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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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why kucinich? and i am not delusional about this at all.

i want our country back. that's it.


i'm voting for kucinich because i agree on most of what he stands for. you should read up on him.

now, when you say "back," (and i'm not disagreeing that it's been taken) when exactly do you think we lost it?

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please cite a specific event, happening, circumstance.


i mis-dated. 1913.


the federal reserves inception. loss of gold standard. jekyll island.



“I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. We were told to leave our last names behind us. We were told further that we should avoid dining together on the night of our departure.

"We were instructed to come one at a time and as unobtrusively as possible to the railroad terminal on the New Jersey littoral of the Hudson where Senator Aldrich's private car would be in readiness attached to the rear-end of a train to the south. Once aboard the private car we began to observe the taboo that had been fixed on last names. We addressed one another as Ben, Paul, Nelson and Abe. Davison and I adopted even deeper disguises abandoning our first names.

"On the theory that we were always right, he became Wilbur and I became Orville after those two aviation pioneers the Wright brothers. The servants and train crew may have known the identities of one or two of us, but they did not know all and it was the names of all printed together that would've made our mysterious journey significant in Washington, in Wall Street, even in London. Discovery we knew simply must not happen."

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great. voting for a communist with a good stance on foreign policy and intervention.

didnt kucinich's wife say that they he would consider being paul's running mate?


i used to think the US was lost in the progressive era. then i thought it died in 1865. actually im almost inclined to think that the revolution was betrayed when the constitution was signed. its a great document, but its not perfect.

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I just heard on the radio that Ron Paul supporters were severely slowing down rush hour traffic by holding up very large signs from a bridge.


:) :) :)



some of us are doing the wrong thing. i hope that doesn't affect our stupid masses by making them think it's dr. paul's campaign directly doing this. i'm also encouraged by the grassroots support. it's amazing what liberty can do.

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i just watched a PBS article on ron paul tonight. some points were brought up about his support from white supremacist groups, and how he had never come out publicly in opposition until tonight's article.


so, i did some reasearch and i found this on http://www.dailykos.com/ which is some kind of wacky commie liberal site, so obviously it's taken with a grain of salt, but i thought the quotes from dr. paul in the Ron Paul Political Report published throughout the late 80's and early 90's were rather interesting and worth bringing to light and into the discussion here.




Ron Paul, In His Own Words

by phenry

Tue May 15, 2007 at 06:57:29 PM PST


As tonight's Republican presidential debate winds down, I expect to see the diaries humming with praise for Texas Rep. Ron Paul, whose forceful, eloquent anti-war rhetoric sticks out like a sore thumb from the undifferentiated conservative yammerings of the other candidates. The Simi Valley debate earlier this month was many Kossacks' first exposure to Paul, and many of them liked what they saw. Before any other well-meaning liberals decide that we and Ron Paul were made for each other, I think it's important that we dig a bit deeper and learn more about exactly who, and what, he is: a vicious, contemptible racist who comforts the radical right wing like no presidential candidate since David Duke.


We need jump to no conclusion to arrive at this judgment. His own words convict him.





1. Ron Paul, In His Own Words

2. Ron Paul: The Radical Right's Man in Washington

3. Ron Paul: Dude is Wack

4. Ron Paul Hates You


After his 1979-85 service in Congress as a Republican and his 1988 campaign for the presidency as the nominee of the Libertarian Party, Ron Paul returned home to Surfside, Texas and devoted himself to a variety of pursuits, one of which was his self-published newsletter, The Ron Paul Political Report. Founded in 1985, the eight-page newsletter featured Paul's extreme libertarian perspective on a number of different issues, notably crackpot theories about the Federal Reserve and the money system and a tireless advocacy of a return to the gold standard—a longtime Ron Paul hobby horse. The Ron Paul Political Report would come to feature in the stable of "underground" publications and photocopied "zines" that fed the nascent "patriot movement" that arose in the early 1990s, spurred by anger over federal government actions in Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and by fear of a supposed "New World Order." Indeed, Paul changed the name of the newsletter to the Ron Paul Survival Report around 1993 in what we may presume to be an effort to tap into the survivalist sentiments then peaking among the radical right wing.


It is extremely difficult to track down content from the Ron Political/Survival Report today. The Report only had about 7,000 subscribers, and Paul has—unsurprisingly—refused to release copies to the media. Lexis/Nexis is of no help, as the obscure publication largely escaped the notice of major media publications during Paul's hiatus from electoral politics. What remains to us today comes almost entirely from secondary sources, such as quasi-samizdat publications and contemporaneous Usenet postings from sources like Google Groups. These few fragments of a much larger body of work—almost all of which have been preserved by Paul's supporters, not his opponents—give us an illuminating and frightening look into his demented, racist worldview.


