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my friend was wondering if he can get busted for someone telling his name to someone without any real proof of him doing any graf. i think his name was given and now they are trying to pin it to him.


i know i sound like a noob.

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well he cant really be busted without any soild evidence, but if hes caught wit a drawing on him, or raided and found with paint, thatll be enough to get him caught, but just somebodys word isnt enough to hold up in court, although they might be able to make him do a night in jail on suspicion depending on how bad they want him

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^^^ i definitely agree wit CALIgula here, he needs to burn all his drawings, throw away his cans, delete pics off the computer, everything, just one pic is all it takes to get busted, i know a dude who got busted for havin a handy on the outside of his wallet when he got pulled over, so once again EVERYTHING GRAFF RELATED NEEDS TO BE GONE

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or raided and found with paint, thatll be enough to get him caught,


not true, its not illegal to own paint as long as "your friend" deny's all knowledge of the vandalism there is no way they can say it was you. the only way this can slip up is if you have some home made paint or very disingushed paint that could of only been used by you. (if you understand) but even then you cannot be nailed for it. just deny, say you sold it some guy in a pub aswell or something....


also with drawings there is no way they can solidly get you without your concent, you can claim that what you have drawn does not say what they think it says graff can be hard to read to non-graffers so letters can look similar and there is know way they can prove it was you. also you can say you saw it on the street thought it looked cool and just drew it in your book.


graffs a weird thing, alot of it is just paranoia from the newer generation hearing stories and so on and so on. you can't be fucked over for owning paint or drawings, these can put the cops on your tail though and maybe lead to being spied on and things but the only way for a solid conviction is to be caught in the act (by eye or cctv) or by admitting to it. frankly if you admit to it you deserve to go down like but eh?


the main things 2 remember is to not tell them anything, GET A LAWYER!!!!, and lie/deny all there facts, even if it goes to court you will be safe without hard evidence. don't worry kiddo.


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This happened to a friend of mine. The cops pretty much just watched his house watched where he went and stuff. Just tell them to lay low for a while.. Don't go out bombing for a while and don't admit anything to the cops. Get rid of your sketchbook or hide it at a friends house or something.

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I have noticed that there are more and more "special unit" police officers assigned to graffiti, they are the ones you need to watch out for.


These special units will usually be assigned to 1 neighborhood and more than likely will spend 80% of their time in the "HOT SPOTS" basically any area in your city where there is allot of graffiti, maybe its a door or window where allot of big writers hit up daily. Alleys are probably the most popular areas, watch out for alleys that have multi level parking structures they can be watching you from the second or third level. They also stake out graffiti shops to see who comes in and out also.


They will follow you; EVERYWHERE... they won’t catch you at first. They wait till they have a huge amount of evidence to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. These new special units are specially put out there to investigate graffiti. There job isn’t to run up and grab you, they will wait and wait and wait till they can fuck you over. Remember they have video and digital cameras to record everything. The had a video of the hommie catching a tag and smoking herb, these guys are sneaky.


When people rat on each other it usually never goes anywhere, I know cops keep a record of who writes what, from what crew, and area. Just because they have your name with your Graff name doesn’t mean they will raid your house, or even take it seriously.


Remember these guys are after the big fish and will use toys as bait to get info. They usually travel in groups of 2. The only thing you can really do is to keep your home clean, do not have your Graff name up in your house anywhere, and try to keep your block clean.


I have had a few hommies go down like this, not even knowing.

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I know someone who probably has over 500,000$ worth of damage and the cops have all his info like name, address, and job. They have footage of him writing, they have had multiple people rat on him and say what he writers and where he works, but this guy keeps his house clean, no supplies, no books or papers with tags- NOTHING! The cops have raided his house 3 times now and still cannot arrest him because they can’t find solid enough evidence to prosecute him.

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my friend was wondering if he can get busted for someone telling his name to someone without any real proof of him doing any graf. i think his name was given and now they are trying to pin it to him.


i know i sound like a noob.


no proof no case no nothing lols.. anyone can just go hey his name is blablabla.. or anything is tehre any proof?

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