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Oontz oontz oontz!!


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i really just don't understand how anyone can listen to this anything beyond background music...


if you want an experience for the drugs, listen to some fucking jazz...


i don't get it.


if you don't get it it's just that you are narrow minded, i can trip on any type of music... i don't always listen the same type of music... plus i don't need drug to enjoy music... when i feel the beat and furthermore if the situation is good it's good.. when i'm really tripped people always come to me to ask me xtc or pills. fuck that if you can't control your mind to let the beat penetrate it then i'm sorry for you.. i'm not judging anybody.. if you don't like this type of music it's your choice

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i'm not trying to be aggressive against it, i just don't understand it.


the beats are simple. if experiencing a beat is your goal, why do you go for such a programmed drum machine beat? 4/4 can only take you so far... its such a boring "bob your head' beat. if you're experiencing that as a whole "trip" or whatever, i recommend you really, really listen to something slightly more technical, that will send your mind on a crazy fucking trip.


here's an example



again, i'm not just trying to be a dick here, i'm looking for a real explanation. i don't buy "feeling the beat." the beat is the same at its core as pop punk, most rock, most hardcore, pop in general. do you like the synthetic noises? is it the social experience?

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as i told you i can trip on any type of music. with the synthetic noises it's the repetition and the talent of the creator,the way he built or mixed the songs.. sometimes it's some commercial shit sometimes some underground songs... i know that "fealing the beat" seems a little bit to easy as an explaination but that's the only simple way i had to explain how the music works on me,i don't care about the social experience

i never arrived in the club and trip immediately on the music first i let the music penetrate my mind i focus on the song and after 30 min or more i really start and then it's just perfect i am in Symbiosis with the music and at this time i really wished to be alone with the beat materially speaking. it can be on any type of music but if i don't feel it i quit that's simple..


but that's my way-..

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i'm not trying to be aggressive against it, i just don't understand it.


again, i'm not just trying to be a dick here, i'm looking for a real explanation. i don't buy "feeling the beat." the beat is the same at its core as pop punk, most rock, most hardcore, pop in general. do you like the synthetic noises? is it the social experience?


I'll tell you why I like the oontz. Maybe it will help.


Music itself:


Heavy bass. Synthesizers are fresh because they sound like nothing else. Crazy


morphing tones and textures samples delays effects subharmonic resonance found in


no other music I know of. I'm no music expert for sure but I'm drawn to sounds that


are on the unusual side. I got into techno from heavy metal to industrial to punk &


hardcore to raves and techno and clubs. I still really like metal and industrial but the


punk and hardcore I can't really listen to anymore. Same goes for some of the styles


of techno I first got into. Some of that shit really sucks in hindsight but it was time


and place and the shit was new and happening at that moment. The early 90's had it


going on for new music styles. Hip Hop was really good and Very creative too. A lot of


innovation based on samplers and loops fueled mad sonic pioneering.


Anyway I liked different and found it in techno world and beat driven music. I like the


unusual sonic sound-scapes crafted around driving percussion.



Social Aspect:


So I agree techno is like background music at times. To properly get into it three


things are required.


1. SoundSystem (large LOUD & clear-includes competent DJ)


2. Party People (Who are there to dance not look cool)


3. You dancing for hours


So when you participate in the music with dancing and get in the aerobic zone shit


starts to change. I find it easy to get lost in the layers of sound and the continuous


bass kick or break just pulls you along. Being in the crowd and everyone is unified in


one moment and purpose getting down and letting go and working out the pressures


and stress of life just being for that time and place that shit taps the primal energies


and the ancient tribal rhythms we are all programmed on. I find it is a very real and


cleansing experience. Like a good workout can be but with a party and lots of smiles


and stuff.


In conclusion.


I like other types of music too they just don't resonate with me the same way.


As I get older I may tune into another or hopefully more frequencies. Until then I'm


cool with oontz.


Also keep in mind there is a ton of bad oontz out there just like rap and rock and all


that other shit. Unfortunately most folks hear the crap and when the quality is


served up correctly it's already too late. Opinion already formed all sounds the same.


