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The Constitutional Rangers


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When called upon by citizens or other public servants United States Constitution Ranges will aid in the defense of their rights. United States Constitution Rangers may initiate investigations and take other action necessary to prevent violations of the law by public servants and administrative government agencies or their agents. All elected public servants take sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution, which is the Supreme law of the land. Whenever a conflict arises between the enforcement of rules, regulations, ordinances, and public policies administered by government agencies verses the Constitutional rights of We The People our Constitutional rights always take precedence.


The organization has been given a charter by Congress and it is Copyrighted in the Library of Congress. This is unique in that the FBI after many attempts still has no Congressional Charter.

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The United States Constitution Rangers


is an organization of dedicated Officers of Honor charged with the responsibility of monitoring the offices of public trust. Rangers pledge to defend our republican form of government provided by the Constitution of the United States of America and to protect the rights of the people as enumerated in the Bill of Rights.


The United States Constitution Rangers fortify the spirit of liberty by educating the people, investigating issues and intervention when necessary.


When called upon by citizens or other public servants United States Constitution Ranges will aid in the defense of their rights. United States Constitution Rangers may initiate investigations and take other action necessary to prevent violations of the law by public servants and administrative government agencies or their agents. All elected public servants take sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution, which is the Supreme law of the land. Whenever a conflict arises between the enforcement of rules, regulations, ordinances, and public policies administered by government agencies verses the Constitutional rights of We The People our Constitutional rights always take precedence.


The United States Constitution Rangers is looking to expand its presence and effectiveness in your area. We seek honest men and women of good character with a strong desire to help restore Constitutional government and prevent the further deterioration of government by and for the people. Any interested natural born American may inquire about joining the Constitution Rangers. If you have at least two years military or law enforcement experience you may be eligible to fill key leadership positions. In addition to peace officers and investigators the Rangers need and desire to fill its ranks with men and women knowledgeable in teaching, in business administration, in law, fund raising and a host of other skills needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Rangers. If you believe your participation in this organization could help advance its goals please contact us for an interview.


Whether or not this is the time for your involvement with the United States Constitution Rangers if you find yourself in agreement with our goals and objectives please take the time to make a donation today and count yourself among the proud Americans working to re-establish this country as the land of the free and the home of the brave.




Our Mission: United States Constitution Rangers are sworn to protect and serve the Constitutional Republics of the Several States, the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America and the people thereof; under God, the Creator of all things.


Goals & Objectives


• Remind all that the Constitution is the supreme Law of the land.

• Establish a working knowledge and a general understanding of the Constitution of the United States of America among all American Citizens.

• Promote the original meaning and intent of the first ten Amendments, the Bill of Rights.

• Establish the awareness that the Constitution limits the size of government and dictates it’s functions.

• Promote the understanding that the Constitution of the United States of America provides for only three branches of the government – legislative, executive and judicial. Governmental agencies having a combination of any two or three of these powers are violently contrary to the letter and spirit of our Constitution. (Separation of Powers Doctrine.)

• Educate the people to recognize the behind the scenes forces and philosophies undermining the proper functions of government.

• Promote national sovereignty and not the United Nations, one world government or a New World Order.

• Hold all public servants accountable to their oaths of office and to the American People.

• Educate the people with regard to direct and indirect taxation and help them recognize that the taxation without representation is tyranny

• Promote a proper understanding that gold and silver are the only lawful money.

• Educate the people that gold and silver are self-regulating mediums of exchange.

• Declare publicly the dangers of fiat, paper money and the Federal Reserve.

• Promote the abolition of monetary systems not completely redeemable in gold and silver.

• Reestablishing the sanctity of private property and eliminate the encroachments of zoning, illegal seizures and attachments. Without violating the rights of others, restore the rights of the people to acquire and utilize property as they see fit without hindrance.

• Promote the right of every individual to work, conduct his own business or to do any other thing on which his living depends without limitation by regulation, whether same is by license, bureaucratic and administrative, organizational membership or under whatsoever guise save and except those regulations and/or laws not repugnant to the Constitution.

