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seven day weekend

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Cool, look forward to the thread. I don't care if he could even get me a job as the guy who holds the lighting reflector thing, as I am going out of my mind at the moment, while waiting for my results to be announced.

It sounds like they are going to setup in Oz, which I believe is a good thing, as there isn't really many Oz themed prons out there, so they are hitting a good niche it sounds like. 5 years, he must be good at what he does, but I think I have seen a preview of some of those sites he shoots for, or I might have to look em up, hahaa.

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beer shits- you know it.


Mauler-in fact, he did get squirted on by Flower Tucci..it made his week.



My friend doesn't drink.

So I probably won't be doing much of that.

I don't want to get sauced up and end up crying over boy problems.

That brings a quick end to any fun evening.


I think I will just walk around the city and take photos.

And try to find Nelly.

Or at least a black male that looks like him and ask him for an autograph and photo.


I was at least hoping for suggestions of eateries.

Oh well.

I will go where the wind takes me.


He is moving to Australia to work for Hustler.

I will come visit.

On his dime.

After I settle my warrants and procure a passport.


Sometimes it pays to have a way with words that makes people feel good inside.

I just hope he doesn't expect me to make him feel good on the outside.

No mouth hugs on this vacation.


make sure you get me a nelly autograph too, since i suggested it.

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I'm in Wisconsin in the middle of a month long vacation/roadtrip... and totally need to dry out.


St. Louis is an amazing city. Pretty much al the touristy stuff is free, so that's cool. I can't make any more suggestions w/ out knowing more about the people.

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I didn't meet Nelly.

But I did meet the raddest old dude in the universe.

We walked through his flower garden.

Then he played his steel guitar for us.

And let us borrow a sweet ass mini van.


I also attended an after-funeral get together.

Met the whole family.

I think drunk uncles hit on me.

And drunk aunts expained that they were rednecks.

And although they all talked it over and decided I was beautiful, they couldn't see it through all the flash and rock and roll and big city hair.


I have some photos to show.

Hanging out at a swank rooftop bar.

Drinking expensive drinks.

And watching suits let loose on a Friday night.


I have been meeting a ton of new cats.

They are all pretty good.

I came across a David Bowie white cat in the yard this morning.

One blue eye, one green.

He was pretty into rubbing on me and letting me pet him.

I was pretty into making him purr.

He vanished before I got a photo.

But I know he existed.


I saw a pretty cute rabbit in the neighbor's yard.

There is also no photo to prove this cuteness, either.

But it happened.

And made my morning start nice.


There is a full bar in the basement.

I don't think I have ever consumed this many drinks non-stop in my life.

It's pretty nice.


Vacations are my new hobby.

I think I will do a summer tour.

HIt up all the couches of those willing to put me up.


I'm off to the zoo.

ANd then to search out Sparks.

And go to the lake.

For some boating.

And jet skiing.

And being radical.

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I have been meeting a ton of new cats.

They are all pretty good.

I came across a David Bowie white cat in the yard this morning.

One blue eye, one green.

He was pretty into rubbing on me and letting me pet him.

I was pretty into making him purr.

He vanished before I got a photo.

But I know he existed.


I saw a pretty cute rabbit in the neighbor's yard.

There is also no photo to prove this cuteness, either.

But it happened.

And made my morning start nice.




Vacations are my new hobby.

I think I will do a summer tour.

HIt up all the couches of those willing to put me up.



AH! cats! nice.


we have better than a couch girl, we got an air mattress. and a cat! who was molting last week.

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He had some sort of religious experience while talking to me last night.

Went into a trance state.

And wierded me out.

I make life altering experiences happen.


And he cried.

I don't remember about what.

I think it was something to do with how awesome I am.

It shattered his reality.


We didn't make the zoo.

I am bummed.


I did get to watch some dudes play ripping covers of Led Zeppplin songs in their garage.

Then I remembered I hate LEd Zepplin.

So I came back inside.


ANd although I did not meet Nelly, I met a dude who does dialasis on Nelly's cousin.

Or uncle.

I don't remember which.

Not that it matters.

But it further promotes the myth that all black people are related.


I think I have been drinking too much.

I think I am about to do the same thing tonight.


Vodka and water is a pretty delicious drink.

My liver can't take much more.

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yep sounds like st. louis... funny thing is. The street where that swank rooftop bar is used to be one of the most bombed out streets in the city.


I just spent 6 hours wandering around train tracks near the miller brewery.

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