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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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Please sign this Declaration of Support and show the world that our support for Ron Paul is real.


Here is the text of the declaration:


I support Ron Paul because he opposes and would substantively change the following:


• The WTO (World Trade Organization), NAFTA and CAFTA. These organizations threaten our National Sovereignty by placing domestic policy decisions in the hands of foreign agents.


• The "Federal" Reserve. Despite it's name, the Federal Reserve is not a Federal agency (think FedEx). It is a privately owned corporation that manipulates the value of the U.S. dollar (through interest rates and inflation) to the advantage of the wealthy and the detriment of the middle class and poor.


• The PATRIOT Act. The PATRIOT Act is an unconstitutional law, passed by a panicked, spineless Congress at a time of fear and uncertainty. Congressional members were so scared, in fact, that they literally neglected to read the law they passed. This law allows for domestic spying on ordinary Americans. It allows for warrant less searches. This law is not limited to terrorism cases. This law gives the government the authority to detain anyone, for whatever length of time, without ever bringing charges. This law is illegal.


• The REAL ID Act. The REAL ID Act is a law passed by Congress that mandates the creation of a national ID card. These cards are plastic human barcodes that every American citizen will be forced to carry, starting in May of 2008, so that the government can keep an absolute tab on every one. Right now it is the law.


Depending on your State of Residence, some of the features these cards will include are: fingerprint, iris scan, genetic information (DNA), social security number, physical description of the card holder, a magnetic strip which would allow access to databases containing your credit history and private medical information, and an RFID chip, which would allow the government to track your movements.


• The Military-Industrial Complex. The Military-Industrial Complex is a term that was made famous by WWII war hero and former President, Dwight D. Eisenhower. He used it in his farewell address to warn Americans of the dangers of the MIC. The term Military-Industrial Complex refers to the relationship between the Military, Government and Private Industry (a.k.a. weapons manufacturers). It works like this...


The more wars there are the more toys the Military needs. The more toys the military needs, the more money Private Industry makes. The more toys Private Industry makes for the Military, the more influence the Government gains on the world stage. The more influence the Government gains on the world stage, the more toys the Military will need to sustain it. The more toys the Military needs to sustain the Government's gained influence on the world stage, the more money Private Industry makes... and so on.


Only constant war can sustain this vicious circle of war profiteering, dominance of others and death and destruction. In essence, constant war benefits these three parties at the expense of world peace and stability.


• The War on Drugs. "War on Drugs" is a propagandistic term for a policy that sustains the very drug market it is supposedly meant to fight. By criminalizing drugs (think Alcohol), the government enables the existence of black markets (think bootlegging), which in turn allows for the emergence of individuals and criminal syndicates (think Al Capone) who are more than willing to kill, rape and bribe themselves into riches, as they satisfy that market's demands.


By keeping drugs illegal, the government enables a market whereby those who trade in it (gangs and individuals) make enormous profits that allow them to further their criminal enterprises. It puts money into the pockets of individuals who use it to bribe Police, Court Officials and Politicians. It turns desperate poor people into deviant entrepreneurs. It makes criminals out of individuals who have the illness of addiction.


• The War on Terror. The "War on Terror" is another propagandistic term and contributes greatly to the Military-Industrial Complex. It is meant to promote fear and submission to authority. By neglecting the fact that terrorism is a tactic of war and not an enemy, the government is able to conceal the progress, or lack thereof, of it's war against said enemy; simply because one cannot measure a tactic.


• The Department of Homeland Security. The DHS is a massive, wasteful, bureaucratic, Orwellian institution that threatens our values, our liberties and our Rights under the Constitution. This is the same institution that spent the summer of 2004 scaring all Americans by issuing "orange alerts" whenever the political situation for the White House got dangerous.


• President George W. Bush. The President has waged an undeclared, unconstitutional war in Iraq. The President has waived the Writ of Habeas Corpus; the right of an individual to have a Court review whether or not their detention is legal. The President has exceeded his Constitutional authority and violated several federal laws by; engaging in domestic spying, allowing the NSA to intercept and listen to millions of innocent phone calls, allowing the NSA to read your private e-mails and Instant Messages, allowing the NSA to monitor your internet activity and by allowing the Post Office to open your mail. And these are only the confirmed programs.

