOLLER!

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LMAO!!!! My dude said:


"Quaranta-Due: The internet has made snitching become A LOT more acceptable than I ever though would be acceptable. But as has happened before, these dudes fall off or get beat up.


Basically I'm just hoping the next wave of dudes end up being a little more conscience of what they do and say, and that it all ends up in the universe... And that the fact that they are doing and saying these things on the internet means it will be around forever. "












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Oh! i just read this! why you dropping info like we know each other dude?!?! GET AT ME! YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!









seriously, im SURE you have my fucking phone number you name dropping ass chump. Delete this shit before this dude gets exposed for who he really is, nah, fuck that, let it ride. its the internet. thats how faggots get fame now. right you fucking slack jawed yokel?

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cory callin niggas out..



name dropping IS a bad look though


this dude really needs a ban for life on the whole interweb. Hey.

When you are sobering up tomorrow, you fucking lame... and are re- reading these posts, you should take a minute to think about the DUMB shit you say at party's about people you have never met 600 miles away. You're not making friends. AT ALL

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this dude really needs a ban for life on the whole interweb. Hey.

When you are sobering up tomorrow, you fucking lame... and are re- reading these posts, you should take a minute to think about the DUMB shit you say at party's about people you have never met 600 miles away. You're not making friends. AT ALL


I'm not even sure if this is aimed at me or Eastgay or pfffffff. You're all over the place buddy.

Maybe when YOU sober up tomorrow you might wanna drop in and re-read this shit and clarify what the fuck you're saying.

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