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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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you know what i get a kick out of? All you people who blindly follow people and blatantly call anyone who oppose your views on reality a conspiracy theorist see thats a part of the govts conditioning of the populace


i thought you were the guy in another thread who said you think everything is a conspiracy? im used to being called a conspiracy theorist. if you own a bunch of guns and talk about freedom, you are labeled by default by the majority of the population as a conspiracy theorist, black helicopter nut. i've been following ron paul since about the year 2000. it just so happens that his ideology, libertarianism, is what i believe in. i've been a believer in liberty way before ron paul decided to run for president. just because a bunch of people started following the guy, doesnt mean that i hate all these people because he has a small following. sure, some of these people are silly, who cares? every faction has weirdo's.

i believe in keeping my mitts to myself unless in defense. i apply this to everything. this is the freedom ideology. ron paul is about as consistent as you can get to it. do i 'blindly' follow him? no, i dont 'blindly' follow him. i have yet to hear him say he wants to take away any of my freedom, so as of right now, i back pretty much everything i've heard the guy say.


the only thing is even though ron paul is appose to govt power, supposedly, he dont change anything the govt is still a corrupt system ran by the elite and ron paul cant change it


i do not believe the answer lies in politics. i believe the country is to far gone. what i do believe in is education and ultimately forceful defense of my rights, if it comes to it. you have ron paul in congress, inside the very heart of the government, telling them basically to fuck off. how could a supposed freedom lover NOT be a supporter of this guy? ron paul is only one guy, sure he alone wont be able to restore liberty to the US. but a ron paul inspired movement of millions can change it.

i'd much rather see all the bums voted out and replaced with ron pauls than have to stand in defense of my rights in guerilla warfare fashion. it might be unlikely to win with politics, but as i said... i'll still support ron paul and his courageous stand for freedom. lost causes are in my blood. we've won a few, we've lost a few. from the american revolution to the war to prevent southern independence and so on... you win some and you lose some. but there is no need to stop fighting and consider ron paul part of the 'elite' or the 'enemy'

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i support the whole education issue but i see all these people who follow him and want him to lead the movement for freedom but we shouldnt do that we should be leading the freedom movement not relying on one politician



you aren't looking far. a lot of ron pauls folllowing are setting out on their own and running for local and state government. doing their own thing.


the whole of the matter isn't about dr. paul at all. it's really about taking what belongs to us back.

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see thats what i like to hear i mean if rp can get people so inspired that they actually take action but i just dont see the reasoning behind sitting back and jocking one politician that aint got much power to change shit



united we stand, divided we fall.




it's on the back of our money.

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you aren't looking far. a lot of ron pauls folllowing are setting out on their own and running for local and state government. doing their own thing.


the whole of the matter isn't about dr. paul at all. it's really about taking what belongs to us back.





I honestly can't tell you how many people I know that have gotten interested in politics, or the well being and conservation of this nation through Ron Paul.


This man will be remembered in history for sparking a movement who's relevance we probably won't know until my generation (people around 20 and a little older right now) reach into their 30's and 40's.


At least I'm hoping for that change anyway. Oh and when I say change, I'm not talking about you know who. Or that kind of change anyway. ^___^

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I honestly can't tell you how many people I know that have gotten interested in politics, or the well being and conservation of this nation through Ron Paul.


This man will be remembered in history for sparking a movement who's relevance we probably won't know until my generation (people around 20 and a little older right now) reach into their 30's and 40's.


I wouldn't hold your pee waiting for that to happen; could get messy.

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the whole of the matter isn't about dr. paul at all. it's really about taking what belongs to us back.


if you were really interested in "taking back what belongs to us", you'd stop preaching to these sheep that ron paul is somehow looking out for their best interests. ron paul wants what all politicians want, absolute power and absolute control. nothing is going to change until we get rid of this system where people like ron paul prosper off the blood, sweat, and tears of the working class.

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a voting record and rhetoric that is as anti state and pro liberty as one can get and you are trying to tell me in a serious manner that ron paul only wants absolute power and absolute control.

nothing could be further from the truth.


i agree, 98% of politicians want absolute power and control... but not this guy.

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look, as a rule, i dont believe in voting. i dont think ron paul will magically change america all by his self. but that doesnt mean i wont support him. i think the only way to restore the rights of the public is if something is done to tick everyone off and its time to resort to the cartridge box.


not supporting ron paul, but saying you support liberty is silly. its like if you want to abolish taxes but dont support tax cuts

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Not supporting ron paul dosent mean i dont support liberty, i just feel anyone who fights the system from the inside is bound to be corrupted bt it, and i feel if these people can run amerika behind the scenes start wars assassinate people with no problem but you think that someone like ron paul is any threat to them.... thats why i either think ron paul is with them so everyone follows him and hope for change but no real change happens, or hes not and they just no he cant do anything


thats why i think supporting him is irrelevant, just like supporting presidents its all a game

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no because with all the power these people have i dont see how they would let someone like that into their infrastructure unless it would work to their advantage no matter how good of intentions the person may have


and i think an anarchist type america would be better then the one we have now, anarchy dosent mean no rules it means no rulers and i fully support that if we didnt have a centralized govt their would be no way for one person or a group of people to gain all the power while the lower get nothing

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i fully know what anarchy is.

i sympathize with with the ideology, but from a anarcho capitalist perspective instead of a anarcho commie perspective.


but i just think its hilarious that you think ron paul is involved with a 'conspiracy.' it is the ron paul supporters who are considered the conspiracy theorists by most everyone. so its REALLY kooky to me to think that RP supporters are part of a conspiracy.


ron paul and perhaps a few other guys out there are actually devoted to limiting governmental power. your rule and thoughts apply to everyone else.

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a voting record and rhetoric that is as anti state and pro liberty as one can get and you are trying to tell me in a serious manner that ron paul only wants absolute power and absolute control.

nothing could be further from the truth.


i agree, 98% of politicians want absolute power and control... but not this guy.



I don't think many of them care about absolute power and control. I think most of them care about their boats, cars, bank accounts, and how many interns they can bang. The whole power trip is necessary so they can keep the gravy train rolling.

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  • 2 months later...





Dude, DAO don't post in here. That shit don't work.


Keep trying though. Good for a laugh every now and again.


Let me ask the more important question in all of this:



Why is this thread still going?


Because his influence still stands? Because he still after not getting his bid to run for president is still fighting the fight he has been fighting since he arrived in Congress?


BTW: He has a son that is running for a Senate seat in 2010.


So after Dr. Paul does step out of politics. We can just change the title to this thread a little and keep it moving. ^____^

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I would have edited my last post but after a certain amount of time you can no longer do that so here it is.


Not that this proofs anything that I said earlier on the subject, but a film is about to be put out about the exact thing I was talking about. Dr.Paul's influence on a generation of people. Who probably without hearing of him would have continued to not care about what goes on in Washington.




I'm not going to explain anymore about the movie. You can check out everything you need to or may want to know at the above website.

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