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CLOVERFIELD... what is it ?


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all you nerds given this stupid movie to much credit and hype, just finished watching it on google! that shit was weak, 5 or 7 minutes of the monsters in a hour and something movie, god damn! they should of kept this shit for TV!!!!!


In JAWS the shark was seen even less, but everyone was still terrified of the thing, and Jaws is a fucking classic. Same thing with the monster. The sound of the monster stomping around and seeing what it had done to its surroundings (like Beth's 40 story apartment being knocked into another building) did a lot more to convey the idea that this was a thing not to be fucked with as opposed to actually seeing it.


This is why I fucking hate Eli Roth and the current crop of shitty horror/sci-fi movie makers. They think that showing the audience every exact detail of the so-called "scary" parts is better then letting the imagination of the viewer do the work instead.


But then again todays media is happy dumbing down the average TV/movie viewer. That way they make it easier for them to convince us to buy their shit.

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In JAWS the shark was seen even less, but everyone was still terrified of the thing, and Jaws is a fucking classic. Same thing with the monster. The sound of the monster stomping around and seeing what it had done to its surroundings (like Beth's 40 story apartment being knocked into another building) did a lot more to convey the idea that this was a thing not to be fucked with as opposed to actually seeing it.


This is why I fucking hate Eli Roth and the current crop of shitty horror/sci-fi movie makers. They think that showing the audience every exact detail of the so-called "scary" parts is better then letting the imagination of the viewer do the work instead.


But then again todays media is happy dumbing down the average TV/movie viewer. That way they make it easier for them to convince us to buy their shit.



I couldn't have said it better!


don't forget the original alien, ridley scott did the same thing spielberg did in jaws, well for the most part.

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In JAWS the shark was seen even less, but everyone was still terrified of the thing, and Jaws is a fucking classic. Same thing with the monster. The sound of the monster stomping around and seeing what it had done to its surroundings (like Beth's 40 story apartment being knocked into another building) did a lot more to convey the idea that this was a thing not to be fucked with as opposed to actually seeing it.


This is why I fucking hate Eli Roth and the current crop of shitty horror/sci-fi movie makers. They think that showing the audience every exact detail of the so-called "scary" parts is better then letting the imagination of the viewer do the work instead.


But then again todays media is happy dumbing down the average TV/movie viewer. That way they make it easier for them to convince us to buy their shit.


It would have been cool if you didn't see the monster at all. Just the noises and destruction that only alludes to what it could be.

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In JAWS the shark was seen even less, but everyone was still terrified of the thing, and Jaws is a fucking classic. Same thing with the monster. The sound of the monster stomping around and seeing what it had done to its surroundings (like Beth's 40 story apartment being knocked into another building) did a lot more to convey the idea that this was a thing not to be fucked with as opposed to actually seeing it.


This is why I fucking hate Eli Roth and the current crop of shitty horror/sci-fi movie makers. They think that showing the audience every exact detail of the so-called "scary" parts is better then letting the imagination of the viewer do the work instead.


But then again todays media is happy dumbing down the average TV/movie viewer. That way they make it easier for them to convince us to buy their shit.



Sorry to quote this post once again but it really drives home a great point.


Alien was and still is one of the most incredible sci-fi films ever... and you barely get to see the creature in that film. You see just enough, and for just enough time to get your mind racing. That's good monster movie making.


I feel that when the monster/creature/alien is seen in full... all the time... it loses it's mystique and becomes a guy in make-up. Predator is a great example of this.

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^ Alien was also the first, and to my knowledge the only (successfully scary) insect-like motherfucker on screen. It wouldn't make demands or whack the most obvious sidekicks first, it'd just eventually eat everyones skulls in whatever order would be most favorable.

It's also a matter of casting, but still. In sequels they made the alien too visible and active. In the first one it would just creep in ventilation shafts until n00bs went too close.

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Top right of the screen near a boat, just before dude turns the camera back to him and that chick.




I'm sure you of all peoples here know some bootleggers.






i went with with like 15 people and not one of them knew what i was talking about.

