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Have you crackheads ever tried to sell a bitch to someone?!


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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Alright I moved to the ghetto. I know what your saying but Psalm Juan arent you translucent?! Yes this dude be white as hell knaw mean?....



wouldnt it be "as white as heaven"

cause only white people go to heaven

and blacks go to hell.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


once, while painting a daytime spot my boys and i noticed someone on a bike coming towards us from way down the wall.

as the bike approaches we can clearly see this is an addict of some variety, but what's that at the front of the bike? something big, shiney, and...wet?

as the crackhead nears, we can all see that this dude is rollin on some 12yr old girl's pink and white bike, but what is that in the basket?

a fucking fishtank, that's what. an actual aquarium filled with water. and several fish! un-fucking-believable.

the guy wanted $20 for the entire bike-aquarium combo. alas, none of us were in the market for either a new female ride, or new pets.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


rich boy tried to sell me crack, i was a broke nigga that tried to jack,

but his shit was tight with no slack, and then he used the money and bought a cadillac.

subsequently he threw some d's on the bitch.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


A fond memory of a crackhead

By Furious Snake



Me: Yeah hold on (I knew I had next to nothing in my pocket)


so I give him like 23 cents in nickels and pennies


Crackhead: Can I get some more

(I pretend to search my pocket)

Me: Nah man that's all I have

Crackhead: Lemme tell you the truth, a girl gave me something, and I broke it and now I have to get her 10 dollars to her in the next hour!

Me: that sucks man




perhaps it was more humorous when it actually happened.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Nah yo fucking crack heads are like this.


This was my blinds incendent i may have posted.


Me walking in with my arms full of window blinds a drill my tool box all my shit at once. Arms full I cant do shit.


Fat dude on the stepss: Hey neighbor do you have any money I could borrow?

me:No man sorry I just spent my pay check on house stuff. I am broke...

Fat dude on the stepss: Because I can get a generic pack of ciggarets for $3.50

me:Uh, sorry man I have nothing..

Fat dude on the stepss:$3.50 man!? I can get usa brands come on they are generic

me:Dude I HAVE NO MONEY! I am completely broke i just bought all this shit I am broke can I borrow a dollar fifty for a cheeseburger?!

Fat dude on the stepss: pfffffffffft yea right!

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


some crackette tried to sell me a bra when i was in oakland and followed me and my friend for like 10 blocks.


crackheads need to get teh stomp. except the funny ones that do tricks

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


While in Frisco....

"Yo nigga I got one double A battery for sale"

"Naw.... I'm good"

"Naw nigga you need this battery"

"Get the fuck out of here"



Later on that night my mini mag-lite that I carry in my car went dead and I couldn't find some cash that I dropped. That double A battery could've came in handy. Damn seuthseeing crackhead.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


I can't say that I've ever even seen a crackhead but once.

And she followed me into a bathroom stall to sell me crack.

I got the hell outta there and haven't been back to Louisiana since.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!



BLEH .....louisiana


I feel dirty just spelling it out. LA = I want nothing to do with ever. I refuse to eat at popeyes, speak french, listen to lil wayne, juvenile, birdman etc., I will always now and forevermore root against the saints and most especially eat that lame fucking hotsauce.


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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Oh snap, I have not heard that term in a looong time.



As for crack heads.... living in Rogers Park (Chi) for 6 years, well, hell, I got too many stories. I still can't believe half of the shit I have seen.


yoooooooo son...i know what you mean

rogers park all day



crackheads be sellin evethyng they can push......i got a dude who hooks me up with furniture, tvs, beds for cheap


copped a 32'' inch flat screen for 200 its and a king size matress for 95 these are just the recent thangs i copped

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Nah yo fucking crack heads are like this.


This was my blinds incendent i may have posted.


Me walking in with my arms full of window blinds a drill my tool box all my shit at once. Arms full I cant do shit.


Fat dude on the stepss: Hey neighbor do you have any money I could borrow?

me:No man sorry I just spent my pay check on house stuff. I am broke...

Fat dude on the stepss: Because I can get a generic pack of ciggarets for $3.50

me:Uh, sorry man I have nothing..

Fat dude on the stepss:$3.50 man!? I can get usa brands come on they are generic

me:Dude I HAVE NO MONEY! I am completely broke i just bought all this shit I am broke can I borrow a dollar fifty for a cheeseburger?!

Fat dude on the stepss: pfffffffffft yea right!

you look like a fucking herb, no wonder people try to run game on you all the time.
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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Downtown Los Angeles... I'm taking flicks near skid row(Mid 90's)... Lady comes up to me with kid in tow...


Can you watch my kid for a minute??




Please. I'll be right back I promise..


No.. I ain't watching no one's kid.(Start walking away)




Kept walking..

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!



How do I even begin to answer this question.


"What's the definition of Litmus?"


I watch the crackheads in my neighbourhood from my balcony with binoculars. They provide hours of entertainment.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


where i live it is more meth heads and alcoholics that try for money... they are less crafty than the crackhead.


man, the fiends in amsterdam are fucking crazy. they walk around with bolt cutters to pick off bikes to sell, i followed two of them one day, just to watch, fucking ANYTHING light enough for them to carry was getting jacked... i watched them rummaging though peoples shit, trying to get into cars, fucking mailboxes...

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