Sorry if this ended up long winded. You were looking for a serious answer and it's a


difficult thing to be concise about.


Hope that helps but you know some people just don't dig certain shit.


Good of you to try to understand though. Cooler than a homo joke.

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oh by the way

all drumming was done with fruity loops by me, most if not all guitar was done by my friend andy and recorded on audacity then chopped sliced and sequenced by me..








i found this a minute ago

and its made me rethink what goes into songcrafting




bastwood.com main - records - games - aphex face - email

The Aphex Face




Some time ago, in the summer of 2001 if I recall correctly, I ran into an intriguing page at http://chaos.yerbox.org/face/ (Chaosmachine's more recent page can be found at blamcast.net). The original page, which sadly has since then disappered from the face of the earth, was all about this hidden "demon face" in one of Aphex Twin's tracks, #2 (the long formula) on "Windowlicker".


This face was supposed to be viewable with a spectrograph program, so I decided to try it myself. A spectrograph basically visualizes the sound spectrum.


First I needed to extract the track from the Windowlicker CD, which was easy with CDex. The extraction of the whole track was not really necessary because the "face" is situated at the very end of the track, starting from the 5:27 mark and lasting for about 10 seconds. There are other "audio images" on this particular track as well (and one at the end of the first track), but the face is certainly the most exciting of them all.


After I had the wav-file, I used a program called Spectrogram to visualize the file. To my amazement, it worked, and I was soon staring at the "demon" face:



the alleged demon face


I was, however, not content with this. Why would the good ol' Twin have added a "demon" face into one of his tracks? I mean, the man does have a weird sense of humor, but I always thought demons were more up BoC's alley...


While examining the image, I came to the conclusion that something was not right. So I started messing around with the settings of the spectrograph program, and after a bit of knob twiddling the mystery revealed itself: the face was supposed to be watched with a logarithmic frequency scale, not with a linear scale.


A linear scale provided the "demon face", but with a logarithmic scale the end results were quite different:




Why, it was none other than the Twin himself all the time, complete with his patented grin!


The settings which I used to get the above image were roughly the same as in the picture below (they aren't the exact same settings since I've lost them somewhere, but if you try them yourself you'll find that they are more than close enough):






spectrogram settings for reproducing the face


After this "amazing" discovery, I contacted the guy at chaos.yerbox.org and informed him of the results. He seemed interested to add this new-found info to his pages, but I suppose he's just not gotten around to it yet :)


Next, I decided to inform the good folks on the IDM mailinglist about The Face. It turned out that this "picture to audio" -thing was really not hard to do at all and there was a Windows program called Coagula that could transform any picture into soundwaves with minimum effort. Aphex Twin himself had used a Mac program called Metasynth to do his images.


I tested Coagula and found it easy enough to use. Now this new discovery raised a new question: Were there more examples of this audio imaging available?


Luckily the soundscapes that Coagula spits out are quite easy to notice in their aural form, so I didn't have to look for long before I found another example: On Plaid's "Rest Proof Clockwork", the track "3recurring" contains a continuous stream of "threes" (as seen on the cover art of their previous album, "Not For Threes").


Besides the Plaid discovery I couldn't find any more examples of audio imaging on any of the CD's I own, but I didn't bother to look that hard either. However it is clear that this audio/image stuff was "hip" at 1999, since both of the aforementioned records were released around that time.


After going public with my pages, I've had several people contact me to offer more information on the subject or wanting to get an interview. The most prominent one was the story run on Wired Magazine (a well-researched story, but they got my age wrong by 6 years :)


So here is a list of other records possibly containing audio images suggested by the good folks on the net. You know who you are! I haven't personally checked all of these CD's out, so I can't confirm the following info to be 100% correct:


Artist: Interlace Record: Innuendo (or possibly some other record of theirs?) Content: Text sequences, picture of their their symbol and a picture of an embryo. Possibly a DNA molecular sequence on the final track.


Artist: Venetian Snares Record: Songs about my Cats [ZIQ032] released on Planet Mu Content: The final track, "Look", contains pictures of Mr. Snares' cats. This one is confirmed, look for the pictures below.

