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Quick Question. I didnt want to start a new thread for this since there are 2 threads that eventually have the same arguments. But my question is to those of you who decide not beleive that there is a G-d. I could relate since i only have a year of being a follower of Christ. Before that i was just some loser stuck on drugs and other stupid things and my little mind could not comprehend that there was a G-d and that when we died we are going to be judge by what we did here on earth. It may sound absurd just as it did to me. But i want to see why or what is stopping you from getting to know G-d? To those who had parents that were Christians, what made you not beleive in G-d if you grew up in a family that had Christian values. I am aware that theres alot of people that call themselves Christians but wont show the love that Jesus did while he was here in or earth. If yall have any questions on why i made the decision on turning to Christ for a different way of life i will answer or any oither questions. As to what Dawood said, your right Jesus did speak Armaic and i would love to learn the language but its been a dead language i beleive for 1500 years or more. Correct me if im wrong, We never said Jesus speaked English or spanish or any other language that in was translated in. But thats what it is it was translated so people could understand in their language what Jesus did for us in the cross. He said to go and preach the word of G-d to all mankind. Were they going to preach in the language that Jesus spoke? I dont think they would of understand a word unless they spoke armaic.. and Yes they do have an original bible with the original language.. But its secure somewhere in the vatican. So by faith i beleive i am trusting on the one and only G-d. IVe seen to amny things this year that i have turn my life to Christ to be convince i am worshipping the almighty. But im just rambling here.. I hope to get your answers and G-d bless..

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It's not that something is "stopping us from getting to know god", we just simply contend that a higher power doesn't exist at all. When you die its lights out. We're just like any other organism on earth, we just go to sleep fooooreeeverrrr. There is no evidence for a god or any of the magical things he did so long ago. All the things you've seen that have made you convinced there is a god have happened by chance.

If this all powerful all loving being could do anything whatsoever why would he let cancer, starvation, or any agony happen to his "beautiful creation"?


btw I got a couple questions for you....


How was that a quick question?


What's with the "G-d"?

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All the things you've seen that have made you convinced there is a god have happened by chance.[/url] If this all powerful all loving being could do anything whatsoever why would he let cancer, starvation, or any agony happen to his "beautiful creation"?


btw I got a couple questions for you....


How was that a quick question?


What's with the "G-d"?

haha yeah i know it wasnt that quick of a question, thats why in the end i comment how much i was just rambling. But the whole paragraph wasnt a question as i comment some stuff that i beleived and also wanted to comment on what dawood had said about the bible.I didnt want to get 3 different post when i could just get it all down in one.

On the second question I just wanted to respect the jewish beleifs and i dont really like starting any contreversy or any arguments that can be prevented. Its happend before so im just trying to prevent and respecting their beleifs. Dont know if its going to happend here or anything but hey..

About the cancer and starvation and all this suffering thats going on in the world, he lets it happend because he said it would happened. If you can get your hands on a bible read Luke 21. It was written about 2000 years ago. What do we see, we see nation rising against another nation, there will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences. IT also says how whoever is a follower of Christ they will get killed in their own temples and in prisons. I dont know if you have heard but in many countries you cannot say your a follower of christ because you will get killed. It still hasnt happened in all the world, or atleast not here in the U.S., but go to Mexico saying your a Christian and they will chase you and kill you. Now before you say that Mexico is a catholic country or whatever other taughts you might have. Yes it is a catholic country but they hate any protestant thats actually trying to help them understand what the holy scriptures say. They get mad and try to kill them for proclaiming the word of G-d. So all this was written more than 2000 years ago. Is it coming true by chance? i dont think so.. Thanks for not acting rude, and may G-d give you wisdom and bless you..

