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;5881165']Nice work Bo also


I like the style and everything but to me im more of a weirdo when it comes to surface and i think it would be cool if you experimented a bit more in your surface. The Colors composition all that is amazing what would throw me off if i walked into to the gallery would be the surface. Maybe its just me, but that alone can make an avg painting amazing. Its a craft, and it seems a bit more authentic when done correctly. Just a suggestion since it seems like you paint alot it would be an experiment. Try to use something that would hide the different layers in your paint. Lake layering levels of transparent on top of your finished product. Or maybe pouring clear epoxy, dhamar varnish if oils, not sure about gel medium as it still has a superficial look when dry. I don't know anyone got any ideas or am i just crazy.



I've thought about coating them before actually. I've done it to other styles of works in the past and had mixed emotions on the results. I know what you're saying though. Especially in these shots they come off looking "powdery".

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Heres the deal, In bold font. Id like to get another project going. Same deal. Due in a week. If anybody is down. Whers KOH and JOKER when you need them. Pfft. Okay, Im pretty sure Elizabeth and Bonjoles would be down. Well heres some ideas for themes ive been tossing about. Fire, Glass, Hair, Ice, Something painted portrait. I also was thinking of an inside out one where you had to paint something from the inside out. None of this is making sense right now but they seemed like good ideas at the time. Oh, Also umm maybe "outside your window" or something. ORRRR just DOG. Any thing of a dog. okay that is all thank you.

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someone stop me if i get too verbose. but i like to explain things sometimes.

normally my sketchbook is filled with stuff like this, each little image in the cartoon representing something im thinking/worried about hence the "dear diary"




but this threads got me moving in a different direction, just as exercise, and ive been trying to " take a line for a walk"


so heres that. no effects here, i dont have fancy computer programs or anything like that. i printed the two images on the same piece of paper by running it through my shitty printer twice then held it up to lighting for another effect and took a picture. DIY illustrator. haha.



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I am not sold either.


The only part I am really compelled to is the top left. Without the silver there through.


For some reason I feel like these colors, while possibly combined nicely don't do well with your loose style.


Silver makes me think of elegance, decision, and formalism. I expect a crisp ass line used sparingly. It makes me think of the forward progress of science and direct correlations.


I do like how the purplish black and pink interact on the top left though. I don't know if its credit to the photo or if the paint actually has the effect, but I read it as a really nice deep red at first.



I would like to see the entire piece have that as its base. If not the piece itself.


I have a hard time with the pink, white and silver in the middle and bottom right though.


Lookin forward to people trying the weather piece. I think I may PM some of the other participants in the earlier pages, try and get them back here.


Maybe we can get seeks off his hiatus for this thread.

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i think i am going to have to get on the abstract weather piece as well....photography is ok right?


on the piece above, it doesn't work for me because many of the same reasons crooked already stated. While i like sections of it, when viewed as a whole it seems a bit sloppy and disconnected. your other pieces i have seen have the same looseness to them, it just doesn't come together in the one above.

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here's something i did earlier this year for a window display. any feedback would be appreciated. i don't know if it's to be considered abstract, but it's all i've got to share, for now.




so far i'm psyched to see what's in this thread, it's all inspiring and motivating.



I wish some of the boxes were thicker and filled in and stuff. and bigger.

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thanks for all the feedback. it was done during the spring, so i wasn't really thinking christmas trees, just yet, but i can definitely see where you'd get that idea. the triangular shape was because, at first, this was going to be the main piece of the window. i did two other panels, and originally, this was going to be the top piece, and pour out to the others. but that idea was scrapped, because of the space i had to use, and the other panels were done completely different.


hayabusa, it took a while to do, but it was really fucking zen like for me. i also smoked a shitload of weed during the process.


enigmatic, i didn't fill in the boxes because i wanted it to have a feeling of depth of field. i do hear what you're saying, and like the idea. i'll try it on a different piece.


thanks again for the feedback. once the holidays calm down, i'm going to start doing more work. i'll definitely post in here for more feedback. this is the finished window display below. it's not the best photo, but it's all i've got. the base was supposed to fill up more, but i didn't make enough nesting dolls because i ran out of time. the skateboard is my design, that my friend's company used, based on stickers i did around town.



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