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the word "hipster" as a negative gets thrown around far too often...


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naw, cause they're not trying to be ironic or giving off that aire of superiority that is integral to the existence of hipsters, they're just following the trends in the hood. its like jocks or skaters in the suburbs. thats the difference between a scenester and hipster: a scenester knows they're just doing whats cool and dont really care. hipsters like to think they arent hipsters and have always been doing what they're doing. this is of course a total lie, but since all hipsters are scared shitless of being exposed as hipsters, they try not to call eachother out too blatantly because they know they're just as guilty as whoever they're dissing, so as a wise rapper once said 'when you dis dre, you dis yourself'.


quick reference guide for you:

scenesters buy all their clothes at pac sun, intending to look like the manequins in the store.

hipsters buy all their clothes at diesel, marc jacobs, atrium, etc, intending to look like the manequins in salvation army.


the end.

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Tight black pants - check

Vans - check

Xtra small t-shirt - check

Ridiculous hair - check

Obscure bands on walkman - check

Skateboard - check


Of course... this was 1984. So am I exempt since I was hipster before hipster was hipster? Basically what I'm asking is, is it okay for me to buy a fixed gear bike?

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you're all a bunch of mid-western american/australian ,artsy-fartsy trust-fund-emo-fueled hipsters


I'm currently homeless and jobless and broke. And hungry. I'm listening to Regina Spektor right now. I honestly cannot remember the last time I bought an item of clothing.


So the question is, where do I get pigeon holed?


Or more importantly, am I cool?



Edit: Joker: I was not even born in 1984. Haha, Would have been awesome to be you in the 80's by the sounds of things though.

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yes. you're grandfathered in.




Nice... now I've got that going for me. I tell you what kiddies... life sure gets easier when you're pushing 40. If I still had my clothes from the 80's I'd wear 'em today. Yes... yes I could still fit in them.

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Joker: I was not even born in 1984. Haha, Would have been awesome to be you in the 80's by the sounds of things though.


Hmmmm... I'm not sure about that.


See, being "different" back then was a lot less acceptable. Constantly being hounded by jocks and adults for the way I dressed or my hair. Constantly getting into fights over it. Getting a job with a grip of earrings in both ears in 1983-87... dude... ain't no way. No money, forever sleeping in some park or on some strangers couch, eating was a luxury, showers?... maybe once a week if I was lucky, getting laid... would you fuck some dirty poorly dressed, pimple faced, snot nosed, infected piercing slob? Neither would any girl I snuggled up to. It was only when I slowly made the transition to the Mod scene that things got to being good.


It's a wonder, considering my upbringing, that I got into writing at all...

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I was thinking about it the other day at work...who the fuck even uses the word " hipster " ? :lol:


You're right...

I dont think I have ever heard that word spoken aloud.

Shit, I dont think I have ever heard the word "rad" spoken aloud....just on here and maybe 90s television?

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