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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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most union/office jobs have automatic pay increases of 3% precisely to counteract the effect of inflation. the 70s and 80s were hard times, but 1992 forwards inflation has not become a political issue so much as an economic one (it becomes political when prices grow twice as fast as wages).






its sad though.

to say that we have a 'low inflation rate' and that it isnt a big deal is like having a thief come to your house and instead of taking your tv, ipod, kruggerands, and jewerly, he only takes all your shoes and jackets. perhaps we would then be saying... *shrugs shoulders* ' hey, the burglar rate isnt that bad around here...'

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"When was the last time someone refused your money because it wasn't backed by gold?


in the US we have no choice to be accept paper money due to the coercive power of the US govt. the dollar is widely accepted because it used to be as good as gold. as you may or may not know the US dollar is on the ropes.


the bad part of fiat money is that it can be inflated, where the people are robbed. i do not support this nor should anyone that favors liberty or favors a small constrained government.

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ron paul is losing in cali, he only has like 4% of the vote.



i cannot believe people are stupid enough to vote for hillary clinton. the bitch is going to raise taxes, enfore more federal law, and just straight fuck up our whole world


and the only republican candidate is McCain.


the worst possible presidential candidates ever, hillary and mccain.



fucking bullshit.

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ron paul is losing in cali, he only has like 4% of the vote.



i cannot believe people are stupid enough to vote for hillary clinton. the bitch is going to raise taxes, enfore more federal law, and just straight fuck up our whole world


and the only republican candidate is McCain.


the worst possible presidential candidates ever, hillary and mccain.



fucking bullshit.


i'm glad you're pissed, we all need to be pissed. ron paul supporters or not.

this isn't the first time we've been let down by our countrymen.

the majority are just led around like dogs on a leash.


i would leave this country, but i would still have family here and i can't let it all go down like this without staying to try and protect them.


i came to the dance with her and i'll leave with her.

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funny thing about the mccain vs hillary thing though.


i have a friend (this also applies to the mainstream neo cons too) who said he would support rudy against hillary. now he said he wont vote if mccain is the nominee. i dont really understand the difference, rudy is just as liberal or more liberal than mccain.... but that is how they think. all the talking heads were all about rudy, then as soon as mccain started making ground....they now dont like someone equally as liberal?

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i'm glad you're pissed, we all need to be pissed. ron paul supporters or not.

this isn't the first time we've been let down by our countrymen.

the majority are just led around like dogs on a leash.


i would leave this country, but i would still have family here and i can't let it all go down like this without staying to try and protect them.


i came to the dance with her and i'll leave with her.


McCain won California? That totally doesn't make sense.

I still think that if we could of gotten Ron more exposure that He would of done much better.


We need to fix this situation in 4 years.

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"The business cycle existed before the Fed."


the fed is the sole cause of the boom and the bust.


"one seems to be getting the point that the Fed doesn't just print money and hand it out. If it did do this, that would be a good reason to abolish it. But it doesn't. "


simply put, it does. the fed is run on a socialist model. a group of bureaucrats sit around and try to centrally plan monetary matters from the top down, with conditions changing constantly in the market affecting the lives of millions of people. has the fed seen a situation where they didnt want more money? when the fed artificially lowers the interest rates, they are printing more money.


why do you think coins are made of cheap alloys instead of silver or gold? to see the lack of purchasing power of the dollar all you have to do is look at the gold price. last year the average price of gold was about 750$ an ounce. in 1913, gold was 20 dollars an ounce. that ounce of gold bought a nice suit or a nice handgun. today, that same ounce of gold buys a nice handgun today(a 1911 is about 750 bucks now and it was about 20 back in the day) but instead of 20$ you need 750$ dollars to buy the same gun.


i really dont get why you dont understand that inflation is a way that moscow on the potomac pays for the welfare warfare state. without it, they would have to tax americans at extremely high rates and there would of been a tax revolt on a never before seen scale probably back when the new deal or the great society was enacted.


do you really mean to tell me that you do not know that the value of the dollar has plummeted since the 1930's?