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it's not for anything like that yum. it's for the rights of the people to be upheld.

of course, living in a police state (like you do), you would know nothing of inalienable rights.


casek its really funny that you say that because i'll wager youve never even been to Australia. As a matter of fact have you ever even left the united states?

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i think the guy might be talking about the sovereign citizenship movement, so to speak. while i believe every individual is sovereign these guys walk the talk. no drivers licenses, no license plates, no concealed carry permits, no paying of income taxes, etc. basically they are just people who know thier rights and exercise them. of course police and governments hate them. they never consent to searches, they know what reasonable articulate suspicion is, terry frisks, what is probable cause and what isnt, they video tape police encounters..they are what americans once were.


there are many websites about it all. used to be one called 'iamsovereign.com'

dont know if its still around.


and casek, there is a novel you should check out. its called 'patriots, surviving the coming collapse.' its a survival manual inside of a novel. but if survivalism isnt really your thing, there is a chapter or 2 in there about a couple guys who travel to gun shows for a living and use sovereign plates for thier van, etc. and there is a pretty good police encounter story involving those 2 dudes.

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ahh. thank you aod. i was beginning to check out giving up my social security number and getting all the money i've paid back. i hear it's perfectly legal but takes about a year to complete the process.

seems it would tie into sovereign citizenship somehow.

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oh really? you aren't allowed to have guns.

you're surveilled like little children who can't do for themselves.



wow it has judicial oversight so its a few steps above the wiretapping that YOUR government engages in. Here they actually need a warrant to do it.


and guess what casek, no one fucking wants a gun over here. We don't have the militaristic paranoid culture complex of yours where every man and his dog needs a gun to 'protect' himself.


Just admit that you call Australia a police state even though you haven't even the slightest clue what our society is like and when you;re called out on it you just type 'australia police state' into google and see what crap comes up

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wow it has judicial oversight so its a few steps above the wiretapping that YOUR government engages in. Here they actually need a warrant to do it.


and guess what casek, no one fucking wants a gun over here. We don't have the militaristic paranoid culture complex of yours where every man and his dog needs a gun to 'protect' himself.


Just admit that you call Australia a police state even though you haven't even the slightest clue what our society is like and when you;re called out on it you just type 'australia police state' into google and see what crap comes up



yeah, you're right, maybe a cooperative state in the echelon system isn't a police state...maybe they just listen in to protect you...."warrants"!!! hahahah! they don't use warrants, you dumbass, echelon is above warrants.


about guns: that's fine, let your queen stamp your face with her boot. you don't need to protect yourselves....eugenics will save you.....



i don't have to google anything to know that australia is further down the police state hole thatn we are. that's ok, though...loooove her! worship her majesty! praise her name!


God save our gracious Queen

Long live our noble Queen,

God save the Queen:

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the Queen.

O Lord, our God, arise,

Scatter thine enemies,

And make them fall:

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On thee our hopes we fix:

God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,

On her be pleased to pour;

Long may she reign:

May she defend our laws,

And ever give us cause

To sing with heart and voice

God save the Queen.












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it's worthy of learning about





don't rag me for the links




AOD: what kind of contract do you enter into with a SS card, a birth cert., etc? i forget what it's called. essentially, from what i gather, parents are babysitters for their children, the state actually owns them (legally speaking)

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yeah, you're right, maybe a cooperative state in the echelon system isn't a police state...maybe they just listen in to protect you...."warrants"!!! hahahah! they don't use warrants, you dumbass, echelon is above warrants.


about guns: that's fine, let your queen stamp your face with her boot. you don't need to protect yourselves....eugenics will save you.....



i don't have to google anything to know that australia is further down the police state hole thatn we are. that's ok, though...loooove her! worship her majesty! praise her name!


God save our gracious Queen

Long live our noble Queen,

God save the Queen:

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the Queen.