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• The Military-Industrial Complex. The Military-Industrial Complex is a term that was made famous by WWII war hero and former President, Dwight D. Eisenhower. He used it in his farewell address to warn Americans of the dangers of the MIC. The term Military-Industrial Complex refers to the relationship between the Military, Government and Private Industry (a.k.a. weapons manufacturers).


Funny how this seems to be the only part of Eisenhower’s speech that gets quoted, and these portions are constantly left out-


"Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations. "



"We face a hostile ideology -- global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger is poses promises to be of indefinite duration. "

A global, hostile ideology that we will be at war with indefinitely? Does that sound familiar to another speech by a more recent president?


"A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. "

Wait, is he advocating a large military that is ready to instantly deal with any situation, and to use a military buildup as a deterrent? The baby killers are necessary to keep the peace? How can war cause peace?! wtfomg?!!


And just to clarify, ron paul is like a closet 911 conspiracy theorist? He says he “doesn’t trust” the govt’s findings in it and speaks at the 911 scholar shindigs with Alex Jones?

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no. he's not a closet conspiracy theorist. i don't know how many times i have to say this, but ron paul only supports a re-opening of the investigations.

bush hired his own people to do an independent investigation. how much sense does that make?

there are unanswered questions that really need to be answered in full.

insider trading, connections to the bin laden family, why the fbi was taken off the bin laden case, why the bin ladens were able to fly out of this country on a day when no flights for the people of this country were allowed (in or out), etc.

yes, he has connections with jones. he does iunterviews with many people, constitutionalist and otherwise. big deal. he's the only hope our country has, and the only candidate that respects out constitution.

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So casek, in other words Mr Paul is skeptical of the official explanation (which is a bunch of pissed off cave dwellers flew planes into buildings), thinks this explanation was reached by illegitimate means with “Bush’s” investigation, and wants a new investigation to explore what really happened. So how is he not a 911 conspiracy theorist?

And I said “closet” conspiracy theorist because I don’t think he would be stupid enough to commit political suicide...even if he is dumb enough to associate with a leader of the 911 conspiracy people and allude to a conspiracy without saying it outright. The fact that he has so much support from people like yourself who are true believers of a conspiracy says a lot too. I think if he was adamant that 911 wasn’t a govt conspiracy and it was as it seemed, like the other politicians, he wouldn’t have your (and others) support.

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no, what i said is that he has questions because the official investigation was carried out by bushites.

he has questions as to why bush called the fbi off the bin ladens, why agents were told to hush when they tried to come out about our foreign policy, etc.



i have decided that you are unamerican swine.



p.s.: go do your own research. don't depend on me to answer any more questions you have about dr. paul. do your own damned research. he answers all the questions you have.

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Funny how this seems to be the only part of Eisenhower’s speech that gets quoted, and these portions are constantly left out-


"Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations. "



"We face a hostile ideology -- global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger is poses promises to be of indefinite duration. "

A global, hostile ideology that we will be at war with indefinitely? Does that sound familiar to another speech by a more recent president?


"A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. "

Wait, is he advocating a large military that is ready to instantly deal with any situation, and to use a military buildup as a deterrent? The baby killers are necessary to keep the peace? How can war cause peace?! wtfomg?!!


And just to clarify, ron paul is like a closet 911 conspiracy theorist? He says he “doesn’t trust” the govt’s findings in it and speaks at the 911 scholar shindigs with Alex Jones?



I don't think people that quote President Eisenhower's farewell address are insinuating that he's advocating the "military-industrial complex" and that he wants to be an "interventionist." At least that's how I'm interpreting what you're writing -- that you think people are claiming that Eisenhower is a proponent of massive military buildup for profit/domination. People are stating that Eisenhower is warning us about the threat and danger of the military-industrial complex. Eisenhower was not a fan of it by a longshot.