if you look at history, when massive spending took place. during lincolns war of northern aggression, he suspended the gold standard and issued paper money to PAY for his war. FDR confiscated gold from citizens in 1933. have you ever heard the term...'not worth a continental?' that is when the continental congress issued paper money, and soon after the war it was worthless. it is exactly then in 1933, when the first cut was made between the dollar and gold and at this very point is when the dollar started to fall. until the 70's it was illegal for citizens to own gold. why was that? it is because gold prices have always been a gauge of the wrongs that governments are doing to our money.


i highly recommend you get a brief overview of this topic and ditch the defense of socialism and the fed and read murray rothbards "what has government done to our money."


i sincerely believe that abolition of the fed would be to america's benefit. it would end inflation, the business cycle, it would encourage savings and discourage debt, it would severely check the government and not allow it to grow in massive proportions the way it does now WHEN THE FED PRINTS MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR. when the fed loans money they money does not come out of its vaults, it just adds 0's to the account of who is borrowing it. if russia can be de communized, then surely we can ditch our central bank and give free americans back money that they control and that the government can use to exploit us, and rob us.




I'm not sure if you're even reading my posts, beacuse I already responded to a lot of these points.


"the fed is the sole cause of the boom and the bust."


There were recessions in 1820-1821, 1837-1843, 1847-1849, and 1858-1860, with expansions in the years between. This was before the Fed was created.


"has the fed seen a situation where they didnt want more money? when the fed artificially lowers the interest rates, they are printing more money."


The Fed lowers the interest rate by printing money, and it raises the interest rate by taking money out of circulation. It did this in the early 80s to curb inflation. I already mentioned this. The Fed also raised the rate in 1994, 1999-2000 and 2004-2006.


"do you really mean to tell me that you do not know that the value of the dollar has plummeted since the 1930's?"


You're correct, the value of a dollar has declined since the 1930s, but wages have risen even more. We already discussed this. Do you really think people are poorer today than in the 1930's?


"have you ever heard the term...'not worth a continental?' that is when the continental congress issued paper money, and soon after the war it was worthless."


Yes, I've heard the term. This is why we took the power to print money away from Congress and gave it to the Fed.


I don't know how many times I have to tell you that the Fed doesn't fund the government. I'll write it one more time. THE FEDERAL RESERVE DOES NOT FUND THE US GOVERNMENT.


I've also never heard the Fed described as a socialist institution. In fact, it's dedicated to preserving American capitalism.


"during lincolns war of northern aggression..."


Lincoln's war of northern aggression, eh? Do you really want to discredit yourself this badly?

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angelofdeath, look again at the chart you posted titled "Value of a $1 Federal Reserve Note in 1913 Dollars." Notice that the value of a dollar actually increased during the 1930's, a time of rampant poverty. Do you see why the value of a dollar doesn't necessarily reflect whether people are better off or not?

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"This is why we took the power to print money away from Congress and gave it to the Fed"


congress never had the power to print money, only to coin money and gold and silver are only supposed to be used as legal tender.


as for the business cycle, see mises' theory of money and credit. the fed caused the great depression.



as far as the fed being a shining beacon to defend american capitalism... i think i need not reply to that. if you think that a socialist institution, one of the first tenants of marxism, and an institution that decides what to do with money, how to control it, at a bureaucratic level and not a market level, is a capitalist institution then i dont know what to tell you.


you are really honestly think that the federal reserve has nothing to do with the money that the US government uses. it is hilarious. they buy bonds with credit created out of thin air. yet they do not print money nor is inflation a means that governments use for funding. outstanding.

i really cant continue on with this debate.

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"This is why we took the power to print money away from Congress and gave it to the Fed"


congress never had the power to print money, only to coin money and gold and silver are only supposed to be used as legal tender.


as for the business cycle, see mises' theory of money and credit. the fed caused the great depression.



as far as the fed being a shining beacon to defend american capitalism... i think i need not reply to that. if you think that a socialist institution, one of the first tenants of marxism, and an institution that decides what to do with money, how to control it, at a bureaucratic level and not a market level, is a capitalist institution then i dont know what to tell you.


you are really honestly think that the federal reserve has nothing to do with the money that the US government uses. it is hilarious. they buy bonds with credit created out of thin air. yet they do not print money nor is inflation a means that governments use for funding. outstanding.