O Lord, our God, arise,

Scatter thine enemies,

And make them fall:

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On thee our hopes we fix:

God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,

On her be pleased to pour;

Long may she reign:

May she defend our laws,

And ever give us cause

To sing with heart and voice

God save the Queen.













god save the queen has nothing at all to do with australia. you are using an old monarchist song written in england to show how australia is a police state... i dont really follow.


you are using a pretty faulty argument to state that australia somehow under the control of the queen? sure australia is a part of the commonwealth, and yes we have our fair share of problems, but dude you have to be dreaming to think that australia "is further down the police state hole" than the us.


we dont have a patriot act.

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"what kind of contract do you enter into with a SS card, a birth cert., etc? i forget what it's called. essentially, from what i gather, parents are babysitters for their children, the state actually owns them (legally speaking)"


you are right. i dont know the legal speak for it. but its one of those things where they say its totally 'voluntary' but if you dont go along with the ID system, you will be screwed later on. there are a bunch of people who have refused to register thier children. parents dont own thier kids. the state does. compulsory public schooling is one other example. its the same thing as taxes. if you dont pay your taxes, then you'll find out who really owns 'your' property.

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god save the queen has nothing at all to do with australia. you are using an old monarchist song written in england to show how australia is a police state... i dont really follow.


you are using a pretty faulty argument to state that australia somehow under the control of the queen? sure australia is a part of the commonwealth, and yes we have our fair share of problems, but dude you have to be dreaming to think that australia "is further down the police state hole" than the us.


we dont have a patriot act.



i was making reference to her program...and yeah, you guys are further down the hole than we.


no guns means no security in your homes.


my reference to the queen is what it is. you are under control of the queen. but, i suppose you'll give me that "oh, she's a figurehead" bullshit. go on...do it.


lick her majesty's boots while you say that.

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seriously, i dont think that an american really understands how bizarre the normalisation of guns is in their own country is. gun crime is disturbingly commonplace in america.

after the port arthur massacre in tasmania, australia, in the mid 1990s, there was a large buy back scheme for firearms with wdespread support from gun owners. hundreds of thousands of weapons were destroyed or deactivated because people here realised that the proliferation of weapons actually makes a society more dangerous. this buy back scheme was able to go ahead because we have no organisations like the NRA which have far too much political power in the US.


australia has FAR less shootings, and to me that security is more reassuring than safety from a some omnipresent threat that you percieve. im not sure what this unseen threat to "our homes" is, but i am not scared of it.


if your only argument that australia is a police state because its residents chose to get rid of their firearms in the wake of a massacre. then i really think you are misguided, and unaware of domestic political issues of countries outside the US. as i said before, have fun with that patriot act.


im not sure how you percieve belonging to the commonwealth of nations (along with countries like canada, south africa, india, jamaica, new zealand, malaysia etc....) equates a police state. each nation is a sovereign state with their own constitution, parliament, laws, etc. the westminster act allows commonwealth states to change laws wihtout the approval of Britain, the only similarity between the commonealth states, is that they were all once british colonies (all of which have now gained independence) but maintain diplomatic ties with britain. the fact that the queen has no say in australian legal/political matters, means that as you said, she is a symbolic figurehead.


i dunno man, i think you made a childish final comment because realistically you know very little about the issue.

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casek you are such a deluded nutcase that it is impossible to have a rational discussion with you. you jump from an overwhelmingly popular gun control program to a queen with no executive power in the slightest, we had a referendum a few years ago on whether or not to ditch the queen and Australia voted to keep her (if shes such a tyrannical dictator like you obviously believe she wouldn't have allowed a subject to democratically decide whether to ditch her or not) then you go on from that moot point to soem crap about eugenics (don't bother posting a link about eugenics because i already know prince Philip is a supporter) and somehow you expect others to see some coherant theme in your argument that proves Australia (a country you have never been to and don;t know the slightest hting about) is a police state.


Guess what buddy over here we aren't living in perpetual fear of all our 'enemies' in the ogvernment and the neighbourhood which we need guns to save ourselves from.

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