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this kinda shit scares me.

listen to this 10 year old bitch tell you about how god is not in certain churches because they don't stand up and scream and dance. now, i'm not a christian and i don't believe in the personal christian god/worldview, but i have enough sense and knowledge to know that what lies in her thinking has absolutely nothing to do with christianity. this is the big problem when you have a bunch of idiots in your religion, they think their own opinions are truth and congregate in a large enough number as to influence the total opinion of the church (fundamentalists against homosexuality being one example). these people use religion as a means of war, not peace, and that's one of the big problems with western religion.

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I agree that theres alot of idiots out there. They make religion look bad or even stupid. I dont know if yall heard of this guy name Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, he said he was Jesus and then he said he was the anti christ. People still fallowed him and were brain washed and told to get the number 666 tattoed in their body because it was going to bring them prosperity. Theres alot of followers here in the U.S. and i know thats a problem that the U.S. has. Why cant the U.S. be more like El Salvador and prohibit this kind of "religion". This are the kind of people that if you tell them to kill themselves they will. Is not just a sekt is a terrorist camp i beleive. Thats the problem with religion nowadays, people listen to a man and dont have a relationship with God. Those kids are used, and i think its worse than those kids in the middle east that came out on tv because atleast those kids are far away from us, but this kids could be right next to us. Even the Bible told us stuff like this were going to happened and to stay away from it, he said to be careful with false doctrines and false prophets. When he said false prophets he was talking about this pastors that only want money or the crazy ones who want power( if thats what they want). So yes I agree with what you said but the difference between me and those kind of people is that i follow the Almighty, sure im not perfect and not sayin i am since thats our nature to sin. But i do try to learn from my mistakes and try not to do them again.


Haha thats true Juan, I guess im not going to have a problem with that here so God it is..

God bless...

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the problem with all religions is that they divide and create sects, if every religion will stick to one code of law and make religion a tool to better their and others lives it would work, but what we have is people dividing in sects, claiming it's the true religion, taking pride in it and attacking all other belief systems instead of showing a good example so people emulate them.

kinda like a neocon 21st century thing trying to convert the world through force, it's a religion if you look closer, an a evil one.

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i think, deep inside, that all religion is bullshit. but i cant come to disbelieve in jesus fully, probably years of brainwashing.


i truly think there is some kind of 'heaven'. and hell is to stay and walk the earth forever. i think there is a 'god', but he doesn't judge y what you've done, but by who you are. im weird. but thats what i think.

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Your right apd, his not going to judge by what you've done but what you are. If you accepted Jesus in your heart as your one and only savior, then you are saved by the love and mercy that God has with us. Its really that simple because once you accept Jesus in your heart then your life changes dramatically. I barely have a year being a follower of Jesus, and when i accepted God i was that person that people taught i wasnt going to have a future and basicaly my life was a waste of air. But when i said that prayer all the need of drugs and other desires of the flesh left away and i felt like a newborn, i felt like a had new opportunity in life to prove not only the people but myself that i am going to do something before my time is gone. Through out this year ive matured and see life in another way. Still not saying im perfect, ive had my ups and downs, alot of downs but my heart still has peace because i beleive in a God thats faithful and promise me something and im not going to die until i see what he promised me. Ive been blessed as much ive gone thru tribulations, I was scared of becoming this fundamentalist brain washed Christian. But i dont listen to a man's sermons or what they have to say if its not in the bible, and constant prayers help me out alot on whats good for me and not. So i left alot of things but not because a man told me it was against God but because i felt it in my heart to leave those things. I still have a special place to any sort of art, and graffit played a big roll through out my entire life. I left the illegal part of it out of my life because i dont feel the need of destruction that i once needed. All that hate i use to have inside of me its gone and now i feel peace in my heart. I still live in the ghetto and i still get my car thrashed by people that cant let go of the pass. But i dont wish them any harm or anything bad on them. All i want is for people to feel what i feel and live a happy and peaceful life. But Im not making nobody do anything, this is just something i felt like saying and hopefully touches atleast one person. I know theres alot of people that will disagree and im still open for questions or anything. But other than that im out and God bless..