I really cant continue on with this debate.




Yeah, this argument is getting pointless. I'm sick of repeating myself.


If the Fed is responsible for the business cycle, how do you explain the recessions and expansions before it was created?


If inflation is such a killer, how do you explain the fact that prices fell during the Great Depression? Wouldn't this mean that everyone was doing great?



The following are both quotes from you:


"have you ever heard the term...'not worth a continental?' that is when the continental congress issued paper money, and soon after the war it was worthless."


"congress never had the power to print money, only to coin money and gold and silver are only supposed to be used as legal tender. "



As far as the Fed buying bonds to finance the government, do you remember what I wrote about the primary and secondary markets? Probably not, you don't seem like much of a details guy. Well read it again.


And if you really believe that the Fed is socialist, I don't even know where to begin.

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Source: Meet the Press: 2007 "Meet the Candidates" series Dec 23, 2007


Q: You said you want to abolish the public school system.


A: We elected conservatives to get rid of the Department of Education. We used to campaign on that. And what did we do? We doubled the size. I want to reverse that trend.


He still basically wants to dismantle the public schools(which, after the epic failure of 'no child left behind' might be a good thing) but what will be next?


............some serious Jesus schoolin'. especially in the south.


I have no problem with this, I think it's funny. Some people may object. It's about freedom, and I respect that.

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thank god this sociopath isnt getting any delegates so far. everybody's so amazed by the fact that he's a republican against the war that they dont look at how hard-line and right wing his other positions are. id kill myself before voting for either mccain huckabee or romney, but jesus..ron paul isnt that much different.

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thank god this sociopath isnt getting any delegates so far. everybody's so amazed by the fact that he's a republican against the war that they dont look at how hard-line and right wing his other positions are. id kill myself before voting for either mccain huckabee or romney, but jesus..ron paul isnt that much different.


are you joking? ron paul is pro-constitution, pro liberty, doesn't take money from lobbyists, a gun rights supporter, wants to repeal the anti-american patriot act, wants to stop the spying on americans..i could go on.


none of the other candidates care about these issues. they like the power. they will expand the powers that bush has set up...


you're just a knitwit.

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hah look at his stance on immigration, the 14th ammendment, and gays then. and being a strict follower of the constitution is like being a strict follower of the bible, inflexible and stupid. id use it as toilet paper.



wow. so, you want our economy to bust because we support every single person who wants a free ride in? while tons of people are waiting to do it the proper way? you would support someone who breaks our country's laws?




and the constitution is what gives you the freedoms to say the things you want on the internet and in public. it's what gave your ancestors the rights they had. people fought and died for that piece of paper. you better wake up fast before you run into someone like me in the streets and start talking your commie trash.


and as far as gays: you know what "bug chasers" are?

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"and the fed is a necessary evil...people believing that the us economy would do better without the fed are probably the kind of retards that think communism is advisable."


the united states of america did totally fine without a central bank for most of its history. during times of hard money, prices fell, purchasing power went up, and inflation was not a factor in governments drive to imperial greatness. when congress gave its money coining power to an extra government body, it opened the door to massive inflation and declining value of the US dollar. the US government now has under their control a magic money making machine called a printing press.


if me and casek got together and came to your house and said '' hey, we can solve your problems. we have this printing press. we'll print up some money and you can spend it.' what would you think? would it be counterfeit? the fed is nothing more than the hugest legalized counterfeiting operation in american history.


just as constitutions and laws put limits on governments police powers, the gold standard puts extreme limits on governments ability to spend borrow inflate and create wacky socialist programs that rob citizens of freedom. the gold standard makes governments run tight ships.


alan greenspan even had it right at one time....


""An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which unites statists of all persuasions. They seem to sense – perhaps more clearly and subtly than many consistent defenders of laissez-faire – that gold and economic freedom are inseparable, that the gold standard is an instrument of laissez-faire and that each implies and requires the other. . . . This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights."

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hah look at his stance on immigration, the 14th ammendment, and gays then. and being a strict follower of the constitution is like being a strict follower of the bible, inflexible and stupid. id use it as toilet paper.


you are misinformed.


what is your knowledge of his stance on:







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