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ron paul

will take out the irs...who the hell wants to pay that?!

give privacy for the people...no more unjustify searches by pigs

he wants to discriminalize cannabis...i dont smoke it,but alcohol is worst and weed makes u chill out,so the things could change a lot

wants to stop the world police stuff/give less money to the military projects....like he says it,the cia has been behing every coup on latin america,middle east,everywhere killing the revolutionary minds who dont want neo-liberalism imperialistic capitalism to exist.

and so many more!




so really,i dont know how can anyone be against this man



and him wanting another 911 investigation is better for us,the government lies all the time,they paid for the investigation,why not lie to us on that too??? so this new investigation will clear things out of the way,plus i want both sides to stop using our time to post about 911 in here,we could be doing something else.




about stereotype,it seems u come here when ever u are mad,once in a while,to ruin any posibility of things going better,it seems as u hate people in general,thats why u focus so much on stereotypes.

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im not a conspiracy theorist. but i'd call alex jones a conspiracy theorist. just because i might listen to his radio show now and then, doesnt mean i think bush planted a bomb in the world trade center. casek explained ron pauls views on the 'explanation of 9/11' pretty good in my opinion. there are questions that need be answered. like why was airport security nationalized and why couldnt pilots/private air companies decide to let thier crew or passengers carry firearms? a billion dollars of beauracracy screening passengers couldnt stop a handful of nut jobs with box cutters, but i guarantee you if a pilot would of had a 1911, those mofos would of been grave yard dead.


'conspiracy theorists' (what is that anyway, am i a conspiracy theorist because there is a new world order??) like ron paul because they tend to hold the ideals of liberty near and dear. alex jones, despite that i think he gets a little wacky sometimes, is a die hard constitutionalist. so it is natural that he would support ron paul and do everything in his power to promote him. in my opinion liberty knows no boundaries and anyone is free to join its cause.


go ron go!

repeal the 20th century!

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At least that's how I'm interpreting what you're writing -- that you think people are claiming that Eisenhower is a proponent of massive military buildup for profit/domination.


I’m saying the opposite, the warning of the “military industrial complex” is constantly quoted by people who try to portray Eisenhower as a bulwark against any sort of military build up (making him a socialist or libertarian icon), and that Eisenhower really thought we should greatly reduce our military to a much smaller defensive force adopting an isolationist policy. The rest of his speech does not say that at all, he clearly sees a large military as a “vital” deterrent, and he advocates 'keeping the peace' between nations. But people ignore that and focus on one sentence to try to manipulate the speech to give legitimacy to their cause. Also his comments were made in an era where 13% of the GDP was for military spending, a few years after 38% on military spending...compared to today where 3% of the GDP is used on the military. So its not really applicable in the first place.


I think once Dr Paul’s views on some issues popular with the college kids are more widely known, like on welfare, universal health care, medicaid (which he talked about the the daily show), intervening in Darfur or other shitholes to stop genocide, etc etc, his only support will be from the 911 crowd and libertarians. The Ron Paul discussion is sort of pointless outside of entertainment on my part since he has about the same chance of winning as Kucinich, but you guys should keep on keeping on. Casek or Juan Cohiba, I might be an unamerican swine and all, and you dislike answering my questions, but do you think that I am an undercover secret govt. disinformation agent in part of a conspiracy to discredit you or something along those lines? I don’t know if you’ve said that before, I know others have here, I’m just curious.

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dr. paul isn't being invited to the iowa tax relief debates



Lighting Expressions by Shaw


750 Alice's Road

Waukee, IA 50263

Phone: (515) 987-3808

Fax: (515) 987-3812


Coldwell Banker Mid-America Group

Julie Reeves

(515) 224-8810




Americans for Fair Taxation

PO Box 27487

Houston, Texas 77227-7487

Phone: 713-963-9023

Toll-Free: 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829)