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i can't understand how a grown man with basic common sense can actually believe this crap.


with common sense you can understands everything repeats itself, and that life isnt limited and there are signs but the ungrateful make fun of the signs, also if you have common sense you know nothing creates itself.


if you cant explain the bad things that happens to humans, and the illnesses, and unjust deaths dont be angry at God and deny him because he knows why he created them and his is the creation we are just temporary...

atheists more than any other group know God exists, because they always mention him and talk about it, it's just that they are angry at him because they dont understand and deny him.

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the problem with all religions is that they divide and create sects, if every religion will stick to one code of law and make religion a tool to better their and others lives it would work, but what we have is people dividing in sects, claiming it's the true religion, taking pride in it and attacking all other belief systems instead of showing a good example so people emulate them.


as far as i know, this only happens in the abrahamic religions. i haven't heard of any hindu-buddhist conflicts, or anything in general like that in eastern religions. it boils down to deeper philosophies of thinking, why we fight for individual superiority in the west.

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As far as i know, the hindus are big enemies with the muslims. Im not sure and i havent really research anything on the subject. But people from both religions and have told me this is truth. I dont really know about buddhist people since ive talk to some and apperently is not much of religion since they tell me i can be a Christian and still have buddihist beleifs. Again this is just word of mouth and havent research it.

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^ ^ ^ hippie.



As far as i know, the hindus are big enemies with the muslims. Im not sure and i havent really research anything on the subject. But people from both religions and have told me this is truth. I dont really know about buddhist people since ive talk to some and apperently is not much of religion since they tell me i can be a Christian and still have buddihist beleifs. Again this is just word of mouth and havent research it.


yeah i've heard that about hindus and muslims as well, now that i think about it. i just did a little research and it looks like the conflict startd somewhere around the year 600 with the muslims invading the hindus because they were polytheistic, but the conflict today is more political than religious. but like i said, as far as conflicts between eastern religions and eastern religions, i haven't heard of any.


i wouldn't necessarily say buddhism is not much of a religion since they don't have dogmas set in stone.

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Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"


Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"


This all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain which this world sees is the result of sin.




Ro 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."


Ro 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."


Every person who has ever lived is a sinner and is not righteous because we do bad things. A sin is a crime against God, just as if you steal something at the store, it is punishable by going to jail. It's the same thing with sin. Even if we lie one time, the punishment is hell, which is a prison for those who commit crimes against God. No matter how well you live your life from then on, you have already committed a sin which will be punished if you are not pardoned. If you commit a crime, and then live as a good citizen you still will go to jail for the crime you committed. Right? Just as the president can pardon a crime so you won't go to jail, Jesus can pardon your sins so that you do not go to hell, and can go to heaven when you die.




Ro 10:9,10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."


Joh 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: {power: or, the right, or, privilege}



You cannot get to heaven by being a good person, going to church, baptism or any other way other than by turning to Jesus and asking Him to forgive you for your sins and save you. While these are good things to do, some people believe that they will get to heaven if they do these things, but the bible says that there is only one way to heaven and that is through receiving what Jesus Christ did on the cross for you.


Will you do that today? If you will, you can be 100% sure that you will go to heaven when you die.




4. If you are willing to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior please pray this right now, from your heart to God,


"Dear LORD JESUS, I believe that YOU died on the Cross and Rose from the dead for my sins. I ask you to come into my heart and forgive me for my sins, take me to heaven when I die. I now receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus holy name, Amen."


If you prayed that prayer from your heart to God, and meant it with all of your heart, you are now a child of God and will go to heaven when you die.


Now that you are on your way to heaven, you should attend a bible believing church and follow in baptism.


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If you weren't raised that way what inclination would you have to believe it?




I was just thinking about this literally 3 or 4 days ago. People that were born here in the United States and raised as Christians think that Christ is the only way to God. What if those same people were born in a middle eastern country and raised Muslim? I am pretty sure that everyone believes that they have the "true religion," but for the most part it depends on where you were raised, how you were raised, and how strong religious beliefs/morals were instilled upon you.

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