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Suburbia Sucks


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So I'm new to the scene. Like as in 2 weeks new. The problem is that i live in a crazy-go-nuts sheltered life in a beat-the-johnsons suburban neighborhood. The city is real artsy but there isnt a lot of graffiti. I wanna get sweet and i know it'll take a long time to get outta 'toy mode' but i still wanna learn. i know theres a real opprotunity to make my mark and i'd like to take it but i'm real bad/new/clueless. So i'm asking for 2 things. 1) some quick tips on really basic stuff. 2) a 'mentor' to kinda show me the ropes. The mentor doenst have t like live near me or anything just send me e-mails teaching me stuff.

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why dont you just teach yourself like every other writer?

























































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So I'm new to the scene. Like as in 2 weeks new. The problem is that i live in a crazy-go-nuts sheltered life in a beat-the-johnsons suburban neighborhood. The city is real artsy but there isnt a lot of graffiti. I wanna get sweet and i know it'll take a long time to get outta 'toy mode' but i still wanna learn. i know theres a real opprotunity to make my mark and i'd like to take it but i'm real bad/new/clueless. So i'm asking for 2 things. 1) some quick tips on really basic stuff. 2) a 'mentor' to kinda show me the ropes. The mentor doenst have t like live near me or anything just send me e-mails teaching me stuff.


noone is going to take the time to actually teach you stuff when they dont even know you. read the threads in the yard if you want to learn basic stuff instead of asking for a mentor to "teach you stuff". that just makes you look like a lazy turd who is to stupid to use the search function.

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ok wow everyone has to start somewhere right? I really wanna do this, i'm not just gonna quit when school starts either. I've read some stuff but I know there's a lot of crap on the internet that isnt true. and i don't wanna be like a super toy and read wikipedia for info. I just need some basic tips to get me off the ground. you dont have to be dicks about it. all of you were new once too.

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So I'm new to the scene. Like as in 2 weeks new. The problem is that i live in a crazy-go-nuts sheltered life in a beat-the-johnsons suburban neighborhood. The city is real artsy but there isnt a lot of graffiti. I wanna get sweet and i know it'll take a long time to get outta 'toy mode' but i still wanna learn. i know theres a real opprotunity to make my mark and i'd like to take it but i'm real bad/new/clueless. So i'm asking for 2 things. 1) some quick tips on really basic stuff. 2) a 'mentor' to kinda show me the ropes. The mentor doenst have t like live near me or anything just send me e-mails teaching me stuff.


I have isolated the two phrases 12oz never wants to hear again.


Just a hint, never make your own thread asking for a teacher, it never gets you off to a good start.

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One bit of advice, don't bomb in suburbia, the cops are ussually really persistant in suburban areas due to the low rate of crim, so if you don't want to get caught the first time you go out bomb yards or small cities.

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One bit of advice, don't bomb in suburbia, the cops are ussually really persistant in suburban areas due to the low rate of crim, so if you don't want to get caught the first time you go out bomb yards or small cities.


ahahah yeah my town started an entire graffiti task force cause me and a few other ppl thow hands and thowies around town shit is crazy

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Teach yourself, nobody is going to teach you shit. Just come up with a tag, nothing complicated(nobody likes it when toys have a whack ass tag that you cant read) and keep practicing it. Once you get good at that, just practice straight letter throws and peices.


Oh yea, and dont paint until about a year after you start sketching, tagging is alright though

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