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argh, WEEKEND!

uh and yes

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man, 4 tests this week... 5 hours of psychology experiments... projects due... i cant wait for this shit to end. a keg and punch tomorrow night, my house... i'll be the one dressed to kill next to the keg. oh yeah, and hot water music is coming on saturday. here's to a good weekend.

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Originally posted by Secret

I was suppose to write 4 papers last night. I kept getting distracted, so I only did one and half... :(


It's 6:47am... back to work...


4 papers all due on the same day?!

how the hell did that happen to you?

(i hope that you do not reply to this, cause you're way too fucking busy to be screwing around on the internet right now.)

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I had a short week since I was sick, but I am still glad it's over. The kids are going on a special field trip type thing, with breakfast with Santa and Xmas shopping. The hubbie is going to cub scout training, so I get at least 4 hours to myself. Yeah.


Tonight a friends coming over to bake some brownies and watch movies, and I think we are going to break into some of the liquors that my hubbie has been making.

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I have 3 weeks to bring my 21% science grade to at least a 50%, and the new subject we just got onto involves hella math which I cannot do at all...... so basically I just did a whole term for nothing, cuz I gotta redo it...... and I have missed so much school that my history teacher wants every assignment he has ever given us, and its worth half my grade..... I have about 15% of the assignments and its due by Monday.... try that, Im fuckin stressed as hell.... I need a stress ball....

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Kast, I have 4 papers PLUS a fucking diagram due all on the same day because my teacher is a son of a bitch that doesn't want to be here for finals. Which makes class the class about 3 weeks shorter, counting the times he told us NOT to come to class. Sooooo.... I gotta cram all this stuff in.


Bloody, what does HWM stand for?? Horny White Men?? I'm there, dude.



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Ol' Bloody Guts is about to knaw his friggin arm off with anxiety... I had a test today that I did not study for at all. I left half of it blank. I got an email from my profess saying- "Oh you forgot the last page of your test- blahblah see me about finishing it later!"...now it's the weekend and I have 2 more days to study and correct some shit I know was wrong... college is cool.

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i just finished my hard week. week full of midterms which was almost everyday. now i can relax and not cram for shit. it's time to break open that jim beam that has been callin my name all week and go to an art show tanked. ahhhh i will make memories tonight.

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