As a nice finish, here are is a small gallery of some audio images:



spiral at the end of track #1 on Aphex Twin's "Windowlicker"



extract of Plaid's "3recurring" from "Rest Proof Clockwork"



extract of Venetian Snares' "Look" from "Songs about my Cats"



this is probably the most interesting thing ive read in the last 45 hours.. i give you 2 uber cool points for that

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Wow EGG, i never seen you type taht much. Epic!


Il jump on this too.


People write on their diaries while listening to classic music, that type where its all instruments and no words and such. In Yoga, they also play music with no lyrics, just the beat. People use the music to get inspired, and to get in the mood. If you listen to songs that has lyrics, more than likey your "art" will resemble the song you listen to.


While listining to some oontz, your "art" is anonymous. There your creativity comes out based on what your are feeling, and not based on what you heard.


So, with songs that dont have lyrics, thats pretty much what they are for, to reflect/insipartion. while with lyrics, your either going to dance to it in the club, or hear what the artist has to say.

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Here is my explainationz on why I like the oontz.


Aww shit, child hood memories......


Back in the day, my parents would party all the time. At the house, some one elses and going out to huge concerts. I was draged along to all the events and had no choice but to be there and listen to the music (Spanish Music).


Of course, i was only a child. I coulndnt understand what the artist were saying. All i could do is listent to the beat and to the repetitive words, and of coarse, dance. Im the best Mexican Dancer youll ever know on this board. I dance cumbia, quebradita, merengue, oddly duraguense, slow songs, club electronic songs and hip-hop. I know at least a few people would accept that and understand, while others will go and diss, and bust out the stereotypes.


Im not that shy of a person. In Mexico, I ask any women to dance. Im one of those types where if no one is dancing, il go out and take somebody to dance with me to get the party started.


So, back to the oontz. As the timeline progressed, i was introduced to some 'dance' music in mtv. I was like, "oh, so there is such thing as a song with just the beat and a few repetitive words". Soon enough i was introduced to house, hardstyle, techno, and then trance.


Most of you just see the stereotypes of the oontz. Ravers, bright colors, glowsticks, etc. Im not into that shit. I look into the beat and see if it makes an impact. As a DJ, i look at music differently. I look to see if its too repetitive, if its annoying, if it sounds good with my equipment, to see it sets the mood. I dont use it to get all jumpy and loopy and get the drugs ready. Its common to see people diss oontz, because they have no experience. You look at the outside, not the inside.



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I was at this big warehouse rave like 10 years ago. (in my former life) I was on shrooms , I guess cause that was the rave thing to do, yeah? Anyway. My cousin is this cat who raps and has an album out now. We were both trippin' except he was on acid. Well, he knew the dj and we bumrushed the stage and started rapping like some exaggerated gangsta lyrics being funny. So the soundman kept switching the beat up and my cousin (I'm pretty sure he has turrets syndrome) starts screaming wild profanities at the crowd on the mic. Keep in mind, he's the type of dude that used to just stab crackheads and run off laughing hysterically. So, I'm trippin..literally..laughing my balls off knowing what this dude might do to these ravers if they turn on him. So, he's screaming WHAT! YOU GOT GUNS WE GOT GUNS!! on stage while the dj turned off the music and I'm still laughing knowing we're probably going to have to stab our way out of there because I'm not used to being at raves and theis whole crowd of like 500 people are just staring at us onstage telling them we're going to kill them......well, the dj turned the music back on , we caught wreck, got the party jumping again and everything turned cool again....Moral of the story Drugs are wack.

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I used to do them whenever they came around when I was younger. They used to make me feel all cozy when I was with a lady friend. Not really sexual or anything. just cozy, like I wanted to rock a nasty blend on her insides with some teal blue krylon or something.

I like them much better than acid. Acid used to make me feel too edgy.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...


I listen to showtek. Thats song is aight. He has better ones though.


For example....


You like hardstyle dont you? Let me influence you with other Hardstyle DJs...










^^ They Belong on the TEKNO Thread, but people dont comment much. Guests and members just want to download my songs lol




here is another oontz video to add to the thread...


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