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I had extremely high hopes for this movie before I went to go see it. I fell into all the hype that the viral campaign dished out, and went into the movie thinking it was going to be more then it was.


First off, I thought the movie was going to be of multiple perspectives of what was going on, that wasn't the case. however they did capture multiple perspectives through the one story line that they chose to follow. It just bothered me that I saw a bunch of other people that were never in the movie on youtube. I thought the movie would have played out better the way I would have liked the movie to be done, regardless I was satisfied with the way it was done on screen.


It was pretty cool to watch the chaos and uncertainty that overwhelmed everyone, not only the group of people that we followed through out the story. I just wish more was explained, so you as an audience member understood more of what was going on then the actual actors on screen, but I guess the point was to feel as if you were with them experiancing the attack as they did.


A few of my boys just from the way the movie was done think that there is more to this movie then beats the eye, for example they feel as if a sequel or prequel is most deffinatly on it's way, but who knows.


I will say that this movie didn't completely live up to the hype that it had made for itself, but I was pretty happy with the overall movie walking out of the theatre.

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Well the little secret "radio crackle" after the credits, along with the thing that crashes into the ocean hint at a sequel/more than what you've been told.


And JJ Abrams (i think it was him) has also said there's a strong possibility of another movie but shot from a different camera during the exact same event.

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If you hated the ending to this movie, you must have hated I am Legend then, right?


Am I the only one that though that Will Smith killed himself for no good reason? I mean wait for those bastards to crack the glass, drop the nade and jump into that lil shaft with that chick and lil kid, I mean they survived, so why wouldn't he?


Oh and my bad for ruining the ending to that if you haven't seen it yet. ^___^

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i liked the ending of cloverfield, but i didn't like the ending of i am legend. you are right, he killed himself for no good reason.


i guess when he had that little flashback with his daughter he realized that he didn't want to live w/o his family? who knows, but either way it was lame.

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If you hated the ending to this movie, you must have hated I am Legend then, right?


Am I the only one that though that Will Smith killed himself for no good reason? I mean wait for those bastards to crack the glass, drop the nade and jump into that lil shaft with that chick and lil kid, I mean they survived, so why wouldn't he?


Oh and my bad for ruining the ending to that if you haven't seen it yet. ^___^




Yep, I had made that comparison in my mind to I Am Legend.


It didn't make sense since he could've just tossed the grenade and gone into that shaft. But I guess that wouldn't have been as much of a climactic ending. Besides, the name of the movie is "I Am Legend", and had he survived he wouldn't really have been a legend in the hearts and minds of the other survivors.

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i saw this movie tonight. we were trying to go see "the orphanage," but couldn't find the theater in time, so we went to see "cloverfield." i'm sorry, but i thought it was kind of lame. it wasn't 100% horrible, but all in all --it was fucking corny. a better ending to this movie, would have been if the alien pee'd in Rob's butt, then stepped on Beth.

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Well the little secret "radio crackle" after the credits, along with the thing that crashes into the ocean hint at a sequel/more than what you've been told.


And JJ Abrams (i think it was him) has also said there's a strong possibility of another movie but shot from a different camera during the exact same event.



i highly doubt they'll do the sequel as the same event from another point of view. i know that's one of the theories being tossed around, and as cool as it would be to see something like that, it would absolutely bomb in the theaters. something like that would be best as a short film (or a few short films) used as extras on the dvd release.


the better bet, in my mind, for a sequel would be a completely different city, whole new series of events. but still, i'm not sure how well that would work. i think part of what was so great about this movie was that, going into it, all you really knew was that it was some kind of monster/alien/lizard/bringer of death, rather than knowing exactly what it looked like.


i fully expect there to be a sequel/prequel however. it'd be hard to not want to follow up on the movie that had the highest January debut ever.

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when all of you talk about good monster movies, yes JAWS was one and Aliens was another, oh also don't sleep on THE HOST!


This piece of shit, was no where close to the technical plots and great looking monster of the movies mentioned.

So please stop giving so much thought to this so called hidden story and big time propaganda of shit!

Thank you.

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