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if thre are any well known freight heads on here i just wanted to know is it flattering to hear people talking about your shit or seeing it on sites? does it give you a sense of accomplishment? just wondeing.because thats the name of the game grafitti fame.....;)

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Originally posted by Average White Railfan

im far from a wellknown writer, but i know a well known writer and homies pretty humble about his crown. he dosent really take fliks and talk shit...uh i guess like i do.:rolleyes:


i'm almost positive that i know who you are railfan and from a personal point of view i think you're very modest. i guess all i can say is rock on with your bad self...


i myself am not famous at all. i do get spotted from time to time and it is a nice feeling but i am by no means a thoroughbred like some of the people that get airplay alot. more power to them.

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Guest snafuno

i myself am not famous at all. i do get spotted from time to time and it is a nice fe


I feel the same way....I rarely get spotted, but when I do it definately is a good feeling. I am by no mean the best writer or cose to it, but i put alot of effort and heart into what I do. I always lke to hear feedback and see what peoples opions are??? Its always good to know if you are improving or advancing when people give you a shout..

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Guest mothrasmomma

are you painting cus you already ill, or you need some one to tell you that by their wack ass examples your good? fuck what anyone thinks. if you painting for self , who cares, cus thosse seeing your shit are probably waalkin the yards with moms instead of painting..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest istepdincrap

i have been painting fr8s since 97(not long at all) and i am very unheard of..it's nice when people spot your stuff or you see it in a mag but i just like to paint fr8s, it's different every time!

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Guest bigdork

it nice to get regonized, especially when you put in so much work, the main reason why i like seeing my stuff on the net or in a mag, is because 80% of the time i dont have a flick of it or let alone even remember painting it, so it becomes a treasure hunt and is the main reson why i dont flick most of my stuff, its awesome to just to let the universe take control. so i guess it nice, but it all boils down to the feeling, the experiences, the friendships, the justifying of your existance, and the pure fun and love for the railroad earth!!!

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Guest Jan Ulrich



graffiti is nothing more than ghetto fame. as soon as you stop producing your status starts to diminish rapidly, and within a year or two you're completely forgotten. graffiti fame lasts only the moment.



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Originally posted by mothrasmomma

are you painting cus you already ill, or you need some one to tell you that by their wack ass examples your good? fuck what anyone thinks. if you painting for self , who cares, cus thosse seeing your shit are probably waalkin the yards with moms instead of painting..

this is how japanese hardcore bands write their lyrics...dude, you make no sense!

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Re: ?


Originally posted by Jan Ulrich

graffiti is nothing more than ghetto fame. as soon as you stop producing your status starts to diminish rapidly, and within a year or two you're completely forgotten. graffiti fame lasts only the moment.




yup ghetto fame... what.... 1 minute your a success and the next minute your forgotten like best..

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