The only complete article from the Ron Paul Political Report on the Internet that I am aware of is a 1992 piece titled "LOS ANGELES RACIAL TERRORISM," on the subject of the so-called Rodney King riots in South Central Los Angeles in 1991. It is available to us today because it was posted to the talk.politics.misc newsgroup on July 30, 1993 by Dan Gannon, a notorious white supremacist and Holocaust denier, and archived by the Nizkor Project, an anti-revisionism organization that was active in cataloging hate speech on the early public Internet. You can read Nizkor's copy of the article here, and see a reposted version on Google Groups here. Some relevant passages from the article (emphasis mine):


Regardless of what the media tell us, most white Americans are not going to believe that they are at fault for what blacks have done to cities across America. The professional blacks may have cowed the elites, but good sense survives at the grass roots. Many more are going to have difficultly avoiding the belief that our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists -- and they can be identified by the color of their skin. This conclusion may not be entirely fair, but it is, for many, entirely unavoidable.


Indeed, it is shocking to consider the uniformity of opinion among blacks in this country. Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action.... Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the "criminal justice system," I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.


If similar in-depth studies were conducted in other major cities, who doubts that similar results would be produced? We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings, and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers.


Perhaps the L.A. experience should not be surprising. The riots, burning, looting, and murders are only a continuation of 30 years of racial politics.The looting in L.A. was the welfare state without the voting booth. The elite have sent one message to black America for 30 years: you are entitled to something for nothing. That's what blacks got on the streets of L.A. for three days in April. Only they didn't ask their Congressmen to arrange the transfer.


Reading the entire article will show that I have not taken these quotes out of context, though the article is definitely not for everyone: it's a 3700-word racist tirade that is frankly stomach-turning in its depiction of African-Americans as violent, unevolved savages and even rapists. Without a doubt, it was articles like this one that prompted the Heritage Front, a Toronto-based neo-Nazi organization, to include the Ron Paul Political Report in its list of "Racialist Addresses and Phone Numbers."


During Paul's 1996 Congressional run, the Houston Chronicle unearthed some additional racial comments from his newsletter (emphasis mine):


Texas congressional candidate Ron Paul's 1992 political newsletter highlighted portrayals of blacks as inclined toward crime and lacking sense about top political issues.


Under the headline of "Terrorist Update," for instance, Paul reported on gang crime in Los Angeles and commented, "If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."


Paul, a Republican obstetrician from Surfside, said Wednesday he opposes racism and that his written commentaries about blacks came in the context of "current events and statistical reports of the time."


... n the same 1992 edition ... [Paul wrote], "We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."


Paul also asserted that "complex embezzling" is conducted exclusively by non-blacks.


"What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" he wrote.


And the November 1, 1996 issue of the alt-weekly Austin Chronicle offered some additional gems from Paul's oeuvre, including his thoughts about his former House colleague, the legendary Barbara Jordan (D-TX):


University of Texas affirmative action law professor Barbara Jordan is a fraud. Everything from her imitation British accent, to her supposed expertise in law, to her distinguished career in public service, is made up. If there were ever a modern case of the empress without clothes, this is it. She is the archetypical half-educated victimologist, yet her race and sex protect her from criticism.


Years later, in an interview printed in the October 2001 issue of Texas Monthly, Paul changed his story about these and other racist comments: "I could never say this in the campaign, but those words weren't really written by me," he said. "It wasn't my language at all." Unfortunately, this explanation doesn't really withstand scrutiny. The Ron Paul Political Report was an eight-page newsletter, not a 200-page magazine; whether he employed other writers or not, it beggars belief that Paul would not have had full control and approval over its contents. Moreover, the L.A. riots article does in fact bear some evidence of having been written by Paul, at least in part. (For example, the article relates the observations of one Burt Blumert, who is labeled "expert Burt Blumert" but who is actually just a gold coin and bullion dealer in San Francisco who happens to be a longtime personal friend of... Ron Paul.) Regardless, the fact remains that Paul suffered these words to be published under his name in his newsletter as a representation of his views, and his efforts to distance himself from them are more than a little bit disingenuous.


I understand how important, how visceral, opposition to the war is for a lot of people. It is for precisely this reason that it is so important that Kossacks understand that, opposition to the war aside, Ron Paul is not our friend.



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i did.

he claims the writing in the Ron Paul Political Report (his newsletter bearing his name, mind you) were written by a staff member. now, giving him the benefit of the doubt, and assuming he isn't lying, don't you think that he would share the same views as a staff member writing for his own newsletter? with a publication that had approximately 7,000 subscriptions, it isn't outrageous to assume that he had a fairly small staff and whoever was writing for the Ron Paul Political Report wa close enough to dr. paul to share the same views and publish them in the newsletter bearing his name.


i guess the more important question would be would ron paui show the same judgment of character in those he would appoint to his cabinet?