Fax: 713-963-8403



Krishna Engineering Consultant

1454 30th St # 104

West Des Moines, IA 50266

(515) 224-6300


Iowans for Tax Relief

Edward Failor, General Counsel

2610 Park Avenue

Muscatine, Iowa 52761

Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600

H Phone 563-263-3738

Fax: 563-264-2413

E-mail: itr@taxrelief.org


David Stanley Chairman

H Phone 563-263-7203


Steve Scheffler, President

Iowa Christian Alliance

939 Office Park Road, Suite 115

West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Phone: 515-225-1515

Fax: 515-225-1826

E-mail: slscheffler@iowachristian.com


Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller

1305 E. Walnut Street

Des Moines IA 50319

Phone: 515-281-5164

Fax: 515-281-4209


Firm: Peter E. Voorhees

Address: PO Box 68

Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0068

Phone: (319) 266-2638

Fax: (319) 266-9627

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Kent Snyder, Chairman

Ron Paul 2008

Contact Information

Edward Failor

Iowans for Tax Relief

2610 Park Avenue

Muscatine, Iowa 52761

Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600

Fax: 563-264-2413

E-mail: itr@taxrelief.org

Web Site

Steve Scheffler, President

Iowa Christian Alliance

939 Office Park Road, Suite 115

West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Phone: 515-225-1515

Fax: 515-225-1826

E-mail: slscheffler@iowachristian.com

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he was and probably still is a white supremacist,and is against immigration into America.

Anyone running for office who is against immigration,is against America, because people seem to forget that they are all immigrants,unless they are native american(from canada to south america). If a candidate is against immigration, he is pro-greed.



this guy stands no chance



we will continue to make this fact known

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he was and probably still is a white supremacist



this guy stands no chance



we will continue to make this fact known


where did you get that from?


i just saw your edit. ron paul is anti illegal immigration. not anti-immigration.


why would you want people to come here illegally to virtually disintegrate the economy?

what a way to start your time in our country...by breaking the law.


i know hispanics are patriotic peoples. i know if they knew that they were being used by their goverment, as well as ours, to cause an economic breakdown and put all of our countries in control of elitists, they wouldn't stand for it.


don't come in here talking that la raza and la ri conquista bullshit. that is about the most racist shit i've ever seen. "for the race everything, for the rest nothing" isn't that the slogan of la raza? i believe so.

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where did you get that from?





the dude stands no chance.by 2050, Latinos/Indiginous Americans will be the majority in America, and obviously heres people that want to stop it, including this guy.


If you can look at a Mexican, and tell me hes a European, then you are retarded.

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so he's a white supremacist because some bullshit organization of dipshits supports him being anti-illegal immigration? dude, get real.

there are plenty of dipshits that support all the candidates.

ron paul is a good christian gentleman. you should do some more investigating

before you start calling someone a racist.

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where did you get that from?


i just saw your edit. ron paul is anti illegal immigration. not anti-immigration.


why would you want people to come here illegally to virtually disintegrate the economy?

what a way to start your time in our country...by breaking the law.





disintegrate the economy?


first off, the work that illegal mexicans do contribute over 100 bilion dollars a year into the econonmy,yet it only costs around 20 billion to keep them here. aren't they paying their rent?


second, illegal immigrants have been coming over the border since the 1800's,since the mexican-american war, and the spanish-american war. that is when the majority of them did come over the border. BUT NO ONE MADE AN ISSUE OF IT UNTIL 9/11 WHEN WHITE AMERICA BECAME SCARED OF BROWN PEOPLE.


thrid off, they do the majority of the food harvesting and construction work in america, they have been for the past few decades. THEY ARE AMERICA. if it wasnt for the food industry and construction industry, america would be shit, and illegal mexicans are doing all the work.


fourth, on the topic of health care, did you know that white-american white-collar fraud steals almost 200 billion dollars a year out of the medical system. and thats for what? new SUV's and 5th summer homes? yet when someone actually needs real free healthcare,the american public gets into a racist uproar?


you know whos illegal? europeans. europeans came here illegally, and genocided over 200 million indiginous americans,and then european style government and politics and people have nerve to call native americans illegal?



also, less then half of the 15 million or so illegals are actually mexican or latino. the rest are mainly irish,european, russian and asian. yet no one makes noise about them. why is it always focused on mexicans? i know why. BECAUSE THEY ARE BROWN SKINNED.

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