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being jealous


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Just don't start actin all wild...I'm an EXTREMELY jealous person, but I can usually keep it in check so it's not much of an issue


About 6 months back I started really letting it get the best of me, and it fucked up my relationship with my girl and now we have the situation that all of you have read about on here, multiple times


With that said, don't be a sucker either...alot of times you're jealous for a reason.

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Here's the thing.. From L.A. to N.Y. if she wants another that's that... Ain't nothing you could do about it... Respect your relationship..


BTW.. The IOU lives in L.A. Let me know where they at and I'll keep an eye out..



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i dont think she will cheat but im worried about her wanting to start hanging out with him after they get back or him hitting on her in cally. I wouldnt care this much if it was someone that i didnt already hate and know, it makes it a lot worse for me


Yes you do..


So what if he hits on her..


I'm sure many dudes hit on her..


And VAJ is right...


Unless you're role playing.. But that's another thread...

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the fact that you previously hated dude, and she thinks he's so nice is a problem in and of itself. now all of a sudden you gotta start questioning her judgement about everything.


honestly, you're probably tripping about nothing. you forget that once they're both back in nyc, so are you. if she's gonna be dissing you to hang out with him, its probably over regardless, however that's a dumb thing to worry about now. she could also get eaten by a lion or shot by the crips, ya know? as long as your not a controlling asshole who dictates everyone she can and can not talk to, it shouldnt be an issue if in the future, you explain why you dont like the dude, and ask her our of respect for you, to not kick it with him. if she cares about you, she'll understand.

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lol yeah you are right

and the thing about her judgement, i dunno i hated this kid because he used to be a smart ass who always said he was right about everything and was really republican. and apparently now hes a huge hippy pothead from what everyone has told me

and yeah seeking is right im worried about her forgeting about me, not like literally but like loose feelings for me and get them for this guy. I shouldnt be worrying about that but i really cant help it, its really hard for me to ignore this, i only manage to do it when im with my freinds or doing something fun otherwise its stuck in my mind. This is the most worried/jealous about a girl ive ever been..

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With that said, don't be a sucker either...alot of times you're jealous for a reason.


on the money right thurrr..


just like theres some truth to every rumor.

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i say dont mention anything. if you say something im sure you'll just break the dam and

let everything pour out because you're emotional. ignore it because there isnt shit you can do from ny.

girls love to get off on the fact that you are jealous and that will put an idea in her little feeble brain.


now ive had girlfriends that absolutely hated my friends.

my friends sniff coke, shoot heroin, fuck strippers, run trains on dumb girls and

are just plain ol alcoholic polacks that enjoy fighting for no reason. im actually the exact opposite.

but i always tried to accomodate her feeling to not have them over when she was around or

try to hang out with friends that she does get along with.


im not controlling but shit if i dont like someone im going to say it and if she or he doesnt get the

hint then i am dumb enough to jump his ass just for the fuck of it. if that breaks up the relationship.

oh well, her and the fat fuck can get together and just be fat together forever and make fat fucking kids together.


you should probably not take my advice.

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and because she doesnt know anyone there im just worried shes gonna be with him the whole time and develop feelings for him.. even though i really doubt she will it just is bugging me so much

and yeah lots of people are telling me that this guy is actually normal, i wonder how i came up in a conversation they had the first day of class, cuz on the first day she told me some kid that knew me went there

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probably because she was talking about her god damn boyfriend that she loves so much. get over it. theres nothing you can do.





you could always get back at her "just in case" that way if she didnt do anything you dont have to tell her but if she did do something you can be like "I SLEPT WITH YOUR SISTER BITCH, GET ON MY LEVEL HO" and then do the cholo lean while saying the second part over and over again.

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seriously, you need to just stop.


if she told him about you the first day she met him (which is the only way you would have come up) then obviously she wasnt trying to hide anything from the guy. quit being so shook and freaking yourself out. shit is gonna be fine. go write on something.

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yeah what kind of faggot goes to the gym? Shit is strictly for closet gays and squares

Man, I am neither but I used to love going to the gym as there was so much hot pussy there it was unbelievable.


Once they stopped going, I stopped too though :lol::lol:

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