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i did.

he claims the writing in the Ron Paul Political Report (his newsletter bearing his name, mind you) were written by a staff member. now, giving him the benefit of the doubt, and assuming he isn't lying, don't you think that he would share the same views as a staff member writing for his own newsletter? with a publication that had approximately 7,000 subscriptions, it isn't outrageous to assume that he had a fairly small staff and whoever was writing for the Ron Paul Political Report wa close enough to dr. paul to share the same views and publish them in the newsletter bearing his name.


i guess the more important question would be would ron paui show the same judgment of character in those he would appoint to his cabinet?



well, it's actually not fair to assume he had a small staff. if you've ever seen the staff that just hangs around a governor, then you know it is fairly large...and dr. paul is a congressman.


also, dr. paul is a christian man. i know there are racist fucktards who claim to be christians and then go out and say "i hate naggers" (that's the way those people talk, trust me, i live in tennessee)

but dr. paul is different. used to give his services as an obstetrician out for free to those who couldn't afford it, feeds homeless and hungry during the holidays (something i am going to do this x-mas is volunteer at a soup kitchen in town. off subject) the man coudn't have gone so far if he was a biggot. look at david duke.

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i i guess the more important question would be would ron paui show the same judgment of character in those he would appoint to his cabinet?


and just so you're not confused, i should probably have been more clear about his staff. (though that was pretty crystal to begin with) i meant the staff on his publication, not his staff as a congressman.

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I'm sorry.


don't be, the scenery is breathtaking, the people are friendly,

and the country cooking is amazing.


*southern belles abound.



themefromthebottom: i don't know. maybe, maybe not. perhaps he knew the person who wrote it, but didn't know they had racist views. you just never know.

but i can tell you that i am 110% sure dr. paul isn't a racist.




here's some fox news news. they have plants in the audience and were caught.


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Tennessee really is a beautiful state, I went through it not long ago on my way to and from Myrtle Beach. It was the first time I was ever in the south and I'd thought that there'd be people in white hoods around every corner. But it really is nice. I have no idea why so many people put the south down...




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fuck yeah, the mad money cramer and paul were high fiving the whole time! i was watching it live last night and was shocked, because usually cramer is always calling for the FED to lower rates and inject liquidity, where as paul wants the market to determine this stuff. i was really really surprised. i have much more respect for jim now. maybe he is an austrian econo. at heart.


as for ron paul and racism... i love it. you know someone on the right is a real threat when the hate mongers come out pulling weird random shit, twisting it to fit their idea that anyone on the right, especially the far right is in the aryan brotherhood. do you actually know what those guys stand for? really, do you? do you realize that they think DC, the UN and the whole world is run only by rich jewish people? and do you know that is the reason why they dont like DC? they love government. they just want to run it the way adolf hitler did. where as ron paul hates government.


its always been hilarious to me when people call libertarians racists. it is inherent in the libertarian philosophy that everyone is equal, all own their own lives, liberty and property and governments exist to protect that. they believe not in group rights, but simple individual rights.


people trying to smear people who are not racist as racists are on the losing end of the debate. they cant argue the issues or philosophy with someone, so they have to resort to name calling and character assasination to put the guy on the defensive and to defend his own character rather than dealing with the issue of freedom that the guy is asserting.

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f really, do you? do you realize that they think DC, the UN and the whole world is run only by rich jewish people? and do you know that is the reason why they dont like DC?


Doesn't Casek think this too?


I would never be stupid enough to say that Libertarians are racist, but I just may be stupid enough to tell you that perhaps a good majority of racists in this country claim to be Libertarian, if only as an excuse to "stop taking my hard earned dollars and giving them to darky."


That being said, I could hear Paul's particular way of speaking coming through the "Blacks are fleet of foot" comment.


Also, AOD, you should be careful yourself, since your defense of Paul involved you talking about how he gives to the poor, as if all Black people are poor...

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haha. no, i think zionists are a large problem to the world, but there are different kinds of zionists. bad and good. just like there are bad christians and good christians. has nothing to do with race.


and i was talking about how paul gave his services away to people who cannot afford them. i didn't mean blacks in particular. i meant what i said, the poor.


it's nice that you tried to spin what i said, though.

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I wasn't spinning what you said. I was just making an analysis of the possible implications of what you had said given the context of the argument.


I have found that some of the accusations lobbed a Paul are not entirely fair, like taking his quote that "the Israeli lobby is evil" and construing it as anti-semitic.

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I wasn't spinning what you said. I was just making an analysis of the possible implications of what you had said given the context of the argument.


I have found that some of the accusations lobbed a Paul are not entirely fair, like taking his quote that "the Israeli lobby is evil" and construing it as anti-semitic.




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